Selection Details Widget
Collaboration diagram for Selection Details Widget:


class  hal::DataTableModel
 A model to display the data of a DataContainer. More...
class  hal::DataTableWidget
 A widget to display the data of a DataContainer (Module, Gate or Net) More...
class  hal::DetailsTableUtilities
 Helper class consisting of usefull details-related functions. More...
class  hal::GateDetailsTabWidget
 The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Gate details. More...
class  hal::BooleanFunctionTable
 A table view that shows BooleanFunctions and clear-preset behaviors. More...
class  hal::BooleanFunctionTableEntry
 An entry in the boolean function table model. More...
class  hal::BooleanFunctionEntry
 A BooleanFunctionTableEntry that represents a boolean function. More...
class  hal::FFComponentEntry
 A entry type that represents properties (functions and behaviors) of an FFCompont. More...
class  hal::LatchComponentEntry
 An entry type that represents properties (functions or behaviors) of a LatchComponent. More...
class  hal::CPBehaviorEntry
 A BooleanFunctionTableEntry that represents a clear-preset behavior. More...
class  hal::StateComponentEntry
 Utility class that represents a state of the StateComponent. More...
class  hal::BooleanFunctionTableModel
 A model that holds BooleanFunctions and clear-preset behaviors. More...
class  hal::LUTTableModel
 A model for truth-tables. More...
class  hal::LUTTableWidget
 A view for truth-tables (based on the LUTTableModel) More...
class  hal::GroupingsOfItemWidget
 A TableView to display all groupings that contain a specified Gate, Net or Module. More...
class  hal::ModuleDetailsTabWidget
 The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Module details. More...
class  hal::NetDetailsTabWidget
 The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Module details. More...
class  hal::SelectionDetailsWidget
 Container for all specific details widgets. More...
class  hal::SelectionTreeProxyModel
 Enables filtering of the SelectionTreeModel. More...
class  hal::SelectionTreeView
 Displays the current selection. More...

Detailed Description

Contains classes related to the SelectionDetailsWidget.