![]() |
Functions | |
def | expect (condition, error_message) |
-— ARG CHECKS -— More... | |
Variables | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Call the HAL dataflow plugin.') | |
metavar | |
type | |
str | |
help | |
action | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
synthesizers = set(x for x in netlists) | |
designs = set(x for y in netlists for x in netlists[y]) | |
return_ninja = os.system('ninja') | |
-— BUILD HAL -— More... | |
string | input_design = path_to_core_collection + "/" + netlists[args.synthesizer][args.design] |
-— EXECUTE PLUGIN -— More... | |
string | command = "{} -i {} --gate-library {}.lib".format(path_to_hal_bin, input_design, get_gate_library(args.design, args.synthesizer)) |
def control.expect | ( | condition, | |
error_message | |||
) |
Definition at line 28 of file control.py.
control.action |
Definition at line 16 of file control.py.
Referenced by hal::ModulePinsTreeModel.canDropMimeData(), hal::ContextProxyModel.canDropMimeData(), hal::ContentFrame.ContentFrame(), hal::ModulePinsTreeModel.dropMimeData(), hal::ContextProxyModel.dropMimeData(), hal::PythonEditor.handleActionShowFile(), and hal::PythonEditor.handleActionTabMenu().
control.args = parser.parse_args() |
Definition at line 33 of file control.py.
Referenced by hal::CallbackHook< R(ArgTypes...)>.call(), hal::CliExtensionDataflow.handle_cli_call(), hal::LogManager.handle_options(), hal::netlist_factory.load_netlist(), hal::BasePluginInterface.log(), hal::CallbackHook< R(ArgTypes...)>.operator()(), hal::netlist_parser_manager.parse(), hal::ProgramOptions.parse(), Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(), and hal::netlist_writer_manager.write().
string control.command = "{} -i {} --gate-library {}.lib".format(path_to_hal_bin, input_design, get_gate_library(args.design, args.synthesizer)) |
Definition at line 76 of file control.py.
Referenced by hal::PythonConsoleHistory.addHistory(), and hal::PythonConsole.getCurrentCommand().
control.designs = set(x for y in netlists for x in netlists[y]) |
Definition at line 36 of file control.py.
control.help |
Definition at line 14 of file control.py.
string control.input_design = path_to_core_collection + "/" + netlists[args.synthesizer][args.design] |
Definition at line 72 of file control.py.
control.metavar |
Definition at line 14 of file control.py.
control.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Call the HAL dataflow plugin.') |
Definition at line 13 of file control.py.
Referenced by hal::BooleanFunction.from_string(), hal::gate_library_parser_manager.parse(), hal::BooleanFunctionParser::Token.precedence(), hal::SMT::Bitwuzla.query_library(), hal::BooleanFunctionParser.reverse_polish_notation(), and hal.TEST_F().
control.return_ninja = os.system('ninja') |
Definition at line 62 of file control.py.
control.str |
Definition at line 14 of file control.py.
Referenced by hal.enum_from_string(), hal::BooleanFunction.get_truth_table_as_string(), hal.is_valid_enum(), hal::dataflow::ProgressPrinter.print_progress(), hal::SMT::Translator.reduce_to_smt2(), hal::utils.replace(), hal::PythonThread.run(), hal::CommentDialog.setDefaultColor(), hal::CommentItem.setDeleteCommentIconPath(), hal::CommentItem.setDeleteCommentIconStyle(), hal::CommentDialog.setGreenColor(), hal::CommentItem.setModifyCommentIconPath(), hal::CommentItem.setModifyCommentIconStyle(), hal::CommentWidget.setNewCommentIconPath(), hal::CommentWidget.setNewCommentIconStyle(), hal::CommentDialog.setRedColor(), hal::CommentWidget.setSearchIconPath(), hal::CommentWidget.setSearchIconStyle(), hal::CommentDialog.setYellowColor(), hal::core_strings.to(), and hal::BooleanFunction::Node.to_string().
control.synthesizers = set(x for x in netlists) |
Definition at line 35 of file control.py.
control.type |
Definition at line 14 of file control.py.