38 class SettingsItemCheckbox;
39 class SettingsItemSpinbox;
201 void handleFileChanged(
const QString& path);
202 void handleDirectoryChanged(
const QString& path);
240 void displayErrorMessage(
QString error_message);
245 void removeShadowDirectory();
251 void moveShadowToProject(
const QDir& shDir)
257 bool mAutosaveEnabled;
258 int mAutosaveInterval;
then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file
Stores information about the currently opened netlist.
void importFile(QString filename)
void fileDirectoryChanged(const QString &path)
bool deprecatedOpenFile(QString filename, QString gatelibraryPath)
void openProject(QString projPath)
static FileManager * get_instance()
static DirectoryStatus directoryStatus(const QString &pathname)
void emitProjectSaved(QString &projectDir, QString &file)
void watchFile(const QString &fileName)
void fileChanged(const QString &path)
void projectSaved(QString projectDir, QString fileName)
void fileAboutToClose(const QString &fileName)
void projectOpened(QString projectDir, QString fileName)
void fileOpened(const QString &fileName)
static QString directoryStatusText(DirectoryStatus stat)
A SettingsItem representing a Checkbox.
A SettingsItem that represents a spinbox.
QObject * parent() const const