Boolean Function Net Decorator

class hal_py.BooleanFunctionNetDecorator
__init__(self: hal_py.BooleanFunctionNetDecorator, net: hal_py.Net) → None

Construct new BooleanFunctionNetDecorator object.

Parameters:net (hal_py.Net) – The net to operate on.
get_boolean_variable(self: hal_py.BooleanFunctionNetDecorator) → hal_py.BooleanFunction

Generate a unique Boolean variable representing the given net.

Returns:The Boolean variable.
Return type:hal_py.BooleanFunction
get_boolean_variable_name(self: hal_py.BooleanFunctionNetDecorator) → str

Generate a unique Boolean variable name representing the given net.

Returns:The Boolean variable name.
Return type:str
static get_net_from(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_net_from(netlist: hal_py.Netlist, var: hal_py.BooleanFunction) -> hal_py.Net

    Get the net represented by a unique Boolean variable.

    param hal_py.Netlist netlist:
     The netlist on which to operate.
    param hal_py.BooleanFunction var:
     The Boolean variable.
    returns:The specified net on success, None otherwise.
    rtype:hal_py.Net or None
  2. get_net_from(netlist: hal_py.Netlist, var_name: str) -> hal_py.Net

    Get the net represented by a unique Boolean variable name.

    param hal_py.Netlist netlist:
     The netlist on which to operate.
    param str var_name:
     The Boolean variable name.
    returns:The specified net on success, None otherwise.
    rtype:hal_py.Net or None