Used to display all nets which destinations are not in the current view.
A standard net that has parts of a separated net.
StandardArrowNet(Net *n, const Lines &l, const QList< QPointF > &knots=QList< QPointF >())
void setInputPosition(const QPointF &pos)
void setOutputPosition(const QPointF &pos)
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override
virtual void setVisuals(const Visuals &v) override
The most basic net to display the standard nets.
option(PL_GUI "PL_GUI" ON) if(PL_GUI OR BUILD_ALL_PLUGINS) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0) if(APPLE AND CMAKE_HOST_APPLE AND NOT Qt5_DIR) set(Qt5_DIR "/usr/local/opt/qt@5/lib/cmake") endif(APPLE AND CMAKE_HOST_APPLE AND NOT Qt5_DIR) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Widgets REQUIRED) if(Qt5Widgets_FOUND) message(VERBOSE "Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS
QPointF pos() const const