Go to the documentation of this file.
3 namespace hal
4 {
6  {
7  py::class_<BooleanFunction> py_boolean_function(m,
8  "BooleanFunction",
9  R"(
10  A BooleanFunction represents a symbolic expression (e.g., ``A & B``) in order to abstract the (semantic) functionality of a single netlist gate (or even a complex subcircuit comprising multiple gates) in a formal manner. To this end, the ``BooleanFunction`` class is able to construct and display arbitrarily-nested expressions, enable symbolic simplification (e.g., simplify ``A & 0`` to ``0``), and translate Boolean functions to the SAT / SMT solver domain to use the solve constraint formulas.
11  )");
13  py::enum_<BooleanFunction::Value> py_boolean_function_value(py_boolean_function, "Value", R"(
14  Represents the logic value that a Boolean function operates on.
15  )");
17  py_boolean_function_value.value("ZERO", BooleanFunction::Value::ZERO, R"(Represents a logical 0.)")
18  .value("ONE", BooleanFunction::Value::ONE, R"(Represents a logical 1.)")
19  .value("Z", BooleanFunction::Value::Z, R"(Represents a high-impedance value.)")
20  .value("X", BooleanFunction::Value::X, R"(Represents an undefined value.)")
21  .export_values();
23  py_boolean_function_value.def(
24  "__str__", [](const BooleanFunction::Value& v) { return BooleanFunction::to_string(v); }, R"(
25  Translates the Boolean function value into its string representation.
27  :returns: The value as a string.
28  :rtype: str
29  )");
31  py_boolean_function.def_static(
32  "to_string",
33  [](const std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>& value, u8 base = 2) -> std::optional<std::string> {
34  auto res = BooleanFunction::to_string(value, base);
35  if (res.is_ok())
36  {
37  return res.get();
38  }
39  else
40  {
41  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
42  return std::nullopt;
43  }
44  },
45  py::arg("value"),
46  py::arg("base") = 2,
47  R"(
48  Convert the given bit-vector to its string representation in the given base.
50  :param list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] value: The value as a bit-vector.
51  :param int base: The base that the values should be converted to. Valid values are 2 (default), 8, 10, and 16.
52  :returns: A string representing the values in the given base on success, None otherwise.
53  :rtype: str or None
54  )");
56  py_boolean_function.def_static(
57  "to_u64",
58  [](const std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>& value) -> std::optional<u64> {
59  auto res = BooleanFunction::to_u64(value);
60  if (res.is_ok())
61  {
62  return res.get();
63  }
64  else
65  {
66  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
67  return std::nullopt;
68  }
69  },
70  py::arg("value"),
71  R"(
72  Convert the given bit-vector to its unsigned 64-bit integer representation.
74  :param list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] value: The value as a bit-vector.
75  :returns: A 64-bit integer representing the values on success, None otherwise.
76  :rtype: int or None
77  )");
79  py_boolean_function.def(py::init<>(), R"(
80  Constructs an empty / invalid Boolean function.
81  )");
83  py_boolean_function.def_static("Var", &BooleanFunction::Var, py::arg("name"), py::arg("size") = 1, R"(
84  Creates a multi-bit Boolean function of the given bit-size comprising only a variable of the specified name.
86  :param str name: The name of the variable.
87  :param int size: The bit-size. Defaults to 1.
88  :returns: The BooleanFunction.
89  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
90  )");
92  py_boolean_function.def_static("Const", py::overload_cast<const BooleanFunction::Value&>(&BooleanFunction::Const), py::arg("value"), R"(
93  Creates a constant single-bit Boolean function from a value.
95  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value value: The value.
96  :returns: The Boolean function.
97  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
98  )");
100  py_boolean_function.def_static("Const", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>&>(&BooleanFunction::Const), py::arg("value"), R"(
101  Creates a constant multi-bit Boolean function from a list of values.
103  :param list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] value: The list of values.
104  :returns: The Boolean function.
105  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
106  )");
108  py_boolean_function.def_static("Const", py::overload_cast<u64, u16>(&BooleanFunction::Const), py::arg("value"), py::arg("size"), R"(
109  Creates a constant multi-bit Boolean function of the given bit-size from an integer value.
111  :param int value: The integer value.
112  :param int size: The bit-size.
113  :returns: The Boolean function.
114  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
115  )");
117  py_boolean_function.def_static("Index", &BooleanFunction::Index, py::arg("index"), py::arg("size"), R"(
118  Creates an index for a Boolean function of the given bit-size from an integer value.
120  :param int index: The integer value.
121  :param int size: The bit-size.
122  :returns: The Boolean function.
123  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
124  )");
126  py_boolean_function.def_static(
127  "And",
128  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
129  auto res = BooleanFunction::And(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
130  if (res.is_ok())
131  {
132  return res.get();
133  }
134  else
135  {
136  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
137  return std::nullopt;
138  }
139  },
140  py::arg("p0"),
141  py::arg("p1"),
142  py::arg("size"),
143  R"(
144  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an AND operation.
145  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
147  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
148  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
149  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
150  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
151  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
152  )");
154  py_boolean_function.def_static(
155  "Or",
156  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
157  auto res = BooleanFunction::Or(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
158  if (res.is_ok())
159  {
160  return res.get();
161  }
162  else
163  {
164  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
165  return std::nullopt;
166  }
167  },
168  py::arg("p0"),
169  py::arg("p1"),
170  py::arg("size"),
171  R"(
172  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an OR operation.
173  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
175  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
176  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
177  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
178  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
179  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
180  )");
182  py_boolean_function.def_static(
183  "Not",
184  [](BooleanFunction p0, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
185  auto res = BooleanFunction::Not(std::move(p0), size);
186  if (res.is_ok())
187  {
188  return res.get();
189  }
190  else
191  {
192  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
193  return std::nullopt;
194  }
195  },
196  py::arg("p0"),
197  py::arg("size"),
198  R"(
199  Negates the given Boolean function.
200  Requires the Boolean function to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
202  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: The Boolean function to negate.
203  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
204  :returns: The negated Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
205  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
206  )");
208  py_boolean_function.def_static(
209  "Xor",
210  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
211  auto res = BooleanFunction::Xor(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
212  if (res.is_ok())
213  {
214  return res.get();
215  }
216  else
217  {
218  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
219  return std::nullopt;
220  }
221  },
222  py::arg("p0"),
223  py::arg("p1"),
224  py::arg("size"),
225  R"(
226  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an XOR operation.
227  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
229  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
230  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
231  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
232  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
233  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
234  )");
236  py_boolean_function.def_static(
237  "Add",
238  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
239  auto res = BooleanFunction::Add(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
240  if (res.is_ok())
241  {
242  return res.get();
243  }
244  else
245  {
246  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
247  return std::nullopt;
248  }
249  },
250  py::arg("p0"),
251  py::arg("p1"),
252  py::arg("size"),
253  R"(
254  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an ADD operation.
255  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
257  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
258  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
259  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
260  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
261  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
262  )");
264  py_boolean_function.def_static(
265  "Sub",
266  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
267  auto res = BooleanFunction::Sub(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
268  if (res.is_ok())
269  {
270  return res.get();
271  }
272  else
273  {
274  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
275  return std::nullopt;
276  }
277  },
278  py::arg("p0"),
279  py::arg("p1"),
280  py::arg("size"),
281  R"(
282  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an SUB operation.
283  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
285  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
286  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
287  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
288  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
289  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
290  )");
292  py_boolean_function.def_static(
293  "Mul",
294  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
295  auto res = BooleanFunction::Mul(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
296  if (res.is_ok())
297  {
298  return res.get();
299  }
300  else
301  {
302  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
303  return std::nullopt;
304  }
305  },
306  py::arg("p0"),
307  py::arg("p1"),
308  py::arg("size"),
309  R"(
310  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an MUL operation.
311  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
313  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
314  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
315  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
316  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
317  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
318  )");
320  py_boolean_function.def_static(
321  "Sdiv",
322  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
323  auto res = BooleanFunction::Sdiv(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
324  if (res.is_ok())
325  {
326  return res.get();
327  }
328  else
329  {
330  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
331  return std::nullopt;
332  }
333  },
334  py::arg("p0"),
335  py::arg("p1"),
336  py::arg("size"),
337  R"(
338  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an SDIV operation.
339  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
341  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
342  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
343  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
344  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
345  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
346  )");
348  py_boolean_function.def_static(
349  "Udiv",
350  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
351  auto res = BooleanFunction::Udiv(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
352  if (res.is_ok())
353  {
354  return res.get();
355  }
356  else
357  {
358  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
359  return std::nullopt;
360  }
361  },
362  py::arg("p0"),
363  py::arg("p1"),
364  py::arg("size"),
365  R"(
366  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an UDIV operation.
367  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
369  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
370  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
371  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
372  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
373  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
374  )");
376  py_boolean_function.def_static(
377  "Srem",
378  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
379  auto res = BooleanFunction::Srem(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
380  if (res.is_ok())
381  {
382  return res.get();
383  }
384  else
385  {
386  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
387  return std::nullopt;
388  }
389  },
390  py::arg("p0"),
391  py::arg("p1"),
392  py::arg("size"),
393  R"(
394  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an SREM operation.
395  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
397  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
398  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
399  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
400  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
401  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
402  )");
404  py_boolean_function.def_static(
405  "Urem",
406  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
407  auto res = BooleanFunction::Urem(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
408  if (res.is_ok())
409  {
410  return res.get();
411  }
412  else
413  {
414  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
415  return std::nullopt;
416  }
417  },
418  py::arg("p0"),
419  py::arg("p1"),
420  py::arg("size"),
421  R"(
422  Joins two Boolean functions by applying an UREM operation.
423  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the specified bit-size and produces a new Boolean function of the same bit-size.
425  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
426  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
427  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation.
428  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
429  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
430  )");
432  py_boolean_function.def_static(
433  "Slice",
434  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, BooleanFunction p2, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
435  auto res = BooleanFunction::Slice(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), std::move(p2), size);
436  if (res.is_ok())
437  {
438  return res.get();
439  }
440  else
441  {
442  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
443  return std::nullopt;
444  }
445  },
446  py::arg("p0"),
447  py::arg("p1"),
448  py::arg("p2"),
449  py::arg("size"),
450  R"(
451  Returns the slice ``[i:j]`` of a Boolean function specified by a start index ``i`` and an end index ``j`` beginning at 0.
452  Note that slice ``[i:j]`` includes positions ``i`` and ``j`` as well.
454  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to slice.
455  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding start index ``i``.
456  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p2: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding end index ``j``.
457  :param int size: Bit-size of the resulting Boolean function slice, i.e., ``j - i + 1``.
458  :returns: The Boolean function slice on success, None otherwise.
459  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
460  )");
462  py_boolean_function.def_static(
463  "Concat",
464  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
465  auto res = BooleanFunction::Concat(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
466  if (res.is_ok())
467  {
468  return res.get();
469  }
470  else
471  {
472  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
473  return std::nullopt;
474  }
475  },
476  py::arg("p0"),
477  py::arg("p1"),
478  py::arg("size"),
479  R"(
480  Concatenates two Boolean functions of bit-sizes ``n`` and ``m`` to form a single Boolean function of bit-size ``n + m``.
482  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function (MSBs).
483  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function (LSBs).
484  :param int size: Bit-size of the concatenated Boolean function, i.e., ``n + m``.
485  :returns: The concatenated Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
486  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
487  )");
489  py_boolean_function.def_static(
490  "Zext",
491  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
492  auto res = BooleanFunction::Zext(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
493  if (res.is_ok())
494  {
495  return res.get();
496  }
497  else
498  {
499  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
500  return std::nullopt;
501  }
502  },
503  py::arg("p0"),
504  py::arg("p1"),
505  py::arg("size"),
506  R"(
507  Zero-extends a Boolean function to the specified bit-size.
509  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to extend.
510  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the bit-size of the zero-extended result.
511  :param int size: Bit-size of the zero-extended Boolean function.
512  :returns: The zero-extended Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
513  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
514  )");
516  py_boolean_function.def_static(
517  "Sext",
518  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
519  auto res = BooleanFunction::Sext(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
520  if (res.is_ok())
521  {
522  return res.get();
523  }
524  else
525  {
526  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
527  return std::nullopt;
528  }
529  },
530  py::arg("p0"),
531  py::arg("p1"),
532  py::arg("size"),
533  R"(
534  Sign-extends a Boolean function to the specified bit-size.
536  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to extend.
537  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the bit-size of the sign-extended result.
538  :param int size: Bit-size of the sign-extended Boolean function.
539  :returns: The sign-extended Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
540  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
541  )");
543  py_boolean_function.def_static(
544  "Shl",
545  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
546  auto res = BooleanFunction::Shl(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
547  if (res.is_ok())
548  {
549  return res.get();
550  }
551  else
552  {
553  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
554  return std::nullopt;
555  }
556  },
557  py::arg("p0"),
558  py::arg("p1"),
559  py::arg("size"),
560  R"(
561  Shifts a Boolean function to the left by the specified number of bits.
563  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to shift.
564  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the number of bits to shift.
565  :param int size: Bit-size of the shifted Boolean function.
566  :returns: The shifted Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
567  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
568  )");
570  py_boolean_function.def_static(
571  "Lshr",
572  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
573  auto res = BooleanFunction::Lshr(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
574  if (res.is_ok())
575  {
576  return res.get();
577  }
578  else
579  {
580  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
581  return std::nullopt;
582  }
583  },
584  py::arg("p0"),
585  py::arg("p1"),
586  py::arg("size"),
587  R"(
588  Logically shifts a Boolean function to the right by the specified number of bits.
590  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to shift.
591  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the number of bits to shift.
592  :param int size: Bit-size of the shifted Boolean function.
593  :returns: The shifted Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
594  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
595  )");
597  py_boolean_function.def_static(
598  "Ashr",
599  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
600  auto res = BooleanFunction::Ashr(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
601  if (res.is_ok())
602  {
603  return res.get();
604  }
605  else
606  {
607  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
608  return std::nullopt;
609  }
610  },
611  py::arg("p0"),
612  py::arg("p1"),
613  py::arg("size"),
614  R"(
615  Arithmetically shifts a Boolean function to the right by the specified number of bits.
617  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to shift.
618  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the number of bits to shift.
619  :param int size: Bit-size of the shifted Boolean function.
620  :returns: The shifted Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
621  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
622  )");
624  py_boolean_function.def_static(
625  "Rol",
626  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
627  auto res = BooleanFunction::Rol(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
628  if (res.is_ok())
629  {
630  return res.get();
631  }
632  else
633  {
634  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
635  return std::nullopt;
636  }
637  },
638  py::arg("p0"),
639  py::arg("p1"),
640  py::arg("size"),
641  R"(
642  Rotates a Boolean function to the left by the specified number of bits.
644  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to rotate.
645  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the number of bits to rotate.
646  :param int size: Bit-size of the rotated Boolean function.
647  :returns: The rotated Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
648  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
649  )");
651  py_boolean_function.def_static(
652  "Ror",
653  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
654  auto res = BooleanFunction::Ror(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
655  if (res.is_ok())
656  {
657  return res.get();
658  }
659  else
660  {
661  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
662  return std::nullopt;
663  }
664  },
665  py::arg("p0"),
666  py::arg("p1"),
667  py::arg("size"),
668  R"(
669  Rotates a Boolean function to the right by the specified number of bits.
671  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function to rotate.
672  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function of type ``Index`` encoding the number of bits to rotate.
673  :param int size: Bit-size of the rotated Boolean function.
674  :returns: The rotated Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
675  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
676  )");
678  py_boolean_function.def_static(
679  "Eq",
680  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
681  auto res = BooleanFunction::Eq(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
682  if (res.is_ok())
683  {
684  return res.get();
685  }
686  else
687  {
688  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
689  return std::nullopt;
690  }
691  },
692  py::arg("p0"),
693  py::arg("p1"),
694  py::arg("size"),
695  R"(
696  Joins two Boolean functions by an equality check that produces a single-bit result.
698  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
699  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
700  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation (always =1).
701  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
702  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
703  )");
705  py_boolean_function.def_static(
706  "Sle",
707  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
708  auto res = BooleanFunction::Sle(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
709  if (res.is_ok())
710  {
711  return res.get();
712  }
713  else
714  {
715  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
716  return std::nullopt;
717  }
718  },
719  py::arg("p0"),
720  py::arg("p1"),
721  py::arg("size"),
722  R"(
723  Joins two Boolean functions by a signed less-than-equal check that produces a single-bit result.
725  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
726  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
727  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation (always =1).
728  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
729  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
730  )");
732  py_boolean_function.def_static(
733  "Slt",
734  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
735  auto res = BooleanFunction::Slt(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
736  if (res.is_ok())
737  {
738  return res.get();
739  }
740  else
741  {
742  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
743  return std::nullopt;
744  }
745  },
746  py::arg("p0"),
747  py::arg("p1"),
748  py::arg("size"),
749  R"(
750  Joins two Boolean functions by a signed less-than check that produces a single-bit result.
752  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
753  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
754  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation (always =1).
755  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
756  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
757  )");
759  py_boolean_function.def_static(
760  "Ule",
761  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
762  auto res = BooleanFunction::Ule(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
763  if (res.is_ok())
764  {
765  return res.get();
766  }
767  else
768  {
769  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
770  return std::nullopt;
771  }
772  },
773  py::arg("p0"),
774  py::arg("p1"),
775  py::arg("size"),
776  R"(
777  Joins two Boolean functions by an unsigned less-than-equal check that produces a single-bit result.
779  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
780  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
781  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation (always =1).
782  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
783  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
784  )");
786  py_boolean_function.def_static(
787  "Ult",
788  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
789  auto res = BooleanFunction::Ult(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), size);
790  if (res.is_ok())
791  {
792  return res.get();
793  }
794  else
795  {
796  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
797  return std::nullopt;
798  }
799  },
800  py::arg("p0"),
801  py::arg("p1"),
802  py::arg("size"),
803  R"(
804  Joins two Boolean functions by an unsigned less-than check that produces a single-bit result.
806  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: First Boolean function.
807  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Second Boolean function.
808  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation (always =1).
809  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
810  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
811  )");
813  py_boolean_function.def_static(
814  "Ite",
815  [](BooleanFunction p0, BooleanFunction p1, BooleanFunction p2, u16 size) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
816  auto res = BooleanFunction::Ite(std::move(p0), std::move(p1), std::move(p2), size);
817  if (res.is_ok())
818  {
819  return res.get();
820  }
821  else
822  {
823  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
824  return std::nullopt;
825  }
826  },
827  py::arg("p0"),
828  py::arg("p1"),
829  py::arg("p2"),
830  py::arg("size"),
831  R"(
832  Joins three Boolean functions by an if-then-else operation with p0 as the condition, p1 as true-case, and p2 as false-case.
833  Requires ``p1`` to be of bit-size 1 and both Boolean functions ``p1`` and ``p2`` to be of the same bit-size.
834  Produces a new Boolean function of the specified bit-size that must be equal to the size of ``p1`` and ``p2``.
836  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p0: Boolean function condition.
837  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function for ``true``-case.
838  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction p1: Boolean function for ``false``-case.
839  :param int size: Bit-size of the operation, i.e., size of ``p1`` and ``p2``.
840  :returns: The joined Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
841  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
842  )");
844  py_boolean_function.def(py::self & py::self, R"(
845  Joins two Boolean functions by an AND operation.
846  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
848  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
850  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
851  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
852  )");
854  py_boolean_function.def(py::self &= py::self, R"(
855  Joins two Boolean functions by an AND operation in-place.
856  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
858  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
860  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
861  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
862  )");
864  py_boolean_function.def(py::self | py::self, R"(
865  Joins two Boolean functions by an OR operation.
866  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
868  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
870  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
871  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
872  )");
874  py_boolean_function.def(py::self |= py::self, R"(
875  Joins two Boolean functions by an OR operation in-place.
876  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
878  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
880  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
881  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
882  )");
884  py_boolean_function.def(~py::self, R"(
885  Negates the Boolean function.
887  :returns: The negated Boolean function.
888  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
889  )");
891  py_boolean_function.def(py::self ^ py::self, R"(
892  Joins two Boolean functions by an XOR operation.
893  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
895  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
897  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
898  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
899  )");
901  py_boolean_function.def(py::self ^= py::self, R"(
902  Joins two Boolean functions by an XOR operation in-place.
903  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
905  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
907  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
908  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
909  )");
911  py_boolean_function.def(py::self + py::self, R"(
912  Joins two Boolean functions by an ADD operation.
913  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
915  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
917  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
918  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
919  )");
921  py_boolean_function.def(py::self += py::self, R"(
922  Joins two Boolean functions by an ADD operation in-place.
923  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
925  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
927  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
928  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
929  )");
931  py_boolean_function.def(py::self - py::self, R"(
932  Joins two Boolean functions by an SUB operation.
933  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
935  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
937  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
938  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
939  )");
941  py_boolean_function.def(py::self -= py::self, R"(
942  Joins two Boolean functions by an SUB operation in-place.
943  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
945  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
947  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
948  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
949  )");
951  py_boolean_function.def(py::self * py::self, R"(
952  Joins two Boolean functions by an MUL operation.
953  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
955  **Warning:* fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
957  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
958  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
959  )");
961  py_boolean_function.def(py::self *= py::self, R"(
962  Joins two Boolean functions by an MUL operation in-place.
963  Requires both Boolean functions to be of the same bit-size.
965  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean functions have different bit-sizes.
967  :returns: The joined Boolean Bunction.
968  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
969  )");
971  py_boolean_function.def(py::self == py::self, R"(
972  Checks whether two Boolean functions are equal.
974  :returns: True if both Boolean functions are equal, False otherwise.
975  :rtype: bool
976  )");
978  py_boolean_function.def(py::self != py::self, R"(
979  Checks whether two Boolean functions are unequal.
981  :returns: True if both Boolean functions are unequal, False otherwise.
982  :rtype: bool
983  )");
985  py_boolean_function.def(py::self < py::self, R"(
986  Checks whether this Boolean function is 'smaller' than the ``other`` Boolean function.
988  :returns: True if this Boolean function is 'smaller', False otherwise.
989  :rtype: bool
990  )");
992  py_boolean_function.def("is_empty", &BooleanFunction::is_empty, R"(
993  Checks whether the Boolean function is empty.
995  :returns: True if the Boolean function is empty, False otherwise.
996  :rtype: bool
997  )");
999  py_boolean_function.def("clone", &BooleanFunction::clone, R"(
1000  Clones the Boolean function.
1002  :returns: The cloned Boolean function.
1003  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
1004  )");
1006  py_boolean_function.def_property_readonly("size", &BooleanFunction::size, R"(
1007  The bit-size of the Boolean function.
1009  :type: int
1010  )");
1012  py_boolean_function.def("get_size", &BooleanFunction::size, R"(
1013  Returns the bit-size of the Boolean function.
1015  :returns: The bit-size of the Boolean function.
1016  :rtype: int
1017  )");
1019  py_boolean_function.def("is", &BooleanFunction::is, py::arg("type"), R"(
1020  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of a specific type.
1022  :param int type: The type to check for.
1023  :returns: True if the node is of the given type, False otherwise.
1024  :rtype: bool
1025  )");
1027  py_boolean_function.def("is_variable", &BooleanFunction::is_variable, R"(
1028  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type ``Variable`` and holds a specific variable name.
1030  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Variable, False otherwise.
1031  :rtype: bool
1032  )");
1034  py_boolean_function.def("has_variable_name", &BooleanFunction::has_variable_name, R"(
1035  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Variable and holds a specific variable name.
1037  :param int value: The variable name to check for.
1038  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Variable and holds the given variable name, False otherwise.
1039  :rtype: bool
1040  )");
1042  py_boolean_function.def(
1043  "get_variable_name",
1044  [](const BooleanFunction& self) -> std::optional<std::string> {
1045  auto res = self.get_variable_name();
1046  if (res.is_ok())
1047  {
1048  return res.get();
1049  }
1050  else
1051  {
1052  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1053  return std::nullopt;
1054  }
1055  },
1056  R"(
1057  Get the variable name of the top-level node of the Boolean function of type Variable.
1059  :returns: The variable name on success, None otherwise.
1060  :rtype: str or None
1061  )");
1063  py_boolean_function.def("is_constant", &BooleanFunction::is_constant, R"(
1064  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Constant.
1066  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Constant, False otherwise.
1067  :rtype: bool
1068  )");
1070  py_boolean_function.def("has_constant_value", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>&>(&BooleanFunction::has_constant_value, py::const_), R"(
1071  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Constant and holds a specific value.
1073  :param list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] value: The constant value to check for.
1074  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Constant and holds the given value, False otherwise.
1075  :rtype: bool
1076  )");
1078  py_boolean_function.def("has_constant_value", py::overload_cast<u64>(&BooleanFunction::has_constant_value, py::const_), R"(
1079  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Constant and holds a specific value.
1081  :param int value: The constant value to check for.
1082  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Constant and holds the given value, False otherwise.
1083  :rtype: bool
1084  )");
1086  py_boolean_function.def(
1087  "get_constant_value",
1088  [](const BooleanFunction& self) -> std::optional<std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>> {
1089  auto res = self.get_constant_value();
1090  if (res.is_ok())
1091  {
1092  return res.get();
1093  }
1094  else
1095  {
1096  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1097  return std::nullopt;
1098  }
1099  },
1100  R"(
1101  Get the constant value of the top-level node of the Boolean function of type Constant as a list of ``hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value``.
1103  :returns: The constant value on success, None otherwise.
1104  :rtype: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] or None
1105  )");
1107  py_boolean_function.def(
1108  "get_constant_value_u64",
1109  [](const BooleanFunction& self) -> std::optional<u64> {
1110  auto res = self.get_constant_value_u64();
1111  if (res.is_ok())
1112  {
1113  return res.get();
1114  }
1115  else
1116  {
1117  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1118  return std::nullopt;
1119  }
1120  },
1121  R"(
1122  Get the constant value of the top-level node of the Boolean function of type Constant as long as it has a size <= 64-bit.
1124  :returns: The constant value on success, None otherwise.
1125  :rtype: int or None
1126  )");
1128  py_boolean_function.def("is_index", &BooleanFunction::is_index, R"(
1129  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Index.
1131  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Index, False otherwise.
1132  :rtype: bool
1133  )");
1135  py_boolean_function.def("has_index_value", &BooleanFunction::has_index_value, R"(
1136  Checks whether the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Index and holds a specific value.
1138  :param int value: The index value to check for.
1139  :returns: True if the top-level node of the Boolean function is of type Index and holds the given value, False otherwise.
1140  :rtype: bool
1141  )");
1143  py_boolean_function.def(
1144  "get_index_value",
1145  [](const BooleanFunction& self) -> std::optional<u16> {
1146  auto res = self.get_index_value();
1147  if (res.is_ok())
1148  {
1149  return res.get();
1150  }
1151  else
1152  {
1153  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1154  return std::nullopt;
1155  }
1156  },
1157  R"(
1158  Get the index value of the top-level node of the Boolean function of type Index.
1160  :returns: The index value on success, None otherwise.
1161  :rtype: int or None
1162  )");
1164  py_boolean_function.def_property_readonly("top_level_node", &BooleanFunction::get_top_level_node, R"(
1165  The top-level node of the Boolean function.
1167  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean function is empty.
1169  :type: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1170  )");
1172  py_boolean_function.def("get_top_level_node", &BooleanFunction::get_top_level_node, R"(
1173  Returns the top-level node of the Boolean function.
1175  **Warning:** fails if the Boolean function is empty.
1177  :returns: The top-level node.
1178  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1179  )");
1181  py_boolean_function.def_property_readonly("length", &BooleanFunction::length, R"(
1182  The number of nodes in the Boolean function.
1184  :type: int
1185  )");
1187  py_boolean_function.def("get_length", &BooleanFunction::length, R"(
1188  Returns the number of nodes in the Boolean function.
1190  :returns: The number of nodes.
1191  :rtype: int
1192  )");
1194  py_boolean_function.def("nodes", &BooleanFunction::get_nodes, R"(
1195  The reverse polish notation list of the Boolean function nodes.
1197  :type: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node]
1198  )");
1200  py_boolean_function.def("get_nodes", &BooleanFunction::get_nodes, R"(
1201  Returns the reverse polish notation list of the Boolean function nodes.
1203  :returns: A list of nodes.
1204  :rtype: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node]
1205  )");
1207  py_boolean_function.def_property_readonly("parameters", &BooleanFunction::get_parameters, R"(
1208  The parameter list of the top-level node of the Boolean function.
1210  :type: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction]
1211  )");
1213  py_boolean_function.def("get_parameters", &BooleanFunction::get_parameters, R"(
1214  Returns the parameter list of the top-level node of the Boolean function.
1216  :returns: A vector of Boolean functions.
1217  :rtype: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction]
1218  )");
1220  py_boolean_function.def_property_readonly("variable_names", &BooleanFunction::get_variable_names, R"(
1221  The set of variable names used by the Boolean function.
1223  :type: set[str]
1224  )");
1226  py_boolean_function.def("get_variable_names", &BooleanFunction::get_variable_names, R"(
1227  Returns the set of variable names used by the Boolean function.
1229  :returns: A set of variable names.
1230  :rtype: set[str]
1231  )");
1233  py_boolean_function.def(
1234  "__str__", [](const BooleanFunction& f) { return f.to_string(); }, R"(
1235  Translates the Boolean function into its string representation.
1237  :returns: The Boolean function as a string.
1238  :rtype: str
1239  )");
1241  py_boolean_function.def_static(
1242  "from_string",
1243  [](const std::string& expression) -> BooleanFunction {
1244  auto res = BooleanFunction::from_string(expression);
1245  if (res.is_ok())
1246  {
1247  return res.get();
1248  }
1249  else
1250  {
1251  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1252  return BooleanFunction();
1253  }
1254  },
1255  py::arg("expression"),
1256  R"(
1257  Parses a Boolean function from a string expression.
1259  :param str expression: Boolean function string.
1260  :returns: The Boolean function on success, an empty Boolean function otherwise.
1261  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
1262  )");
1264  py_boolean_function.def("simplify", &BooleanFunction::simplify, R"(
1265  Simplifies the Boolean function.
1267  :returns: The simplified Boolean function.
1268  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
1269  )");
1271  py_boolean_function.def(
1272  "substitute", py::overload_cast<const std::string&, const std::string&>(&BooleanFunction::substitute, py::const_), py::arg("old_variable_name"), py::arg("new_variable_name"), R"(
1273  Substitute a variable name with another one, i.e., renames the variable.
1274  The operation is applied to all instances of the variable in the function.
1276  :param str old_variable_name: The old variable name to substitute.
1277  :param str new_variable_name: The new variable name.
1278  :returns: The resulting Boolean function.
1279  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
1280  )");
1282  py_boolean_function.def(
1283  "substitute",
1284  [](const BooleanFunction& self, const std::string& variable_name, const BooleanFunction& function) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
1285  auto res = self.substitute(variable_name, function);
1286  if (res.is_ok())
1287  {
1288  return res.get();
1289  }
1290  else
1291  {
1292  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1293  return std::nullopt;
1294  }
1295  },
1296  py::arg("variable_name"),
1297  py::arg("function"),
1298  R"(
1299  Substitute a variable with another Boolean function.
1300  The operation is applied to all instances of the variable in the function.
1302  :param str variable_name: The variable to substitute.
1303  :param hal_py.BooleanFunction function: The function replace the variable with.
1304  :returns: The resulting Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
1305  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
1306  )");
1308  py_boolean_function.def("substitute",
1309  py::overload_cast<const std::map<std::string, std::string>&>(&BooleanFunction::substitute, py::const_),
1310  py::arg("substitutions"),
1311  R"(
1312  Substitute multiple variable names with different names at once, i.e., rename the variables.
1313  The operation is applied to all instances of the variable in the function.
1315  :param dict[str,str] substitutions: A dict from old variable names to new variable names.
1316  :returns: The resulting Boolean function.
1317  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction
1318  )");
1320  py_boolean_function.def(
1321  "substitute",
1322  [](const BooleanFunction& self, const std::map<std::string, BooleanFunction>& substitutions) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction> {
1323  auto res = self.substitute(substitutions);
1324  if (res.is_ok())
1325  {
1326  return res.get();
1327  }
1328  else
1329  {
1330  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1331  return std::nullopt;
1332  }
1333  },
1334  py::arg("substitutions"),
1335  R"(
1336  Substitute multiple variables with other boolean functions at once.
1337  The operation is applied to all instances of the variable in the function.
1339  :param dict substitutions: A map from the variable names to the function to replace the variable with.
1340  :returns: The resulting Boolean function on success, None otherwise.
1341  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction or None
1342  )");
1344  py_boolean_function.def(
1345  "evaluate",
1346  [](const BooleanFunction& self, const std::unordered_map<std::string, BooleanFunction::Value>& inputs) -> std::optional<BooleanFunction::Value> {
1347  auto res = self.evaluate(inputs);
1348  if (res.is_ok())
1349  {
1350  return res.get();
1351  }
1352  else
1353  {
1354  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1355  return std::nullopt;
1356  }
1357  },
1358  py::arg("inputs"),
1359  R"(
1360  Evaluates a Boolean function comprising only single-bit variables using the given input values.
1362  :param dict[str,hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] inputs: A dict from variable name to input value.
1363  :returns: The resulting value on success, None otherwise.
1364  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value or None
1365  )");
1367  py_boolean_function.def(
1368  "evaluate",
1369  [](const BooleanFunction& self, const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>>& inputs) -> std::optional<std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>> {
1370  auto res = self.evaluate(inputs);
1371  if (res.is_ok())
1372  {
1373  return res.get();
1374  }
1375  else
1376  {
1377  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1378  return std::nullopt;
1379  }
1380  },
1381  py::arg("inputs"),
1382  R"(
1383  Evaluates a Boolean function comprising multi-bit variables using the given input values.
1385  :param dict[str,list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value]] inputs: A dict from variable name to a list of input values.
1386  :returns: A vector of values on success, None otherwise.
1387  :rtype: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] or None
1388  )");
1390  py_boolean_function.def(
1391  "compute_truth_table",
1392  [](const BooleanFunction& self, const std::vector<std::string>& ordered_variables, bool remove_unknown_variables) -> std::optional<std::vector<std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>>> {
1393  auto res = self.compute_truth_table(ordered_variables, remove_unknown_variables);
1394  if (res.is_ok())
1395  {
1396  return res.get();
1397  }
1398  else
1399  {
1400  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1401  return std::nullopt;
1402  }
1403  },
1404  py::arg("ordered_variables") = std::vector<std::string>(),
1405  py::arg("remove_unknown_variables") = false,
1406  R"(
1407  Computes the truth table outputs for a Boolean function that comprises <= 10 single-bit variables.
1409  **Warning:** The generation of the truth table is exponential in the number of parameters.
1411  :param list[str] ordered_variables: A list describing the order of input variables used to generate the truth table. Defaults to an empty list.
1412  :param bool remove_unknown_variables: Set True to remove variables from the truth table that are not present within the Boolean function, False otherwise. Defaults to False.
1413  :returns: A list of values representing the truth table output on success, None otherwise.
1414  :rtype: list[list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value]] or None
1415  )");
1417  py_boolean_function.def(
1418  "get_truth_table_as_string",
1419  [](const BooleanFunction& self, const std::vector<std::string>& ordered_variables, std::string function_name, bool remove_unknown_variables) -> std::optional<std::string> {
1420  auto res = self.get_truth_table_as_string(ordered_variables, function_name, remove_unknown_variables);
1421  if (res.is_ok())
1422  {
1423  return res.get();
1424  }
1425  else
1426  {
1427  log_error("python_context", "{}", res.get_error().get());
1428  return std::nullopt;
1429  }
1430  },
1431  py::arg("ordered_variables") = std::vector<std::string>(),
1432  py::arg("function_name") = std::string(""),
1433  py::arg("remove_unknown_variables") = false,
1434  R"(
1435  Prints the truth table for a Boolean function that comprises <= 10 single-bit variables.
1437  **Warning:** The generation of the truth table is exponential in the number of parameters.
1439  :param list[str] ordered_variables: A list describing the order of input variables used to generate the truth table. Defaults to an empty list.
1440  :param str function_name: The name of the Boolean function to be printed as header of the output columns.
1441  :param bool remove_unknown_variables: Set True to remove variables from the truth table that are not present within the Boolean function, False otherwise. Defaults to False.
1442  :returns: A string representing the truth table on success, None otherwise.
1443  :rtype: str or None
1444  )");
1446  py::class_<BooleanFunction::Node> py_boolean_function_node(py_boolean_function, "Node", R"(
1447  Node refers to an abstract syntax tree node of a Boolean function. A node is an abstract base class for either an operation (e.g., AND, XOR) or an operand (e.g., a signal name variable).
1448  )");
1450  py_boolean_function_node.def_readwrite("type", &BooleanFunction::Node::type, R"(
1451  The type of the node.
1453  :type: int
1454  )");
1456  py_boolean_function_node.def_readwrite("size", &BooleanFunction::Node::size, R"(
1457  The bit-size of the node.
1459  :type: int
1460  )");
1462  py_boolean_function_node.def_readwrite("constant", &BooleanFunction::Node::constant, R"(
1463  The (optional) constant value of the node.
1465  :type: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value]
1466  )");
1468  py_boolean_function_node.def_readwrite("index", &BooleanFunction::Node::index, R"(
1469  The (optional) index value of the node.
1471  :type: int
1472  )");
1474  py_boolean_function_node.def_readwrite("variable", &BooleanFunction::Node::variable, R"(
1475  The (optional) variable name of the node.
1477  :type: str
1478  )");
1480  py_boolean_function_node.def_static("Operation", BooleanFunction::Node::Operation, py::arg("type"), py::arg("size"), R"(
1481  Constructs an 'operation' node.
1483  :param int type: The type of the operation.
1484  :param int size: The bit-size of the operation.
1485  :returns: The node.
1486  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1487  )");
1489  py_boolean_function_node.def_static("Constant", BooleanFunction::Node::Constant, py::arg("value"), R"(
1490  Constructs a 'constant' node.
1492  :param list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] value: The constant value of the node.
1493  :returns: The node.
1494  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1495  )");
1497  py_boolean_function_node.def_static("Index", BooleanFunction::Node::Index, py::arg("index"), py::arg("size"), R"(
1498  Constructs an 'index' node.
1500  :param int value: The index value of the node.
1501  :param int size: The bit-size of the node.
1502  :returns: The node.
1503  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1504  )");
1506  py_boolean_function_node.def_static("Variable", BooleanFunction::Node::Variable, py::arg("variable"), py::arg("size"), R"(
1507  Constructs a 'variable' node.
1509  :param int value: The variable name of the node.
1510  :param int size: The bit-size of the node.
1511  :returns: The node.
1512  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1513  )");
1515  py_boolean_function_node.def(py::self == py::self, R"(
1516  Checks whether two Boolean function nodes are equal.
1518  :returns: True if both Boolean function nodes are equal, False otherwise.
1519  :rtype: bool
1520  )");
1522  py_boolean_function_node.def(py::self != py::self, R"(
1523  Checks whether two Boolean function nodes are unequal.
1525  :returns: True if both Boolean function nodes are unequal, False otherwise.
1526  :rtype: bool
1527  )");
1529  py_boolean_function_node.def(py::self < py::self, R"(
1530  Checks whether this Boolean function node is 'smaller' than the ``other`` Boolean function node.
1532  :returns: True if this Boolean function node is 'smaller', False otherwise.
1533  :rtype: bool
1534  )");
1536  py_boolean_function_node.def("clone", &BooleanFunction::Node::clone, R"(
1537  Clones the Boolean function node.
1539  :returns: The cloned Boolean function node.
1540  :rtype: hal_py.BooleanFunction.Node
1541  )");
1543  py_boolean_function_node.def(
1544  "__str__", [](const BooleanFunction::Node& n) { return n.to_string(); }, R"(
1545  Translates the Boolean function node into its string representation.
1547  :returns: The Boolean function node as a string.
1548  :rtype: str
1549  )");
1551  py_boolean_function_node.def_property_readonly("arity", &BooleanFunction::Node::get_arity, R"(
1552  The arity of the Boolean function node, i.e., the number of parameters.
1554  :type: int
1555  )");
1557  py_boolean_function_node.def("get_arity", &BooleanFunction::Node::get_arity, R"(
1558  Returns the arity of the Boolean function node, i.e., the number of parameters.
1560  :returns: The arity.
1561  :rtype: int
1562  )");
1564  py_boolean_function_node.def_static("get_arity_of_type", &BooleanFunction::Node::get_arity_of_type, py::arg("type"), R"(
1565  Returns the arity for a Boolean function node of the given type, i.e., the number of parameters.
1567  :returns: The arity.
1568  :rtype: int
1569  )");
1571  py_boolean_function_node.def("is", &BooleanFunction::Node::is, py::arg("type"), R"(
1572  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of a specific type.
1574  :param int type: The type to check for.
1575  :returns: True if the node is of the given type, False otherwise.
1576  :rtype: bool
1577  )");
1579  py_boolean_function_node.def("is_constant", &BooleanFunction::Node::is_constant, R"(
1580  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Constant.
1582  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Constant, False otherwise.
1583  :rtype: bool
1584  )");
1586  py_boolean_function_node.def("has_constant_value", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>&>(&BooleanFunction::Node::has_constant_value, py::const_), py::arg("value"), R"(
1587  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Constant and holds a specific value.
1589  :param list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] value: The value to check for.
1590  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Constant and holds the given value, False otherwise.
1591  :rtype: bool
1592  )");
1594  py_boolean_function_node.def("has_constant_value", py::overload_cast<u64>(&BooleanFunction::Node::has_constant_value, py::const_), py::arg("value"), R"(
1595  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Constant and holds a specific value.
1597  :param int value: The value to check for.
1598  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Constant and holds the given value, False otherwise.
1599  :rtype: bool
1600  )");
1602  py_boolean_function_node.def(
1603  "get_constant_value",
1604  [](const BooleanFunction::Node& self) -> std::optional<std::vector<BooleanFunction::Value>> {
1605  if (const auto res = self.get_constant_value(); res.is_ok())
1606  {
1607  return res.get();
1608  }
1609  else
1610  {
1611  log_error("python_context", "could not get constant value:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
1612  return std::nullopt;
1613  }
1614  },
1615  R"(
1616  Get the constant value of the node of type ``Constant`` as a list of ``hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value``.
1618  :returns: The constant value on success, None otherwise.
1619  :rtype: list[hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value] or None
1620  )");
1622  py_boolean_function_node.def(
1623  "get_constant_value_u64",
1624  [](const BooleanFunction::Node& self) -> std::optional<u64> {
1625  if (const auto res = self.get_constant_value_u64(); res.is_ok())
1626  {
1627  return res.get();
1628  }
1629  else
1630  {
1631  log_error("python_context", "could not get constant value:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
1632  return std::nullopt;
1633  }
1634  },
1635  R"(
1636  Get the constant value of the node of type ``Constant`` as long as it has a size <= 64-bit.
1638  :returns: The constant value on success, None otherwise.
1639  :rtype: int or None
1640  )");
1642  py_boolean_function_node.def("is_index", &BooleanFunction::Node::is_index, R"(
1643  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Index.
1645  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Index, False otherwise.
1646  :rtype: bool
1647  )");
1649  py_boolean_function_node.def("has_index_value", &BooleanFunction::Node::has_index_value, py::arg("value"), R"(
1650  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Index and holds a specific value.
1652  :param int value: The value to check for.
1653  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Index and holds the given value, False otherwise.
1654  :rtype: bool
1655  )");
1657  py_boolean_function_node.def(
1658  "get_index_value",
1659  [](const BooleanFunction::Node& self) -> std::optional<u64> {
1660  if (const auto res = self.get_index_value(); res.is_ok())
1661  {
1662  return res.get();
1663  }
1664  else
1665  {
1666  log_error("python_context", "could not get index value:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
1667  return std::nullopt;
1668  }
1669  },
1670  R"(
1671  Get the index value of node of type ``Index``.
1673  :returns: The index value on success, None otherwise.
1674  :rtype: int or None
1675  )");
1677  py_boolean_function_node.def("is_variable", &BooleanFunction::Node::is_variable, R"(
1678  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Variable.
1680  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Variable, False otherwise.
1681  :rtype: bool
1682  )");
1684  py_boolean_function_node.def("has_variable_name", &BooleanFunction::Node::has_variable_name, py::arg("variable_name"), R"(
1685  Checks whether the Boolean function node is of type Variable and holds a specific variable name.
1687  :param str variable_name: The variable name to check for.
1688  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is of type Variable and holds the given variable name, False otherwise.
1689  :rtype: bool
1690  )");
1692  py_boolean_function_node.def(
1693  "get_variable_name",
1694  [](const BooleanFunction::Node& self) -> std::optional<std::string> {
1695  if (const auto res = self.get_variable_name(); res.is_ok())
1696  {
1697  return res.get();
1698  }
1699  else
1700  {
1701  log_error("python_context", "could not get variable name:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
1702  return std::nullopt;
1703  }
1704  },
1705  R"(
1706  Get the variable name of node of type ``Variable``.
1708  :returns: The variable name on success, None otherwise.
1709  :rtype: str or None
1710  )");
1712  py_boolean_function_node.def("is_operation", &BooleanFunction::Node::is_operation, R"(
1713  Checks whether the Boolean function node is an operation node.
1715  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is an operation node, False otherwise.
1716  :rtype: bool
1717  )");
1719  py_boolean_function_node.def("is_operand", &BooleanFunction::Node::is_operand, R"(
1720  Checks whether the Boolean function node is an operand node.
1722  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is an operand node, False otherwise.
1723  :rtype: bool
1724  )");
1726  py_boolean_function_node.def("is_commutative", &BooleanFunction::Node::is_commutative, R"(
1727  Checks whether the Boolean function node is commutative.
1729  :returns: True if the Boolean function node is commutative, False otherwise.
1730  :rtype: bool
1731  )");
1733  py::class_<BooleanFunction::NodeType> py_boolean_function_node_type(py_boolean_function, "NodeType", R"(
1734  Holds all node types available in a Boolean function.
1735  )");
1737  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("And", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::And);
1738  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Or", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Or);
1739  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Not", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Not);
1740  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Xor", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Xor);
1742  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Add", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Add);
1743  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Sub", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Sub);
1744  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Mul", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Mul);
1745  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Sdiv", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Sdiv);
1746  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Udiv", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Udiv);
1747  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Srem", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Srem);
1748  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Urem", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Urem);
1750  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Concat", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Concat);
1751  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Slice", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Slice);
1752  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Zext", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Zext);
1753  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Sext", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Sext);
1755  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Shl", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Shl);
1756  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Lshr", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Lshr);
1757  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Ashr", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Ashr);
1758  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Rol", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Rol);
1759  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Ror", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Ror);
1761  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Eq", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Eq);
1762  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Sle", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Sle);
1763  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Slt", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Slt);
1764  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Ule", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Ule);
1765  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Ult", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Ult);
1766  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Ite", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Ite);
1768  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Constant", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Constant);
1769  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Index", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Index);
1770  py_boolean_function_node_type.def_readonly_static("Variable", &BooleanFunction::NodeType::Variable);
1771  }
1772 } // namespace hal
static Result< BooleanFunction > Slt(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
bool has_index_value(u16 index) const
static Result< BooleanFunction > Ite(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, BooleanFunction &&p2, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Eq(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static BooleanFunction Var(const std::string &name, u16 size=1)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Xor(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
const BooleanFunction::Node & get_top_level_node() const
static Result< BooleanFunction > Add(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
std::set< std::string > get_variable_names() const
static Result< BooleanFunction > Lshr(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
bool has_constant_value(const std::vector< Value > &value) const
static Result< BooleanFunction > Zext(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Mul(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
bool has_variable_name(const std::string &variable_name) const
static Result< BooleanFunction > Ule(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Sub(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Sext(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Udiv(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Concat(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Ult(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static BooleanFunction Index(u16 index, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Sle(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > from_string(const std::string &expression)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Slice(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, BooleanFunction &&p2, u16 size)
const std::vector< BooleanFunction::Node > & get_nodes() const
bool is(u16 type) const
BooleanFunction simplify() const
BooleanFunction clone() const
represents the type of the node
static Result< BooleanFunction > Or(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Urem(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Ror(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Sdiv(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static std::string to_string(Value value)
static BooleanFunction Const(const BooleanFunction::Value &value)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Ashr(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< u64 > to_u64(const std::vector< BooleanFunction::Value > &value)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Not(BooleanFunction &&p0, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > And(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
std::vector< BooleanFunction > get_parameters() const
BooleanFunction substitute(const std::string &old_variable_name, const std::string &new_variable_name) const
static Result< BooleanFunction > Shl(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Rol(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
static Result< BooleanFunction > Srem(BooleanFunction &&p0, BooleanFunction &&p1, u16 size)
uint16_t u16
Definition: defines.h:40
uint8_t u8
Definition: defines.h:39
void boolean_function_init(py::module &m)
#define log_error(channel,...)
Definition: log.h:78
const Module * module(const Gate *g, const NodeBoxes &boxes)
Definition: test.py:6
std::vector< BooleanFunction::Value > constant
The (optional) constant value of the node.
u16 type
The type of the node.
u16 size
The bit-size of the node.
static u16 get_arity_of_type(u16 type)
static Node Constant(const std::vector< BooleanFunction::Value > value)
bool has_index_value(u16 value) const
std::string variable
The (optional) variable name of the node.
bool has_variable_name(const std::string &variable_name) const
static Node Operation(u16 type, u16 size)
bool has_constant_value(const std::vector< Value > &value) const
static Node Index(u16 index, u16 size)
u16 index
The (optional) index value of the node.
static Node Variable(const std::string variable, u16 size)