60 static const int sMinimumGateIoPadding = 60;
93 int x()
const {
return mX; }
99 int y()
const {
return mY; }
Abstract base class for nodes (e.g. gates, modules)
The NodeBox class represents a node placed at a grid position within a hal view.
void setItem(GraphicsNode *item_)
qreal inputPadding() const
inputPadding distance from top edge to first input net
qreal outputPadding() const
outputPadding distance from top edge to first output net
GraphicsNode * item() const
item getter for graphics item object
NodeBox(const Node &n, int px, int py)
NodeBox constructor creates graphic item.
int x() const
x getter for X-grid position
void setItemPosition(qreal xpos, qreal ypos)
setItemPosition place item on scene at real position
int y() const
y getter for Y-grid position
Node getNode() const
getNode getter for node information
Node::NodeType type() const
type getter for type information
QPoint gridPosition() const
u32 id() const
id getter for ID information
The NodeBoxes class owns all NodeBox'es from hal view.
void addBox(const Node &nd, int px, int py)
addBox call NodeBox constructor and store pointer in vector
NodeBox * boxForNode(const Node &n) const
boxForNode find NodeBox by node
NodeBox * boxForPoint(const QPoint &p) const
boxForPoint find NodeBox by grid position
NodeBox * boxForGate(const Gate *g) const
boxForGate find NodeBox by Gate pointer.
NodeBox * boxForItem(GraphicsNode *item) const
boxForItem find NodeBox by graphics item
QSet< u32 > filterNotInView(const QSet< u32 > &gats) const
void clearBoxes()
clearBoxes delete all NodeBox'es and clear vector.
The Node class object represents a module or a gate.
NodeType type() const
type getter for type information
u32 id() const
id getter for ID information
uint qHash(const QPoint &p)