![]() |
This is the complete list of members for hal::BooleanFunction, including all inherited members.
Add(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
And(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Ashr(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
BooleanFunction() | hal::BooleanFunction | explicit |
build(std::vector< Node > &&nodes) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
clone() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
compute_truth_table(const std::vector< std::string > &ordered_variables={}, bool remove_unknown_variables=false) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Concat(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Const(const BooleanFunction::Value &value) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Const(const std::vector< BooleanFunction::Value > &value) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Const(u64 value, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Eq(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
evaluate(const std::unordered_map< std::string, Value > &inputs) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
evaluate(const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< Value >> &inputs) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
from_string(const std::string &expression) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
get_constant_value() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_constant_value_u64() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_index_value() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_nodes() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_parameters() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_top_level_node() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_truth_table_as_string(const std::vector< std::string > &ordered_variables={}, std::string function_name="", bool remove_unknown_variables=false) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_variable_name() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
get_variable_names() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
has_constant_value(const std::vector< Value > &value) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
has_constant_value(u64 value) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
has_index_value(u16 index) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
has_variable_name(const std::string &variable_name) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Index(u16 index, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
is(u16 type) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
is_constant() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
is_empty() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
is_index() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
is_variable() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Ite(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, BooleanFunction &&p2, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
length() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Lshr(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Mul(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Not(BooleanFunction &&p0, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
ONE enum value | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator!=(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator&(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator&=(const BooleanFunction &other) | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator*(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator*=(const BooleanFunction &other) | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator+(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator+=(const BooleanFunction &other) | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator-(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator-=(const BooleanFunction &other) | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator<(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, Value v) | hal::BooleanFunction | friend |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BooleanFunction &f) | hal::BooleanFunction | friend |
operator==(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator^(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator^=(const BooleanFunction &other) | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator|(const BooleanFunction &other) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator|=(const BooleanFunction &other) | hal::BooleanFunction | |
operator~() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Or(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Rol(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Ror(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Sdiv(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Sext(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Shl(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
simplify() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
simplify_local() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
size() const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Sle(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Slice(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, BooleanFunction &&p2, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Slt(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Srem(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Sub(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
substitute(const std::string &old_variable_name, const std::string &new_variable_name) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
substitute(const std::string &variable_name, const BooleanFunction &function) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
substitute(const std::map< std::string, std::string > &substitutions) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
substitute(const std::map< std::string, BooleanFunction > &substitutions) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
to_string(Value value) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
to_string(const std::vector< BooleanFunction::Value > &value, u8 base=2) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
to_string(std::function< Result< std::string >(const BooleanFunction::Node &node, std::vector< std::string > &&operands)> &&printer=default_printer) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
to_u64(const std::vector< BooleanFunction::Value > &value) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
to_z3(z3::context &context, const std::map< std::string, z3::expr > &var2expr={}) const | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Udiv(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Ule(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Ult(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Urem(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Value enum name | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Var(const std::string &name, u16 size=1) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
X enum value | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Xor(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |
Z enum value | hal::BooleanFunction | |
ZERO enum value | hal::BooleanFunction | |
Zext(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size) | hal::BooleanFunction | static |