30 #include <unordered_map>
77 class EventStack :
public std::vector<PinChangedEvent>
89 EventStack() : m_count(0) {;}
95 void send_events(
Module* m);
98 static std::unordered_map<Module*,EventStack*> s_event_stack;
PinChangedEvent(Module *m, PinEvent pev, u32 id)
friend bool pin_event_order(const PinChangedEvent &a, const PinChangedEvent &b)
Module * get_module() const
PinChangedEventScope(Module *m)
@ PinTypeChange
pin renamed
@ GroupReorder
changed PinDirection attribute of group (like input)
@ PinDirChange
changed PinType attribute of pin (like data)
@ PinCreate
moved group to a new position within containing module
@ GroupTypeChange
pin group renamed
@ PinRename
pin assigned to new group
@ PinAssignToGroup
new pin created
@ PinDelete
moved pin to a new position within containing group
@ GroupRename
new pin group created
@ GroupDirChange
changed PinType attribute of group (like data)
@ PinReorder
changed PinDirection attribute of pin (like input)
bool pin_event_order(const PinChangedEvent &a, const PinChangedEvent &b)