![]() |
Classes | |
class | PyBasePluginInterface |
class | Action |
Provides an interface for triggerable functionality that can be inserted into widgets and also connected to shortcuts. More... | |
class | BaseTreeItem |
(Future) Base class for all tree models related to the details widget. More... | |
class | RootTreeItem |
class | BaseTreeModel |
The BaseTreeModel implements generic standard functions of a tree model. More... | |
struct | ChannelEntry |
The ChannelEntry struct is used by the ChannelItem class to store a single entry. More... | |
class | ChannelItem |
This class represents a channel in the channel model. It primarily holds the channel name and its entries. More... | |
class | ChannelModel |
Table model for log channels. More... | |
class | ChannelSelector |
A combobox for selecting a logger channel. More... | |
class | CodeEditor |
A plain text edit widget that is intended for editing code. More... | |
class | CodeEditorMinimap |
A minimap that supports an easier navigation in larger files. More... | |
class | CodeEditorScrollbar |
Represents the scrollbar of the CodeEditor. More... | |
class | LineNumberArea |
Shows line numbers next to a CodeEditor. More... | |
class | MinimapScrollbar |
The scrollbar of the CodeEditorMinimap. More... | |
class | PythonQssAdapter |
QSS Adapter to provide the color configurations used by the PythonSyntaxHighlighter. More... | |
class | PythonSyntaxHighlighter |
A syntax highlighter that fits for python code. More... | |
class | CommentEntry |
The CommentEntry class encapsulated information related to a comment. More... | |
class | CommentManager |
class | CommentSpeechBubble |
class | CommentColorPicker |
class | CommentDialog |
class | CommentItem |
class | CommentWidget |
class | ContentAnchor |
An abstract class that provides the interface for specific anchors (see SplitterAnchor or TabWidget ). More... | |
class | ContentFrame |
Wraps the ContentWidget class. More... | |
class | ContentLayoutArea |
Manages the layout of all ContentWidgets. More... | |
class | ContentFactory |
class | ExternalContent |
class | ExternalContentWidget |
class | ContentManager |
Manages all ContentWidgets. More... | |
class | ContentWidget |
Abstract class for Widgets within HAL's ContentArea. More... | |
class | ContextManagerWidget |
Provides the user with an interface to manage GraphContexts. More... | |
class | ContextProxyModel |
A proxy model to filter the ContextTableModel by a given string. More... | |
class | ContextDirectory |
class | ContextTreeItem |
class | ContextTreeModel |
Base model for the ContextManagerWidget to manage GraphContexts. More... | |
class | ContentDragRelay |
This relay provides the timing information when a DockButton is dragged. It is implemented as a singleton pattern. More... | |
class | DockBar |
Contains and handles DockButtons. More... | |
class | DockButton |
A button of in the DockerBar. More... | |
class | DockMimeData |
QMineData to store and transfer information while dragging a DockButton. More... | |
class | SplitterAnchor |
Adds specific ContentWidgets to HALs main content area. More... | |
class | TabWidget |
Adds specific ContentWidgets to HALs main content area. More... | |
class | ExpandingListButton |
One button of the ExpandingListWidget. More... | |
class | ExpandingListItem |
Wrapper for ExpandingListButtons. More... | |
class | ExpandingListGroup |
A helper class to group related list items (buttons). More... | |
class | ExpandingListWidget |
A selection menu with a hierarchic structure. More... | |
class | ExportProjectDialog |
class | ExportRegisteredFormat |
Utility class to export (save) different hal files. More... | |
class | FileSelectWidget |
class | ImportProjectDialog |
class | FileManager |
Stores information about the currently opened netlist. More... | |
class | ImportNetlistDialog |
class | NewProjectDialog |
class | ProjectDirDialogStatus |
class | ProjectDirDialog |
class | ProjectJson |
class | FileModifiedBar |
A dialog in form of a bar to let the user decide how to handle file changes outside of HAL. More... | |
class | FileStatusManager |
Holds information about the state (e.g. saved/unsaved) of all laded files (i.e. .hal/.python files). More... | |
class | LabeledFrame |
A QFrame with a label. More... | |
class | GatelibraryContentWidget |
class | GatelibraryComponentFrame |
class | GatelibraryFrameFF |
class | GatelibraryFrameInit |
class | GateLibraryFrameLatch |
class | GatelibraryFrameLut |
class | GateLibraryFrameRAM |
class | GateLibraryFrameRAMPort |
class | GatelibraryFrameState |
class | GatelibraryGraphicsView |
class | GateLibraryLabel |
class | GateLibraryManager |
class | BooleanFunctionEdit |
class | BoolWizardPage |
class | FlipFlopWizardPage |
class | ListPropertyModel |
class | ListPropertyProxy |
class | GeneralInfoWizardPage |
class | InitWizardPage |
class | LatchWizardPage |
class | LUTWizardPage |
class | PinsWizardPage |
class | RAMPortWizardPage |
class | RAMWizardPage |
class | StateWizardPage |
class | GatelibraryProxyModel |
Helper model to make filtering available. More... | |
class | GateLibrarySelectionEntry |
class | GateLibrarySelectionTable |
class | GateLibrarySelection |
class | GatelibraryFrameGeneral |
class | GatelibraryFrameBoolean |
class | GateLibraryTabGeneral |
class | GateLibraryTabInterface |
class | PinTreeView |
class | GateLibraryTabPin |
class | GatelibraryLutInit |
class | GateLibraryTabTruthTable |
class | GatelibraryTableModel |
A model to display loaded gatelibraries. More... | |
class | GatelibraryTableView |
class | GateLibraryWizard |
class | GraphTabWidget |
A ContentWidget that holds all GraphWidget objects (GraphView) as tabs of a QTabWidget. More... | |
class | GraphContext |
Logical container for modules, gates, and nets. More... | |
class | DragController |
class | GraphContextManager |
User interface to manage all GraphContexts. More... | |
class | GraphContextSerializer |
class | GraphGraphicsViewNeighborSelector |
class | GraphGraphicsView |
A view to display the rendered graph (needs a GraphicsScene). More... | |
class | GraphNavigationTableWidget |
A widget used to select destinations when traversing through the graph. More... | |
class | GraphNavigationTreeWidget |
class | GraphNavigationWidget |
class | GraphWidget |
Wraps a GraphContext and a GraphGraphicsView. More... | |
class | GraphicsQssAdapter |
Connects the stylesheet properties with the code. More... | |
class | GraphicsScene |
Container for a GraphGraphicsView containing gates, nets, and modules. More... | |
class | GraphicsItem |
Superclass for all graphic items used ins the GraphicsScene. It contains information about the underlying objects that are represented, i.e. the type and the id. More... | |
class | ArrowSeparatedNet |
Used to display all nets which destinations are not in the current view. More... | |
class | CircleSeparatedNet |
Used to display all nets which destinations are not in the current view. More... | |
class | GraphicsNet |
The basic net class all other nets inherit from. More... | |
class | LabeledSeparatedNet |
Nets whose output and input can be labeled (e.g. from GND/VCC) More... | |
class | SeparatedGraphicsNet |
Abstract base class for separated nets (e.g. ArrowSeparatedNet) More... | |
class | StandardArrowNet |
A standard net that has parts of a separated net. More... | |
class | StandardGraphicsNet |
The most basic net to display the standard nets. More... | |
class | GraphicsGate |
Abstract base class for gates. More... | |
class | StandardGraphicsGate |
The standard gate to visualize netlist gates. More... | |
class | GraphicsNode |
Abstract base class for nodes (e.g. gates, modules) More... | |
class | GraphicsModule |
Abstract base class for modules. More... | |
class | StandardGraphicsModule |
The standard module to visualize netlist modules. More... | |
class | NodeDragShadow |
An item that is drawn when a node is dragged through the scene. More... | |
class | LayoutLockerManager |
class | LayoutLocker |
class | CoordinateFromData |
Utility class that extracts (if possible) x and y coordinates contained in the netlist. More... | |
class | CoordinateFromDataMap |
Utility class that stores the nodes that contained existing x and y coordinates. More... | |
class | GraphLayouter |
Base class for all specific layouters. More... | |
class | DrawNetThread |
class | JunctionThread |
class | LaneIndex |
class | NetLayoutJunctionRange |
class | NetLayoutJunctionWire |
class | NetLayoutJunctionEntries |
class | NetLayoutJunctionMultiPin |
class | NetLayoutJunctionNet |
Single net to be routed through the junction. More... | |
class | NetLayoutJunctionOccupied |
class | NetLayoutJunctionOccupiedHash |
class | NetLayoutJunction |
class | NetLayoutJunctionHash |
class | NetLayoutDirection |
class | NetLayoutPoint |
class | NetLayoutWire |
class | NetLayoutConnection |
class | NetLayoutMetric |
class | NetLayoutConnectionFactory |
class | NetLayoutConnectionMetric |
class | NodeBox |
The NodeBox class represents a node placed at a grid position within a hal view. More... | |
class | NodeBoxes |
The NodeBoxes class owns all NodeBox'es from hal view. More... | |
class | PhysicalGraphLayouter |
A specific implementation of a layouter. More... | |
class | PositionGenerator |
class | StandardGraphLayouter |
The standard layouter used to layout netlists. More... | |
class | WaitToBeSeatedEntry |
class | WaitToBeSeatedList |
class | AbstractBusyIndicator |
class | ProgressBar |
class | BusyAnimation |
class | BusyIndicator |
class | GraphShader |
Base class to store and update visual information about the graph. More... | |
class | ModuleShader |
Specifically stores/updates visual information about a module and its items. More... | |
class | ShadowEffect |
Creates a shadow effect around QObjects. More... | |
class | GroupingColorDelegate |
Displays a colored box for the GroupingManagerWidget. More... | |
class | GroupingColorSerializer |
class | GroupingManagerWidget |
User interface for Groupings. More... | |
class | GroupingProxyModel |
Helper model to make filtering available. More... | |
class | GroupingTableEntry |
An entry within a GroupingTableModel. More... | |
class | GroupingTableModel |
Table that holds information about all groupings. More... | |
class | GroupingTableHistory |
class | GroupingTableView |
class | GroupingDialog |
class | GuiApi |
Interface to interact with the gui itself. More... | |
class | Node |
The Node class object represents a module or a gate. More... | |
class | GridPlacement |
class | PlacementHint |
The PlacementHint class object provides hints for the layouter how new box objects are placed on a view. In standard mode placement is done using the most compact squere-like arrangement. Alternatively new box objects can be placed to the left or right to a node which serves as 'origin'. More... | |
class | PlacementEntry |
Container class to store a PlacementHint togerther with a set of modules and gates. More... | |
class | CommonSuccessorPredecessorGateQueue |
class | CommonSuccessorPredecessor |
class | SpecialLogContentManager |
Logs the python editor and gui screenshots. More... | |
class | ComboboxDialog |
class | InputDialog |
Generic input dialog for user input. More... | |
class | PingroupSelectorDialog |
class | KeybindEdit |
A widget to set or configure key shortcuts. More... | |
class | LabelButton |
Adds button functionality to a QLabel. More... | |
class | LoggerMarshall |
Appends log messages to the corresponding LoggerWidget. More... | |
class | LoggerQssAdapter |
Connects the stylesheet properties to the log designs. More... | |
struct | LoggerSettings |
class | LoggerWidget |
Displays the logs in the gui. More... | |
class | AboutDialog |
A dialog that displays the Qt version and our open source license. More... | |
class | ColorSelection |
class | FileActions |
class | KeyValueTable |
class | MainWindow |
The top level widget. More... | |
class | PluginParameterFileDialog |
class | PluginParameterNodeDialog |
class | PluginParameterDialog |
class | ModuleContextMenu |
class | GateDialog |
The GateDialog class opens a popup window for module selection. More... | |
class | GateSelectEntry |
The GateSelectEntry class comprises a single entry of the module selection table. More... | |
class | GateSelectModel |
The GateSelectModel class is the source model for module selection. More... | |
class | GateSelectProxy |
The GateSelectProxy class allows sorting and filtering of module tables. More... | |
class | GateSelectReceiver |
class | GateSelectPicker |
The GateSelectPicker class instance gets spawned to pick module from graph. More... | |
class | GateSelectHistory |
The GateSelectHistory class singleton comprises a list of user selected modules. More... | |
class | GateSelectView |
The GateSelectView class is the table widget for module selection. More... | |
class | AddToModuleReceiver |
class | ModuleDialog |
The ModuleDialog class opens a popup window for module selection. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectEntry |
The ModuleSelectEntry class comprises a single entry of the module selection table. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectExclude |
The ModuleSelectExclude class is used to determine which modules can't be selected. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectModel |
The ModuleSelectModel class is the source model for module selection. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectProxy |
The ModuleSelectProxy class allows sorting and filtering of module tables. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectReceiver |
class | ModuleSelectPicker |
The ModuleSelectPicker class instance gets spawned to pick module from graph. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectHistory |
The ModuleSelectHistory class singleton comprises a list of user selected modules. More... | |
class | ModuleSelectView |
The ModuleSelectView class is the table widget for module selection. More... | |
class | ModuleColorManager |
class | ModuleColorSerializer |
class | ModuleItem |
An item in the ModuleModel. More... | |
class | ModuleModel |
A model for displaying multiple netlist elements. More... | |
class | ModuleProxyModel |
Enables filtering in the ModuleModel. More... | |
class | ModuleTreeView |
Wraps the QTreeView used for the ModuleWidget. More... | |
class | ModuleWidget |
Shows the modules of the netlist hierarchical in a tree view. More... | |
class | NetlistRelay |
Connects the hal-core events to the gui. More... | |
class | Overlay |
The Overlay overlays its parent. More... | |
class | WidgetOverlay |
Container for a QWidget that overlays another one. More... | |
class | PinDelegate |
class | PinItem |
An item in the PinModel. More... | |
class | PinModel |
class | PinProxyModel |
A proxy model to filter the ContextTableModel by a given string. More... | |
class | GuiPluginEntry |
class | GuiPluginDelegate |
class | SupportedFileFormats |
class | GuiPluginTable |
class | GuiPluginView |
class | GuiPluginManager |
class | PluginRelay |
Forwards plugin related events from the core to the gui. More... | |
class | PyCodeProvider |
class | PythonCodeEditor |
Code editor to write python code. More... | |
class | PythonConsoleAbortThread |
class | PythonConsole |
An interactable python console. More... | |
class | PythonConsoleHistory |
Stores the history of python commands. More... | |
class | PythonConsoleQssAdapter |
Connects the stylesheet properties to the console code. More... | |
class | PythonConsoleWidget |
Wraps the PythonConsole. More... | |
class | PythonGateSelectionReceiver |
class | PythonModuleSelectionReceiver |
class | PythonContextSubscriber |
Interface for handling python outputs. More... | |
class | PythonSerializer |
class | PythonEditor |
Main widget that combines all neccessary functionality to develop in python (for hal). More... | |
class | PythonEditorCodeCompletionDialog |
Dialog for python code completion. More... | |
class | PythonMutex |
class | PythonThread |
class | SearchProxyModel |
class | SearchableLabel |
class | Searchbar |
A QFrame with a QLineEdit that can be used to input a substring to search for. More... | |
class | SearchColumnDialog |
class | SearchOptions |
class | SearchOptionsDialog |
class | DataTableModel |
A model to display the data of a DataContainer. More... | |
class | DataTableWidget |
A widget to display the data of a DataContainer (Module, Gate or Net) More... | |
class | DetailsFrameWidget |
class | DetailsTabWidget |
class | DetailsTableUtilities |
Helper class consisting of usefull details-related functions. More... | |
class | GateDetailsTabWidget |
The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Gate details. More... | |
class | BooleanFunctionTable |
A table view that shows BooleanFunctions and clear-preset behaviors. More... | |
class | BooleanFunctionTableEntry |
An entry in the boolean function table model. More... | |
class | BooleanFunctionEntry |
A BooleanFunctionTableEntry that represents a boolean function. More... | |
class | FFComponentEntry |
A entry type that represents properties (functions and behaviors) of an FFCompont. More... | |
class | LatchComponentEntry |
An entry type that represents properties (functions or behaviors) of a LatchComponent. More... | |
class | CPBehaviorEntry |
A BooleanFunctionTableEntry that represents a clear-preset behavior. More... | |
class | StateComponentEntry |
Utility class that represents a state of the StateComponent. More... | |
class | BooleanFunctionTableModel |
A model that holds BooleanFunctions and clear-preset behaviors. More... | |
class | GateInfoTable |
class | GatePinTree |
A widget to display the pins of a given gate. More... | |
class | LUTTableModel |
A model for truth-tables. More... | |
class | LUTTableWidget |
A view for truth-tables (based on the LUTTableModel) More... | |
class | PinTreeItem |
class | GatePinsTreeModel |
A model to display the pins of a gate. More... | |
class | GeneralTableWidget |
class | GroupingsOfItemModel |
A TableModel to store all Groupings that contain a specified Gate, Net or Module. More... | |
class | GroupingsOfItemWidget |
A TableView to display all groupings that contain a specified Gate, Net or Module. More... | |
class | ModuleDetailsTabWidget |
The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Module details. More... | |
class | FilterElementsProxyModel |
Enables filtering of nets or gates in the ModuleModel. More... | |
class | ModuleElementsTree |
A widget to display the specific (direct submodules, gates) items of a given module. More... | |
class | ModuleInfoTable |
class | ModulePinsTree |
A widget to display the ports of a given module. More... | |
class | PortTreeItem |
class | ModulePinsTreeModel |
A model to represent the ports of a module. More... | |
class | NetDetailsTabWidget |
The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Module details. More... | |
class | EndpointTableModel |
A model to display endpoint data. More... | |
class | ModuleTableModel |
A model to display module data. More... | |
class | NetEndpointTable |
class | NetInfoTable |
class | NetModuleTable |
class | SelectionDetailsIconProvider |
class | SelectionDetailsWidget |
Container for all specific details widgets. More... | |
class | SelectionTreeProxyModel |
Enables filtering of the SelectionTreeModel. More... | |
class | SelectionTreeView |
Displays the current selection. More... | |
class | SelectionRelay |
Stores and manages the gui's selection state. More... | |
class | AssignedKeybindMap |
A map to keep track of the assigned keybinds. More... | |
class | MainSettingsList |
List that contains all SettingsWidgets. More... | |
class | MainSettingsWidget |
The top-level widget that displays all settings. More... | |
class | PreviewWidget |
unused. More... | |
class | SettingsDisplay |
unused. More... | |
class | SettingsItem |
The interface for the logical part of a setting. More... | |
class | SettingsItemCheckbox |
A SettingsItem representing a Checkbox. More... | |
class | SettingsItemDropdown |
A SettingsItem that represents a dropdown menu. More... | |
class | SettingsItemKeybind |
A SettingsItem to modify keybinds. More... | |
class | SettingsItemSlider |
A SettingsItem representing a slider. More... | |
class | SettingsItemSpinbox |
A SettingsItem that represents a spinbox. More... | |
class | SettingsItemText |
A SettingsItem that represents a textfield. More... | |
class | SettingsManager |
Manages and persists the settings on the lowest level. More... | |
class | SettingsWidget |
The base class for all specific SettingsWidgets. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetCheckbox |
A SettingsWidget representing a checkbox. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetDropdown |
A SettingsWidget representing a dropdown menu. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetKeybind |
A setting to configure keybinds. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetSlider |
A SettingsWidget representing a slider. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetSpinbox |
A SettingsWidget representing a spinbox. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetText |
A SettingsWidget representing a textfield. More... | |
class | SeveritySelector |
class | SpinnerWidget |
A loading wheel. More... | |
class | Splitter |
A QSplitter that can be checked if it is unused or not. More... | |
class | SvgIconEngine |
Creates Icons from svg data. More... | |
class | Toolbar |
Toolbar for all ContentFrames and ContentWidgets. More... | |
class | ActionAddBooleanFunction |
Either adds a new function or changes an exisiting function of a given gate. More... | |
class | ActionAddBooleanFunctionFactory |
The ActionAddBooleanFunctionFactory class. More... | |
class | ActionAddItemsToObject |
Adds an item to a module or grouping. More... | |
class | ActionAddItemsToObjectFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionAddItemsToObject. More... | |
class | ActionCreateObject |
Create a new item. More... | |
class | ActionCreateObjectFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionCreateObject. More... | |
class | ActionDeleteObject |
Deletes an object. More... | |
class | ActionDeleteObjectFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionDeleteObject. More... | |
class | ActionFoldModule |
Folds a module. More... | |
class | ActionFoldModuleFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionFoldModule. More... | |
class | ActionMoveItem |
Moves a node. More... | |
class | ActionMoveItemFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionMoveItem. More... | |
class | ActionMoveNode |
Moves a node. More... | |
class | ActionMoveNodeFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionMoveNode. More... | |
class | ActionOpenNetlistFile |
Loads a netlist. More... | |
class | ActionOpenNetlistFileFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionOpenNetlistFile. More... | |
class | PinActionType |
class | ActionPingroup |
Pingroup user actions. More... | |
class | ActionPingroupFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionPingroup. More... | |
class | ActionRemoveItemsFromObject |
Removes an item from a Module or Grouping. More... | |
class | ActionRemoveItemsFromObjectFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionRemoveItemsFromObject. More... | |
class | ActionRenameObject |
Renames an item. More... | |
class | ActionRenameObjectFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionRenameObject. More... | |
class | ActionSetObjectColor |
Recolors the object. More... | |
class | ActionSetObjectColorFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionSetObjectColor. More... | |
class | ActionSetObjectData |
class | ActionSetObjectDataFactory |
The ActionSetObjectDataFactory class. More... | |
class | ActionSetObjectType |
Assigns a new type to a module. More... | |
class | ActionSetObjectTypeFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionSetObjectType. More... | |
class | ActionSetSelectionFocus |
Set the selection and focus. More... | |
class | ActionSetSelectionFocusFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionSetSelectionFocus. More... | |
class | ActionUnfoldModule |
Unfolds a module. More... | |
class | ActionUnfoldModuleFactory |
UserActionFactory for ActionUnfoldModule. More... | |
class | UserAction |
The UserAction class is the abstract base class for user interactions. More... | |
class | UserActionFactory |
The UserActionFactory is the abstract base class for registration. More... | |
class | UserActionCompound |
class | UserActionCompoundFactory |
class | UserActionManager |
Handles and manages user actions related proccesses. More... | |
class | UserActionObjectType |
The UserActionObjectType class provides the type for UserActionObject. More... | |
class | UserActionObject |
The UserActionObject class represents a single object used in UserAction. More... | |
class | EmptyStringValidator |
Checks if a given string is not empty. More... | |
class | HexadecimalValidator |
class | StackedValidator |
Combines different validators into one. More... | |
class | UniqueStringValidator |
Checks if a given string is unique compared to other given strings. More... | |
class | Validator |
Base class for any string validator. More... | |
class | GetInTouchItem |
One item in the welcome screen's GetInTouch section. More... | |
class | GetInTouchWidget |
The welcome screen's GetInTouch section. More... | |
class | OpenFileWidget |
The welcome screen's OpenFile section. More... | |
class | RecentFileItem |
One item in the welcome screen's RecentFiles section. More... | |
class | RecentFilesWidget |
The welcome screen's RecentFiles section. More... | |
class | WelcomeScreen |
Hal's welcome screen. More... | |
class | Widget |
A QWidget customized for hal. More... | |
class | BooleanInfluencePlugin |
Plugin interface for the Boolean influence plugin. More... | |
class | CliExtensionDataflow |
class | GuiExtensionDataflow |
class | DataflowPlugin |
Plugin interface for the dataflow analysis plugin (DANA). More... | |
class | SolveFsmPlugin |
Plugin interface for the solve FSM plugin. More... | |
class | HGLParser |
class | HGLParserExtension |
class | HGLParserPlugin |
class | HGLParserTest |
class | HGLWriter |
class | HGLWriterExtension |
class | HGLWriterPlugin |
class | HGLWriterTest |
class | GraphAlgorithmPlugin |
Plugin interface for graph algorithms. More... | |
class | VerilogParserExtension |
class | VerilogParserPlugin |
class | VerilogParser |
class | VerilogParserTest |
class | VerilogWriterExtension |
class | VerilogWriterPlugin |
class | VerilogWriter |
class | VerilogWriterTest |
class | VHDLParserExtension |
class | VHDLParserPlugin |
class | VHDLParser |
class | VHDLParserTest |
class | LibertyParser |
class | LibertyParserExtension |
class | LibertyParserPlugin |
class | LibertyParserTest |
class | BooleanFunction |
class | DataContainer |
class | BooleanFunctionDecorator |
class | BooleanFunctionNetDecorator |
class | NetlistModificationDecorator |
class | NetlistTraversalDecorator |
class | SubgraphNetlistDecorator |
class | Endpoint |
class | NetlistEvent |
class | GateEvent |
class | NetEvent |
class | ModuleEvent |
class | GroupingEvent |
class | EventHandler |
class | Gate |
class | PinChangedEvent |
class | PinChangedEventScope |
class | GateLibrary |
class | GateLibraryParser |
class | GateLibraryWriter |
class | GateType |
class | FFComponent |
class | GateTypeComponent |
class | InitComponent |
class | LatchComponent |
class | LUTComponent |
class | MACComponent |
class | RAMComponent |
class | RAMPortComponent |
class | StateComponent |
class | Grouping |
class | Module |
class | Net |
class | Netlist |
class | NetlistInternalManager |
class | NetlistParser |
class | NetlistWriter |
class | GroupingSerializer |
class | BasePin |
class | GatePin |
class | ModulePin |
class | PinGroup |
class | ProjectManager |
class | ProjectSerializer |
class | AbstractExtensionInterface |
class | CliExtensionInterface |
class | AbstractFactoryProvider |
class | FacFactoryProvider |
File-Access Factory class. More... | |
class | FacExtensionInterface |
struct | ContextMenuContribution |
class | GuiExtensionInterface |
class | BasePluginInterface |
class | UIPluginInterface |
class | PluginParameter |
class | RuntimeLibrary |
class | CallbackHook |
class | CallbackHook< R(ArgTypes...)> |
struct | EnumStrings |
class | Error |
class | JsonWriteData |
class | JsonWriteComplex |
class | JsonWriteObject |
class | JsonWriteArray |
class | JsonWriteDocument |
class | LogManager |
class | log_gui_sink |
class | ProgramArguments |
class | ProgramOptions |
class | ProjectDirectory |
class | Result |
struct | Token |
class | TokenStream |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::error_code | error_code |
using | instantiate_plugin_function = std::unique_ptr< BasePluginInterface >(*)() |
using | lib_fn_ptr_t = void(*)() |
using | handle_ptr_t = void * |
template<class T > | |
using | RawPtrWrapper = std::unique_ptr< T, py::nodelete > |
Functions | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, BooleanFunction::Value v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BooleanFunction &f) |
void | initialize () |
bool | pin_event_order (const PinChangedEvent &a, const PinChangedEvent &b) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GateType &gate_type) |
PYBIND11_PLUGIN (hal_py) | |
uint | qHash (const LaneIndex &ri) |
uint | qHash (const hal::NetLayoutWire &w) |
uint | qHash (const hal::NetLayoutPoint &p) |
bool | compareWaitToBeSeated (const WaitToBeSeatedEntry *a, const WaitToBeSeatedEntry *b) |
uint | qHash (const Node &n) |
int | pinGroupIndex (const Module *mod, const PinGroup< ModulePin > *pgrp) |
int | pinIndex2Row (const ModulePin *pin, int index) |
int | pinRow2Index (const ModulePin *pin, int row) |
QString | generateGroupName (const Module *mod, const ModulePin *pin) |
void | dumpPingroups (Module *m=nullptr) |
uint | qHash (PinEvent pev) |
QColor | toQColor (utils::Color c) |
void | runMain (const QString fileName, const QList< QString > plugins) |
void | myMessageOutput (QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) |
std::unique_ptr< BasePluginInterface > | create_plugin_instance () |
PYBIND11_PLUGIN (hal_gui) | |
PYBIND11_PLUGIN (boolean_influence) | |
PYBIND11_PLUGIN (dataflow) | |
PYBIND11_PLUGIN (solve_fsm) | |
TEST_F (HGLParserTest, check_library) | |
TEST_F (HGLWriterTest, check_library) | |
PYBIND11_PLUGIN (graph_algorithm) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_main_example) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_whitespace_chaos) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_pins) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_pin_assignments) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_parameters) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_net_vectors) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_zero_padding) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_special_nets) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_multiple_entities) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_direct_assignment) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_pin_group_port_assignment) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_comments) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_attributes) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_one_line_multiple_nets) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_port_dekl_in_list_of_ports) | |
TEST_F (VerilogParserTest, check_invalid_input) | |
TEST_F (VerilogWriterTest, check_main) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_main_example) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_whitespace_chaos_) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_pin_assignments) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_generic_map) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_net_vectors) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_special_nets) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_multiple_entities) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_direct_assignment) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_pin_group_port_assignment) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_comments) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_attributes) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_lib_prefix) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_component) | |
TEST_F (VHDLParserTest, check_invalid_input) | |
TEST_F (LibertyParserTest, check_combinatorial) | |
TEST_F (LibertyParserTest, check_flip_flop) | |
TEST_F (LibertyParserTest, check_latch) | |
TEST_F (LibertyParserTest, check_multiline_comment) | |
TEST_F (LibertyParserTest, check_invalid_input) | |
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type> | |
std::string | enum_to_string (T e) |
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type> | |
T | enum_from_string (const std::string &str) |
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type> | |
T | enum_from_string (const std::string &str, const T default_val) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type> | |
bool | is_valid_enum (const std::string &str) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>::type> | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, T e) |
void | base_pin_init (py::module &m) |
void | boolean_function_init (py::module &m) |
void | boolean_function_decorator_init (py::module &m) |
void | boolean_function_net_decorator_init (py::module &m) |
void | core_utils_init (py::module &m) |
void | data_container_init (py::module &m) |
void | endpoint_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_library_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_library_manager_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_pin_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_pin_group_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_type_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_type_components_init (py::module &m) |
void | grouping_init (py::module &m) |
void | log_init (py::module &m) |
void | module_init (py::module &m) |
void | module_pin_init (py::module &m) |
void | module_pin_group_init (py::module &m) |
void | net_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_factory_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_modification_decorator_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_serializer_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_traversal_decorator_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_utils_init (py::module &m) |
void | netlist_writer_manager_init (py::module &m) |
void | plugin_interfaces_init (py::module &m) |
void | plugin_manager_init (py::module &m) |
void | project_manager_init (py::module &m) |
void | smt_init (py::module &m) |
void | subgraph_netlist_decorator_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_type_lut_init (py::module &m) |
void | gate_type_sequential_init (py::module &m) |
Variables | |
const char * | MSG_PROJECT_ALREADY_OPEN = "You are already working on a HAL project. Close current project first." |
QSettings * | mGSettings = nullptr |
const char * | sOpenMethodsPersist [] = {"Undefined", "CreateNew", "ImportFile", "OpenProject", nullptr} |
GUI Globals | |
Interface to access the globals of the gui defined in src/plugin_gui.cpp | |
QSettings * | gGuiState = nullptr |
ContentManager * | gContentManager = nullptr |
std::shared_ptr< Netlist > | gNetlistOwner = nullptr |
Netlist * | gNetlist = nullptr |
NetlistRelay * | gNetlistRelay = nullptr |
PluginRelay * | gPluginRelay = nullptr |
SelectionRelay * | gSelectionRelay = nullptr |
FileStatusManager * | gFileStatusManager = nullptr |
GraphContextManager * | gGraphContextManager = nullptr |
PythonContext * | gPythonContext = nullptr |
GuiApi * | gGuiApi = nullptr |
CommentManager * | gCommentManager = nullptr |
typedef std::error_code hal::error_code |
using hal::handle_ptr_t = typedef void* |
Definition at line 42 of file runtime_library.h.
using hal::instantiate_plugin_function = typedef std::unique_ptr<BasePluginInterface> (*)() |
Definition at line 156 of file plugin_interface_base.h.
using hal::lib_fn_ptr_t = typedef void (*)() |
Definition at line 41 of file runtime_library.h.
strong |
Defines the behavior of the gate type in case both asynchronous set and reset are active at the same time.
Definition at line 35 of file async_set_reset_behavior.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
center | |
left | |
right | |
bottom |
Definition at line 43 of file content_layout_area.h.
strong |
A set of available properties for a gate type.
Definition at line 33 of file gate_type_property.h.
strong |
Defines the direction of a pin.
Enumerator | |
none | Invalid pin. |
input | Input pin. |
output | Output pin. |
inout | Inout pin. |
internal | Internal pin. |
Definition at line 35 of file pin_direction.h.
strong |
Spezifies the pin_changed event type
The order of events in enum class defines the order in which events are handled.
Definition at line 41 of file pin_event.h.
strong |
Defines the type of a pin.
Enumerator | |
none | Default pin. |
power | Power pin. |
ground | Ground pin. |
lut | Pin that generates output from LUT initialization string. |
state | Pin that generates output from internal state. |
neg_state | Pin that generates output from negated internal state. |
clock | Clock pin. |
enable | Enable pin. |
set | Set/preset pin. |
reset | Reset/clear pin. |
data | Data pin. |
address | Address pin. |
io_pad | IO pad pin. |
select | Select pin. |
carry | Carry pin. |
sum | Sum pin. |
status | Status pin. |
error | Error pin. |
error_detection | Error detection pin. |
done | Done pin. |
control | Control pin. |
Definition at line 35 of file pin_type.h.
bool hal::compareWaitToBeSeated | ( | const WaitToBeSeatedEntry * | a, |
const WaitToBeSeatedEntry * | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 66 of file wait_to_be_seated.cpp.
References hal::WaitToBeSeatedEntry::getId().
Referenced by hal::WaitToBeSeatedList::setLinks().
PLUGIN_API std::unique_ptr< BasePluginInterface > hal::create_plugin_instance | ( | ) |
Definition at line 71 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
void hal::dumpPingroups | ( | Module * | m = nullptr | ) |
Definition at line 23 of file action_pingroup.cpp.
References hal::Module::get_id(), hal::Module::get_name(), hal::Module::get_pin_groups(), hal::Module::get_submodules(), hal::Netlist::get_top_module(), gNetlist, and pinIndex2Row().
T hal::enum_from_string | ( | const std::string & | str | ) |
Translates a string into an enum value if possible. Throws an exception if no matching enum value is found.
[in] | str | - The string. |
Definition at line 72 of file enums.h.
References control::str, and T.
noexcept |
Translates a string into an enum value if possible. Defaults to the given default value if no matching enum value is found.
[in] | str | - The string. |
[in] | default_val | - The default value. |
Definition at line 94 of file enums.h.
References control::str, and T.
std::string hal::enum_to_string | ( | T | e | ) |
Translates an enum value into its string representation.
[in] | e | - The enum value. |
Definition at line 52 of file enums.h.
Referenced by hal::GateType::create_pin(), hal::NetlistTraversalDecorator::get_shortest_path(), hal::NetlistTraversalDecorator::get_shortest_path_distance(), hal::PinItem::getData(), hal::PortTreeItem::getData(), hal::PinItem::getDirectionAsText(), hal::PinItem::getPinTypeAsText(), hal::FlipFlopWizardPage::isComplete(), operator<<(), hal::GatePinsTreeModel::setGate(), hal::BooleanFunction::Node::to_string(), and hal::GatelibraryFrameGeneral::update().
Definition at line 61 of file action_pingroup.cpp.
References QString::arg(), QSet::contains(), QString::fromStdString(), test_plugin::g, hal::BasePin< T >::get_name(), hal::Module::get_pin_groups(), and QSet::insert().
void hal::initialize | ( | ) |
Definition at line 302 of file event_log.cpp.
References hal::LogManager::add_channel(), hal::LogManager::create_file_sink(), hal::LogManager::create_gui_sink(), hal::LogManager::create_stdout_sink(), and hal::LogManager::get_instance().
Referenced by hal::plugin_manager::get_first_extension(), hal::dataflow::processing::pass_collection::get_passes(), and hal::plugin_manager::get_plugin_instance().
noexcept |
Checks whether a string has a valid translation into the enum type T.
[in] | str | - The string. |
Definition at line 114 of file enums.h.
References control::str.
void hal::myMessageOutput | ( | QtMsgType | type, |
const QMessageLogContext & | context, | ||
const QString & | msg | ||
) |
Definition at line 44 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
References QByteArray::constData(), file, QByteArray::startsWith(), QString::toLocal8Bit(), and type.
std::ostream& hal::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
BooleanFunction::Value | v | ||
) |
Output stream operator that forwards to_string
of a value.
[in] | os | - The stream to write to. |
[in] | value | - The value. |
Definition at line 229 of file boolean_function.cpp.
std::ostream& hal::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const BooleanFunction & | f | ||
) |
The ostream operator that forwards to_string of a boolean function.
[in] | os | - the stream to write to. |
[in] | f | - the function. |
Definition at line 614 of file boolean_function.cpp.
std::ostream& hal::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GateType & | gate_type | ||
) |
Insert the gate type object to an output stream.
[in] | os | - The output stream. |
[in] | gate_type | - The gate type. |
Definition at line 116 of file gate_type.cpp.
std::ostream& hal::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
T | e | ||
) |
Inserts the string representation of an enum value into an output stream.
[in] | os | - The output stream. |
[in] | e | - The enum value. |
Definition at line 135 of file enums.h.
References enum_to_string().
bool hal::pin_event_order | ( | const PinChangedEvent & | a, |
const PinChangedEvent & | b | ||
) |
Function used by sort algorithm to organize events according to their priority.
a | - Pin changed event A |
b | - Pin changed event B |
Definition at line 57 of file pin_event.cpp.
Definition at line 11 of file action_pingroup.cpp.
References hal::Module::get_pin_groups().
Referenced by hal::ModulePinsTreeModel::handleModulePortsChanged().
int hal::pinIndex2Row | ( | const ModulePin * | pin, |
int | index | ||
) |
Definition at line 40 of file action_pingroup.cpp.
References hal::BasePin< T >::get_group().
Referenced by dumpPingroups(), hal::ActionPingroup::exec(), and hal::ModulePinsTreeModel::handleModulePortsChanged().
int hal::pinRow2Index | ( | const ModulePin * | pin, |
int | row | ||
) |
Definition at line 48 of file action_pingroup.cpp.
References hal::BasePin< T >::get_group().
Referenced by hal::ActionPingroup::exec().
hal::PYBIND11_PLUGIN | ( | boolean_influence | ) |
Definition at line 23 of file python_bindings.cpp.
References hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influence(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influence_deterministic(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influence_with_hal_boolean_function_class(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influence_with_z3_expr(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influences_of_gate(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influences_of_gate_deterministic(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influences_of_subcircuit(), hal::boolean_influence::get_boolean_influences_of_subcircuit_deterministic(), hal::BooleanInfluencePlugin::get_dependencies(), hal::BooleanInfluencePlugin::get_description(), hal::boolean_influence::get_ff_dependency_matrix(), hal::BooleanInfluencePlugin::get_name(), hal::BooleanInfluencePlugin::get_version(), log_error, and hal::ShortestPath::module().
hal::PYBIND11_PLUGIN | ( | dataflow | ) |
Definition at line 17 of file python_bindings.cpp.
References hal::dataflow::analyze(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::control_pin_types, hal::dataflow::Configuration::enable_stages, hal::dataflow::Configuration::enforce_type_consistency, hal::dataflow::Configuration::expected_sizes, hal::dataflow::Configuration::gate_types, hal::DataflowPlugin::get_description(), hal::dataflow::Result::get_gates(), hal::dataflow::Result::get_groups(), hal::dataflow::Result::get_groups_as_list(), hal::DataflowPlugin::get_name(), hal::dataflow::Result::get_netlist(), hal::DataflowPlugin::get_version(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::known_gate_groups, hal::dataflow::Configuration::known_net_groups, log_error, hal::dataflow::Configuration::min_group_size, hal::ShortestPath::module(), type, hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_control_pin_types(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_expected_sizes(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_flip_flops(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_gate_types(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_known_groups(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_known_structures(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_min_group_size(), hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_stage_identification(), and hal::dataflow::Configuration::with_type_consistency().
hal::PYBIND11_PLUGIN | ( | graph_algorithm | ) |
Definition at line 40 of file python_bindings.cpp.
References hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::ALL, direction, hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::from_netlist(), hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::from_netlist_no_edges(), test_plugin::g, hal::graph_algorithm::get_all_shortest_paths(), hal::graph_algorithm::get_connected_components(), hal::GraphAlgorithmPlugin::get_dependencies(), hal::GraphAlgorithmPlugin::get_description(), hal::GraphAlgorithmPlugin::get_name(), hal::graph_algorithm::get_neighborhood(), hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::get_netlist(), hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::get_num_edges(), hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::get_num_vertices(), hal::graph_algorithm::get_shortest_paths(), hal::graph_algorithm::get_subgraph(), hal::GraphAlgorithmPlugin::get_version(), hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::IN, log_error, hal::ShortestPath::module(), hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::NONE, hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::OUT, and hal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraph::print().
hal::PYBIND11_PLUGIN | ( | hal_gui | ) |
Definition at line 30 of file python_gui_api_bindings.cpp.
References hal::GuiApiClasses::View::addTo(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::createNewDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::deleteDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::deleteView(), hal::GuiApi::deselect(), hal::GuiApi::deselectAllItems(), hal::GuiApi::deselectGate(), hal::GuiApi::deselectModule(), hal::GuiApi::deselectNet(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::foldModule(), QString::fromStdString(), hal::GridPlacement::gatePosition(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getChildDirectories(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getChildViews(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getCurrentDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getGates(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getGridPlacement(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getId(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getIds(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getModules(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getName(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedGateIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedGates(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedItemIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedItems(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedModuleIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedModules(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedNetIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedNets(), gPythonContext, hal::GuiApiClasses::View::isolateInNew(), hal::ShortestPath::module(), hal::GridPlacement::modulePosition(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::moveDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::moveView(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::removeFrom(), hal::GuiApi::select(), hal::GuiApi::selectGate(), hal::GuiApi::selectModule(), hal::GuiApi::selectNet(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::setCurrentDirectory(), hal::GridPlacement::setGatePosition(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::setGridPlacement(), hal::GridPlacement::setModulePosition(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::setName(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::unfoldModule(), and hal::PythonThread::WaitForMenuSelection.
hal::PYBIND11_PLUGIN | ( | hal_py | ) |
Definition at line 10 of file python_bindings.cpp.
References base_pin_init(), boolean_function_decorator_init(), boolean_function_init(), boolean_function_net_decorator_init(), core_utils_init(), data_container_init(), endpoint_init(), gate_init(), gate_library_init(), gate_library_manager_init(), gate_pin_group_init(), gate_pin_init(), gate_type_components_init(), gate_type_init(), grouping_init(), log_info, log_init(), message(), hal::ShortestPath::module(), module_init(), module_pin_group_init(), module_pin_init(), net_init(), netlist_factory_init(), netlist_init(), netlist_modification_decorator_init(), netlist_serializer_init(), netlist_traversal_decorator_init(), netlist_utils_init(), netlist_writer_manager_init(), plugin_interfaces_init(), plugin_manager_init(), project_manager_init(), smt_init(), and subgraph_netlist_decorator_init().
hal::PYBIND11_PLUGIN | ( | solve_fsm | ) |
Definition at line 25 of file python_bindings.cpp.
References hal::solve_fsm::generate_dot_graph(), hal::SolveFsmPlugin::get_description(), hal::SolveFsmPlugin::get_name(), hal::SolveFsmPlugin::get_version(), test_plugin::graph_path, test_plugin::initial_state, log_error, hal::ShortestPath::module(), hal::solve_fsm::solve_fsm(), hal::solve_fsm::solve_fsm_brute_force(), and test_plugin::timeout.
uint hal::qHash | ( | const hal::NetLayoutPoint & | p | ) |
Definition at line 21 of file net_layout_point.cpp.
References qHash().
uint hal::qHash | ( | const hal::NetLayoutWire & | w | ) |
Definition at line 26 of file net_layout_point.cpp.
References hal::NetLayoutWire::endPoint(), hal::NetLayoutWire::isHorizontal(), qHash(), and hal::NetLayoutWire::SourcePoint.
uint hal::qHash | ( | const LaneIndex & | ri | ) |
Definition at line 956 of file net_layout_junction.cpp.
Referenced by qHash().
uint hal::qHash | ( | const Node & | n | ) |
Definition at line 94 of file node_box.cpp.
References hal::Node::Module, and test::n.
uint hal::qHash | ( | PinEvent | pev | ) |
Definition at line 56 of file action_pingroup.cpp.
hal::TEST_F | ( | HGLParserTest | , |
check_library | |||
) |
Testing parsing an HGL file.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 26 of file hgl_parser.cpp.
References hal::utils::get_base_directory(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and control::parser.
hal::TEST_F | ( | HGLWriterTest | , |
check_library | |||
) |
Testing writing an HGL file.
Functions: write
Definition at line 28 of file hgl_writer.cpp.
References hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), control::parser, and hal::HGLWriter::write().
hal::TEST_F | ( | LibertyParserTest | , |
check_combinatorial | |||
) |
Testing the creation of a combinatorial Gate type with one input pin, one output pin and a boolean function.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 26 of file liberty_parser.cpp.
References hal::BooleanFunction::from_string(), hal::utils::get_base_directory(), hal::GateType::get_boolean_functions(), hal::GateType::get_components(), hal::GateType::get_pins(), hal::GateType::get_properties(), ground, input, none, output, hal::LibertyParser::parse(), pins, power, and hal::BooleanFunction::Var().
hal::TEST_F | ( | LibertyParserTest | , |
check_flip_flop | |||
) |
Testing the creation of flip-flops
Functions: parse
Definition at line 97 of file liberty_parser.cpp.
References clock, hal::BooleanFunction::from_string(), hal::FFComponent::get_async_reset_function(), hal::FFComponent::get_async_set_function(), hal::FFComponent::get_async_set_reset_behavior(), hal::utils::get_base_directory(), hal::GateType::get_boolean_functions(), hal::FFComponent::get_clock_function(), hal::GateType::get_component_as(), hal::GateType::get_components(), hal::StateComponent::get_neg_state_identifier(), hal::FFComponent::get_next_state_function(), hal::GateType::get_pins(), hal::GateType::get_properties(), hal::StateComponent::get_state_identifier(), H, input, hal::FFComponent::is_class_of(), hal::StateComponent::is_class_of(), L, neg_state, output, hal::LibertyParser::parse(), pins, state, and hal::BooleanFunction::Var().
hal::TEST_F | ( | LibertyParserTest | , |
check_invalid_input | |||
) |
Testing the correct handling of invalid input and other uncommon inputs
Functions: parse
Definition at line 359 of file liberty_parser.cpp.
References hal::utils::get_base_directory(), and hal::LibertyParser::parse().
hal::TEST_F | ( | LibertyParserTest | , |
check_latch | |||
) |
Testing the creation of a latches
Functions: parse
Definition at line 202 of file liberty_parser.cpp.
References hal::BooleanFunction::from_string(), hal::LatchComponent::get_async_reset_function(), hal::LatchComponent::get_async_set_function(), hal::LatchComponent::get_async_set_reset_behavior(), hal::utils::get_base_directory(), hal::GateType::get_boolean_functions(), hal::GateType::get_component_as(), hal::GateType::get_components(), hal::LatchComponent::get_data_in_function(), hal::LatchComponent::get_enable_function(), hal::StateComponent::get_neg_state_identifier(), hal::GateType::get_pins(), hal::GateType::get_properties(), hal::StateComponent::get_state_identifier(), input, hal::LatchComponent::is_class_of(), hal::StateComponent::is_class_of(), N, neg_state, output, hal::LibertyParser::parse(), pins, state, T, and hal::BooleanFunction::Var().
hal::TEST_F | ( | LibertyParserTest | , |
check_multiline_comment | |||
) |
Testing the usage of multiline comments (via '/ *' and '* /' (without space))
Functions: parse
Definition at line 300 of file liberty_parser.cpp.
References hal::utils::get_base_directory(), hal::GateType::get_pins(), input, output, hal::LibertyParser::parse(), and pins.
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_attributes | |||
) |
Testing the usage of attributes for gates nets and modules
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2811 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_comments | |||
) |
Testing the correct detection of single line comments (with '//') and comment blocks(with '/ *' and '* /').
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2737 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_direct_assignment | |||
) |
Testing the correct handling of direct assignment (e.g. 'assign net_slave = net_master;'), where two (wire-)identifiers address the same Net. The Net (wire) at the left side of the expression is mapped to the Net at the right side, so only the Net with the right identifier will be created.
In Verilog, assignemts of vectors (for example: assign sig_vec_1[0:3] = sig_vec_2[0:3]) and assignments of lists of vectors and/or single nets (for example: "assign {sig_vec_1, signal_1} = {sig_vec_big[0:4]}", if |sig_vec_1|=4) are also supported.
However, logic expressions like 'assign A = B ^ C' are NOT supported.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2002 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::Endpoint::get_gate(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::BasePin< T >::get_name(), hal::Endpoint::get_pin(), hal::Net::is_global_input_net(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_invalid_input | |||
) |
Testing the correct handling of invalid input
Functions: parse
Definition at line 3086 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_main_example | |||
) |
Testing the correct usage of the verilog parser by parse a small verilog-format string, which describes the netlist shown above.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 41 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::get_sources(), hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), and hal::utils::vectors_have_same_content().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_multiple_entities | |||
) |
Testing the usage of additional entities. Entities that are used by the main entity (the last one) are recursively split in gates that are part of the Gate library, while the original entity hierarchy is represented by the Module- hierarchy of the netlist. Therefore, there can be multiple gates with the same name, so names that occur twice or more will be extended by a unique suffix.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1510 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References test_plugin::g, hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::Endpoint::get_gate(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Module::get_gates(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::Module::get_name(), hal::Module::get_output_nets(), hal::Module::get_submodules(), hal::Gate::get_successor(), hal::Module::get_type(), hal::Module::is_top_module(), test::n, hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), hal::utils::starts_with(), and hal::utils::vectors_have_same_content().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_net_vectors | |||
) |
Testing the handling of Net-vectors in dimension 1-3
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1202 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_sources(), test::n, and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_one_line_multiple_nets | |||
) |
Testing the declaration of multiple wire vectors within one single line.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2898 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_parameters | |||
) |
Testing the correct storage of data of the following data types: integer, floating_point, string, bit_vector (hexadecimal, decimal, octal, binary)
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1108 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_pin_assignments | |||
) |
Test different variants of pin assignments to modules and gates.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 598 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_endpoint(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_endpoint(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Endpoint::get_net(), hal::Module::get_pins(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_pin_group_port_assignment | |||
) |
Testing the port assignment of multiple pins and nets using pin groups and signal vectors
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2424 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_nets(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_nets(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), net, and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_pins | |||
) |
Test different variants to declare pins.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 235 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_endpoint(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_endpoint(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Endpoint::get_net(), hal::Net::is_global_input_net(), hal::Net::is_global_output_net(), hal::Module::is_input_net(), hal::Module::is_output_net(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_port_dekl_in_list_of_ports | |||
) |
Testing the port declaration within the list of ports.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2959 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), test::n, and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_special_nets | |||
) |
Testing assignment of '0', '1', 'Z', and 'X'.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1429 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::get_sources(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_whitespace_chaos | |||
) |
The same test, as the main example, but use white spaces of different types (' ','
','\t') in various locations (or remove some unnecessary ones)
Functions: parse
Definition at line 148 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::get_sources(), hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), and hal::utils::vectors_have_same_content().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogParserTest | , |
check_zero_padding | |||
) |
Test zero parsing and (implicit) zero padding.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1383 of file verilog_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_endpoints(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VerilogWriterTest | , |
check_main | |||
) |
Test writing a given netlist to file and subsequently parse it using the VerilogParser.
Functions: write
Definition at line 41 of file verilog_writer.cpp.
References hal::BasePin< T >::get_group(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Module::get_pin_by_net(), hal::Gate::mark_gnd_gate(), hal::Gate::mark_vcc_gate(), hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), hal::DataContainer::set_data(), hal::Module::set_pin_group_name(), hal::Module::set_pin_name(), hal::Module::set_type(), and hal::VerilogWriter::write().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_attributes | |||
) |
Testing the usage of user-defined attributes within the architecture and the entity header.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2183 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_comments | |||
) |
Testing the correct detection of single line comments (initiated with '–') within the vhdl file.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2124 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_component | |||
) |
NOTE: Currently Unsupported... Testing the usage of components, which should define new Gate types with custom input/output/inout pins. (currently unsupported...)
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2350 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_direct_assignment | |||
) |
NOTE: Are multi dim assignments supported? Testing the correct handling of direct assignment (e.g. 'net_slave = net_master;'), where two (signal-)identifiers address the same Net. The Net (signal) at the left side of the expression is mapped to the Net at the right side, so only the Net with the right identifier will be created.
However, logic expressions like 'A <= B*C' are NOT supported.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1769 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::is_global_input_net(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_generic_map | |||
) |
Testing the correct storage of data, passed by the "generic map" keyword
Functions: parse
Definition at line 876 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_invalid_input | |||
) |
Testing the correct handling of invalid input
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2401 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_nets(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_nets(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_lib_prefix | |||
) |
Testing the usage and the correct handling of library prefixes
Functions: parse
Definition at line 2313 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_main_example | |||
) |
Testing the correct usage of the vhdl parser by parse a small vhdl-format string, which describes the netlist shown above.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 40 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::get_sources(), hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), and hal::utils::vectors_have_same_content().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_multiple_entities | |||
) |
Testing the usage of additional entities. Entities that are used by the main entity (the last one) are recursively split in gates that are part of the Gate library, while the original entity hierarchy is represented by the Module- hierarchy of the netlist. Therefore, there can be multiple gates with the same name, so names that occur twice or more will be extended by a unique suffix.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1235 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References test_plugin::g, hal::DataContainer::get_data(), hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::Endpoint::get_gate(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Module::get_gates(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::Module::get_name(), hal::Module::get_output_nets(), hal::Module::get_submodules(), hal::Gate::get_successor(), hal::Module::get_type(), hal::Module::is_top_module(), test::n, hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), hal::utils::starts_with(), and hal::utils::vectors_have_same_content().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_net_vectors | |||
) |
Testing the handling of Net-vectors in dimension 1-3
Functions: parse
Definition at line 953 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_sources(), test::n, and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_pin_assignments | |||
) |
Test different variants of pin assignments to modules and gates.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 264 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_endpoint(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_endpoint(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Endpoint::get_net(), hal::Module::get_pins(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_pin_group_port_assignment | |||
) |
Testing the port assignment of multiple pins and nets using pin groups and signal vectors
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1951 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_net(), hal::Gate::get_fan_out_nets(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_special_nets | |||
) |
Testing assignment of '0', '1', 'Z', and 'X'.
Functions: parse
Definition at line 1149 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::Gate::get_fan_in_net(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::get_sources(), and hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate().
hal::TEST_F | ( | VHDLParserTest | , |
check_whitespace_chaos_ | |||
) |
The same test, as the main example, but use white spaces of different types (' ','
','\t') in various locations (or remove some unnecessary ones)
Functions: parse
Definition at line 161 of file vhdl_parser.cpp.
References hal::Net::get_destinations(), hal::gate_library_manager::get_gate_library(), hal::Gate::get_name(), hal::Net::get_name(), hal::Net::get_sources(), hal::NetlistParser::parse_and_instantiate(), and hal::utils::vectors_have_same_content().
QColor hal::toQColor | ( | utils::Color | c | ) |
Definition at line 11 of file grouping_table_model.cpp.
References QColor::fromHsv(), hal::utils::Color::h, hal::utils::Color::s, and hal::utils::Color::v.
Referenced by hal::GroupingTableEntry::color(), and hal::GroupingTableModel::groupingColorChangedEvent().
CommentManager * hal::gCommentManager = nullptr |
The global CommentManager
Definition at line 87 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::CommentWidget::CommentWidget(), and hal::GraphLayouter::GraphLayouter().
ContentManager * hal::gContentManager = nullptr |
The global ContentManager (see doc)
Definition at line 78 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::ModuleContextMenu::addGateSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addModuleSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addMultipleElementsSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addNetSubmenu(), hal::NetlistRelay::addToModuleDialog(), hal::GraphicsScene::connectAll(), hal::GraphicsScene::disconnectAll(), hal::ActionAddItemsToObject::exec(), hal::ActionCreateObject::exec(), hal::ActionDeleteObject::exec(), hal::ActionFoldModule::exec(), hal::ActionRenameObject::exec(), hal::ActionSetObjectColor::exec(), hal::ActionUnfoldModule::exec(), hal::GateSelectPicker::GateSelectPicker(), hal::GraphLayouter::GraphLayouter(), hal::GraphicsItem::groupingColor(), hal::GroupingsOfItemModel::GroupingsOfItemModel(), hal::AddToModuleReceiver::handleModulesPicked(), hal::GraphGraphicsView::handleRemoveFromView(), hal::MainWindow::handleSaveAsTriggered(), hal::MainWindow::handleSaveTriggered(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::handleSelectionUpdate(), hal::GraphTabWidget::handleTabChanged(), hal::ModuleDialog::ModuleDialog(), hal::ModuleSelectPicker::ModuleSelectPicker(), hal::GraphContextManager::openModuleInView(), hal::StandardGraphicsGate::paint(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::selectionToGroupingAction(), hal::PythonSerializer::serialize(), hal::GroupingColorSerializer::serialize(), hal::PythonSerializer::serialize_control(), hal::GateSelectPicker::terminatePicker(), hal::ModuleSelectPicker::terminatePicker(), and hal::GraphContext::writeToFile().
FileStatusManager * hal::gFileStatusManager = nullptr |
The global FileStatusManager (see doc)
Definition at line 84 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::GateLibraryWizard::accept(), hal::GateLibraryManager::callUnsavedChangesWindow(), hal::PythonEditor::discardTab(), hal::UserAction::exec(), hal::FileActions::FileActions(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionGatelibraryManager(), hal::GateLibraryManager::handleCancelClicked(), hal::GateLibraryManager::handleCreateAction(), hal::GateLibraryManager::handleDeleteType(), hal::GateLibraryManager::handleOkClicked(), hal::GatelibraryContentWidget::handleSaveAction(), hal::GatelibraryContentWidget::handleSaveAsAction(), hal::PythonEditor::handleTabFileChanged(), hal::PythonEditor::handleTextChanged(), hal::FileManager::importFile(), hal::GateLibraryManager::initialize(), hal::FileManager::newProject(), hal::MainWindow::openPluginManager(), hal::MainWindow::openSettings(), hal::PythonEditor::saveFile(), hal::FileActions::setup(), and hal::PythonEditor::tabLoadFile().
GraphContextManager * hal::gGraphContextManager = nullptr |
The global GraphContextManager (see doc)
Definition at line 85 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::ModuleContextMenu::addGateSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addModuleSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addNetSubmenu(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::addTo(), hal::ContextManagerWidget::ContextManagerWidget(), hal::NetlistRelay::deleteModule(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::deleteView(), hal::ActionAddItemsToObject::exec(), hal::ActionCreateObject::exec(), hal::ActionDeleteObject::exec(), hal::ActionFoldModule::exec(), hal::ActionMoveItem::exec(), hal::ActionMoveNode::exec(), hal::ActionRemoveItemsFromObject::exec(), hal::ActionRenameObject::exec(), hal::ActionSetObjectColor::exec(), hal::ActionUnfoldModule::exec(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::foldModule(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getChildDirectories(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getChildViews(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getCurrentDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getGates(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getGridPlacement(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getId(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getIds(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getModules(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getName(), hal::GraphicsScene::GraphicsScene(), hal::GraphTabWidget::GraphTabWidget(), hal::PythonEditor::handleActionRun(), hal::ModuleWidget::handleItemDoubleClicked(), hal::ContentManager::handleOpenDocument(), hal::PythonEditor::handleThreadFinished(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::isolateInNew(), hal::GraphGraphicsView::mouseMoveEvent(), hal::GraphGraphicsView::mousePressEvent(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::moveDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::moveView(), hal::GraphContextManager::openGateInView(), hal::GraphContextManager::openModuleInView(), hal::GraphContextManager::openNetEndpointsInView(), hal::StandardGraphicsGate::paint(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::removeFrom(), hal::LayoutLockerManager::removeLock(), hal::GraphContextSerializer::restore(), hal::GraphContextManager::restoreFromFile(), hal::GraphContextSerializer::serialize(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::setCurrentDirectory(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::setName(), and hal::GuiApiClasses::View::unfoldModule().
GuiApi * hal::gGuiApi = nullptr |
The global GuiApi (see doc)
Definition at line 86 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::GraphTabWidget::GraphTabWidget().
QSettings * hal::gGuiState = nullptr |
Is used to persist the list of recent files and the previously opened file in the 'open file' dialog
Definition at line 77 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::MainWindow::handleActionImportNetlist().
Netlist * hal::gNetlist = nullptr |
The netlist that is currently loaded. It is a pointer to the netlist owned by gNetlistOwner.
Definition at line 80 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::PluginParameterDialog::accept(), hal::PhysicalGraphLayouter::add(), hal::WaitToBeSeatedList::add(), hal::NodeBoxes::addBox(), hal::NetlistRelay::addChildModuleDialog(), hal::ModuleModel::addGate(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addGateSubmenu(), hal::ModuleModel::addModule(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addModuleSubmenu(), hal::ModuleModel::addNet(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addNetSubmenu(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::addTo(), hal::NetlistRelay::addToModuleDialog(), hal::ModuleSelectModel::appendEntries(), hal::ModuleItem::appendExistingChildIfAny(), hal::FileManager::autosave(), hal::NetlistRelay::changeElementNameDialog(), hal::NetlistRelay::changeModuleColorDialog(), hal::NetlistRelay::changeModuleTypeDialog(), hal::FileManager::closeFile(), hal::GroupingTableModel::colorForItem(), hal::CommonSuccessorPredecessor::CommonSuccessorPredecessor(), hal::NetlistRelay::debugHandleFileOpened(), hal::FileManager::deprecatedOpenFile(), hal::GuiApi::deselectGate(), hal::GuiApi::deselectModule(), hal::GuiApi::deselectNet(), dumpPingroups(), hal::ActionAddBooleanFunction::exec(), hal::ActionAddItemsToObject::exec(), hal::ActionCreateObject::exec(), hal::ActionDeleteObject::exec(), hal::ActionFoldModule::exec(), hal::ActionPingroup::exec(), hal::ActionRemoveItemsFromObject::exec(), hal::ActionRenameObject::exec(), hal::ActionSetObjectColor::exec(), hal::ActionSetObjectData::exec(), hal::ActionSetObjectType::exec(), hal::ActionUnfoldModule::exec(), hal::ExportRegisteredFormat::exportNetlist(), hal::CoordinateFromData::fromNode(), hal::GateSelectModel::GateSelectModel(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getGates(), hal::SelectionDetailsIconProvider::getIcon(), hal::GraphContext::getModuleChildrenRecursively(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getModules(), hal::ModulePinsTreeModel::getNetFromItem(), hal::GatePinsTreeModel::getNumberOfDisplayedPins(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedGates(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedModules(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedNets(), hal::GuiApiClasses::View::getValidObjects(), hal::GroupingTableEntry::GroupingTableEntry(), hal::GroupingTableModel::GroupingTableModel(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::groupingUnassignActionFactory(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionExport(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionGatelibraryManager(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionImportNetlist(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionNew(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionOpenProject(), hal::GatePinTree::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::ModuleElementsTree::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::ModulePinsTree::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::NetEndpointTable::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::NetModuleTable::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::PythonGateSelectionReceiver::handleGatesPicked(), hal::ModuleTableModel::handleModulePortsChanged(), hal::ModuleTableModel::handleModuleRemoved(), hal::PythonModuleSelectionReceiver::handleModulesPicked(), hal::AddToModuleReceiver::handleModulesPicked(), hal::ContentManager::handleOpenDocument(), hal::GateSelectPicker::handleSelectionChanged(), hal::ModuleSelectPicker::handleSelectionChanged(), hal::GraphGraphicsView::handleShortestPath(), hal::ModuleWidget::handleTreeViewContextMenuRequested(), hal::FileManager::importFile(), hal::GateLibraryManager::initialize(), hal::GraphContext::isModuleUnfolded(), hal::GraphContext::isShowingNetDestination(), hal::GraphContext::isShowingNetSource(), hal::ModuleModel::moduleAssignGate(), hal::ModuleModel::moduleAssignNets(), hal::ModuleItem::ModuleItem(), hal::ModulePinsTreeModel::ModulePinsTreeModel(), hal::ModuleWidget::ModuleWidget(), hal::GatePinTree::mouseDoubleClickEvent(), hal::SelectionRelay::navigateDown(), hal::SelectionRelay::navigateUp(), hal::FileManager::newProject(), hal::NodeBox::NodeBox(), hal::GraphContext::nodeForGate(), hal::GraphContextManager::openModuleInView(), hal::GraphContextManager::openNetEndpointsInView(), hal::FileManager::openProject(), hal::PluginParameterNodeDialog::PluginParameterNodeDialog(), hal::SelectionTreeView::populate(), hal::ModuleModel::populateTree(), hal::PyCodeProvider::pyCodeGateAsyncSetResetBehavior(), hal::GraphContext::readFromFile(), hal::NetlistRelay::registerNetlistCallbacks(), hal::GroupingManagerWidget::removeElementsFromGrouping(), hal::GroupingTableModel::removeRows(), hal::DrawNetThread::run(), hal::GuiApi::selectGate(), hal::ModuleSelectExclude::selectionToString(), hal::GuiApi::selectModule(), hal::GuiApi::selectNet(), hal::GateInfoTable::setGate(), hal::GatePinTree::setGate(), hal::ModuleInfoTable::setModule(), hal::ModuleElementsTree::setModule(), hal::ModulePinsTree::setModule(), hal::ModuleItem::setModuleType(), hal::ModuleTableModel::setNet(), hal::NetInfoTable::setNet(), hal::NetEndpointTable::setNet(), hal::NetModuleTable::setNet(), hal::GraphNavigationWidget::setup(), hal::GraphContext::unfoldModule(), hal::NetlistRelay::unregisterNetlistCallbacks(), hal::ModuleShader::update(), hal::ModuleModel::updateGateName(), hal::ModuleModel::updateModuleName(), hal::ModuleModel::updateNetName(), and hal::GraphContext::updateNets().
std::shared_ptr< Netlist > hal::gNetlistOwner = nullptr |
This shared_ptr contains and owns the netlist after a file was opened. To access the Netlist data structure with its functions, it is intended to use the raw pointer gNetlist instead.
Definition at line 79 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::FileManager::closeFile(), hal::FileManager::deprecatedOpenFile(), hal::FileManager::newProject(), and hal::FileManager::openProject().
NetlistRelay * hal::gNetlistRelay = nullptr |
The global NetlistRelay (see doc)
Definition at line 81 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::ModuleContextMenu::addGateSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addModuleSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addMultipleElementsSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addNetSubmenu(), hal::FileManager::closeFile(), hal::GraphicsScene::connectAll(), hal::FileManager::deprecatedOpenFile(), hal::GraphicsScene::disconnectAll(), hal::ActionDeleteObject::exec(), hal::ActionSetObjectColor::exec(), hal::GateDetailsTabWidget::GateDetailsTabWidget(), hal::GateInfoTable::GateInfoTable(), hal::SelectionDetailsIconProvider::getIcon(), hal::GraphContext::GraphContext(), hal::GroupingsOfItemModel::GroupingsOfItemModel(), hal::GroupingTableModel::GroupingTableModel(), hal::SelectionDetailsIconProvider::handleModuleColorChanged(), hal::SelectionDetailsIconProvider::instance(), hal::ModuleDetailsTabWidget::ModuleDetailsTabWidget(), hal::ModuleInfoTable::ModuleInfoTable(), hal::ModuleModel::ModuleModel(), hal::ModulePinsTreeModel::ModulePinsTreeModel(), hal::ModuleSelectEntry::ModuleSelectEntry(), hal::ModuleTableModel::ModuleTableModel(), hal::ModuleWidget::ModuleWidget(), hal::NetInfoTable::NetInfoTable(), hal::FileManager::newProject(), hal::FileManager::openProject(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::SelectionDetailsWidget(), hal::SelectionTreeView::SelectionTreeView(), hal::ModuleColorSerializer::serialize(), and hal::ModuleShader::update().
PluginRelay * hal::gPluginRelay = nullptr |
The global PluginRelay. Plugin management is not available in this version. Therefore it is currently unused.
Definition at line 82 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::FileManager::deprecatedOpenFile(), hal::GuiPluginManager::GuiPluginManager(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionImportNetlist(), hal::GatelibraryContentWidget::handleSaveAction(), hal::GatelibraryContentWidget::handleSaveAsAction(), hal::GateLibraryManager::initialize(), and hal::FileManager::openProject().
PythonContext * hal::gPythonContext = nullptr |
The global PythonContext (see doc)
Definition at line 88 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::PluginParameterDialog::accept(), hal::FileManager::autosave(), hal::PythonEditor::handleActionRun(), hal::PythonEditor::handleCurrentTabChanged(), hal::MainWindow::handleFileOpened(), hal::PythonConsole::handleTabKeyPressed(), hal::PythonConsole::interpretCommand(), hal::GraphWidget::pluginProgressIndicator(), PYBIND11_PLUGIN(), hal::PythonConsole::PythonConsole(), and hal::PythonConsole::~PythonConsole().
SelectionRelay * hal::gSelectionRelay = nullptr |
The global SelectionRelay (see doc)
Definition at line 83 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
Referenced by hal::PluginParameterDialog::accept(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addGateSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addModuleSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addMultipleElementsSubmenu(), hal::ModuleContextMenu::addNetSubmenu(), hal::NetlistRelay::addToModuleDialog(), hal::GraphicsScene::connectAll(), hal::GuiApi::deselectAllItems(), hal::GuiApi::deselectGate(), hal::GuiApi::deselectModule(), hal::GuiApi::deselectNet(), hal::GraphicsScene::disconnectAll(), hal::GraphWidget::ensureSelectionVisible(), hal::ActionSetSelectionFocus::exec(), hal::GateSelectPicker::GateSelectPicker(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedGateIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedGates(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedModuleIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedModules(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedNetIds(), hal::GuiApi::getSelectedNets(), hal::GraphGraphicsView::GraphGraphicsView(), hal::GraphicsScene::GraphicsScene(), hal::GuiApi::GuiApi(), hal::GatePinTree::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::ModulePinsTree::handleContextMenuRequested(), hal::GraphicsScene::handleExternSelectionChanged(), hal::GraphicsScene::handleInternSelectionChanged(), hal::AddToModuleReceiver::handleModulesPicked(), hal::GraphGraphicsView::handleRemoveFromView(), hal::GateSelectPicker::handleSelectionChanged(), hal::ModuleSelectPicker::handleSelectionChanged(), hal::ModuleWidget::handleSelectionChanged(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::handleSelectionUpdate(), hal::ModuleWidget::handleTreeSelectionChanged(), hal::ActionSetSelectionFocus::hasModifications(), hal::GraphWidget::keyPressEvent(), hal::ModuleSelectExclude::ModuleSelectExclude(), hal::ModuleSelectPicker::ModuleSelectPicker(), hal::ModuleWidget::ModuleWidget(), hal::StandardGraphicsGate::paint(), hal::StandardGraphicsModule::paint(), hal::SelectionTreeView::populate(), hal::GuiApi::select(), hal::GuiApi::selectGate(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::SelectionDetailsWidget(), hal::SelectionDetailsWidget::selectionToGroupingAction(), hal::GuiApi::selectModule(), hal::GuiApi::selectNet(), hal::DragController::set(), hal::GraphNavigationWidget::setup(), hal::GateSelectPicker::terminatePicker(), and hal::ModuleSelectPicker::terminatePicker().
QSettings* hal::mGSettings = nullptr |
Definition at line 76 of file plugin_gui.cpp.
const char* hal::MSG_PROJECT_ALREADY_OPEN = "You are already working on a HAL project. Close current project first." |
Definition at line 58 of file main_window.cpp.
Referenced by hal::MainWindow::handleActionImportNetlist(), hal::MainWindow::handleActionNew(), and hal::MainWindow::handleActionOpenProject().
const char* hal::sOpenMethodsPersist[] = {"Undefined", "CreateNew", "ImportFile", "OpenProject", nullptr} |
Definition at line 6 of file action_open_netlist_file.cpp.
Referenced by hal::ActionOpenNetlistFile::readFromXml(), and hal::ActionOpenNetlistFile::writeToXml().