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Result< std::map< u64, std::map< u64, BooleanFunction > > > | hal::solve_fsm::solve_fsm_brute_force (Netlist *nl, const std::vector< Gate * > &state_reg, const std::vector< Gate * > &transition_logic, const std::filesystem::path &graph_path="") |
Result< std::map< u64, std::map< u64, BooleanFunction > > > | hal::solve_fsm::solve_fsm (Netlist *nl, const std::vector< Gate * > &state_reg, const std::vector< Gate * > &transition_logic, const std::map< Gate *, bool > &initial_state={}, const std::filesystem::path &graph_path="", const u32 timeout=600000) |
Result< std::string > | hal::solve_fsm::generate_dot_graph (const std::vector< Gate * > &state_reg, const std::map< u64, std::map< u64, BooleanFunction >> &transitions, const std::filesystem::path &graph_path="", const u32 max_condition_length=128, const u32 base=10) |