83 const std::string&
89 std::string m_message =
then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file
Error(const Error &error)
const std::string & get() const
Error & operator=(const Error &)=default
Error(const std::string &file, u32 line, const Error &error)
Error & operator=(Error &&)=default
Error(const std::string &file, u32 line, const Error &error, const std::string &message)
Error(const std::string &file, u32 line, const std::string &message)
message(VERBOSE "Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES: ${Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES}") elseif(NOT Qt5Widgets_FOUND) set(Missing_package "TRUE") if(APPLE AND CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) message(STATUS "To install qt5 on MacOS using homebrew run following command