SMT solver functions.
- class hal_py.SMT.Constraint
Represents a constraint to the SMT query. A constraint is either an assignment of two Boolean functions or a single Boolean function, e.g., an equality check or similar.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: hal_py.SMT.Constraint, constraint: hal_py.BooleanFunction) -> None
Constructs a new constraint from one Boolean function that evaluates to a single bit.
- param hal_py.BooleanFunction constraint
The constraint function.
__init__(self: hal_py.SMT.Constraint, lhs: hal_py.BooleanFunction, rhs: hal_py.BooleanFunction) -> None
Constructs a new equality constraint from two Boolean functions.
- param hal_py.BooleanFunction lhs
The left-hand side of the equality constraint.
- param hal_py.BooleanFunction rhs
The right-hand side of the equality constraint.
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- property constraint
A constraint that is either an assignment of two Boolean functions or a single Boolean function, e.g., an equality check or similar.
- get_assignment(self: hal_py.SMT.Constraint) Optional[Tuple[hal_py.BooleanFunction, hal_py.BooleanFunction]]
Returns the assignment constraint as a pair of Boolean functions.
- Returns
The assignment constraint on success, None otherwise.
- Return type
tuple(hal_py.BooleanFunction,hal_py.BooleanFunction) or None
- get_function(self: hal_py.SMT.Constraint) Optional[hal_py.BooleanFunction]
Returns the function constraint as a Boolean function.
- Returns
The function constraint on success, None otherwise.
- Return type
- is_assignment(self: hal_py.SMT.Constraint) bool
Checks whether the constraint is an assignment constraint.
- Returns
True of the constraint is an assignment, False otherwise.
- Return type
- class hal_py.SMT.Model
Represents a list of assignments for variable nodes that yield a satisfiable assignment for a given list of constraints.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __eq__(self: hal_py.SMT.Model, arg0: hal_py.SMT.Model) bool
Checks whether two SMT models are equal.
- Returns
True if both models are equal, False otherwise.
- Return type
- __hash__ = None
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.Model, model: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = {}) None
Constructs a new model from a map of variable names to value and bit-size.
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- __ne__(self: hal_py.SMT.Model, arg0: hal_py.SMT.Model) bool
Checks whether two SMT models are unequal.
- Returns
True if both models are unequal, False otherwise.
- Return type
- evaluate(self: hal_py.SMT.Model, bf: hal_py.BooleanFunction) Optional[hal_py.BooleanFunction]
Evaluates the given Boolean function by replacing all variables contained in the model with their corresponding value and simplifying the result.
- Parameters
bf (hal_py.BooleanFunction) – The Boolean function to evaluate.
- Returns
The evaluated function on success, None otherwise.
- Return type
- property model
A dict from variable identifiers to a (1) value and (2) its bit-size.
- static parse(model_str: str, solver: hal_py.SMT.SolverType) Optional[hal_py.SMT.Model]
Parses an SMT-Lib model from a string output by a solver of the given type.
- Parameters
model_str (str) – The SMT-Lib model string.
solver (hal_py.SMT.SolverType) – The solver that computed the model.
- Returns
The model on success, None otherwise.
- Return type
- class hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Represents the data structure to configure an SMT query.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) None
Constructs a new query configuration.
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- property generate_model
Controls whether the SMT solver should generate a model in case formula is satisfiable.
- Type
- property local
Controls whether the SMT query is performed on a local or a remote machine.
- Type
- property solver
The SMT solver identifier.
- with_call(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig, call: hal::SMT::SolverCall) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Sets the call type to the desired target.
- Parameters
call (hal_py.SMT.CallTyepe) – The solver type identifier.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- with_local_solver(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Activates local SMT solver execution.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- with_model_generation(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Indicates that the SMT solver should generate a model in case the formula is satisfiable.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- with_remote_solver(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Activates remote SMT solver execution.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- with_solver(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig, solver: hal_py.SMT.SolverType) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Sets the solver type to the desired SMT solver.
- Parameters
solver (hal_py.SMT.SolverType) – The solver type identifier.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- with_timeout(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig, seconds: int) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Sets a timeout in seconds that terminates an SMT query after the specified time has passed.
- Parameters
seconds (int) – The timeout in seconds.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- without_model_generation(self: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig
Indicates that the SMT solver should not generate a model.
- Returns
The updated SMT query configuration.
- Return type
- class hal_py.SMT.Solver
Provides an interface to query SMT solvers for a list of constraints, i.e. statements that have to be equal. To this end, we translate constraints to a SMT-LIB v2 string representation and query solvers with a defined configuration, i.e., chosen solver, model generation etc.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver, constraints: List[hal_py.SMT.Constraint] = []) None
Constructs an solver with an optional list of constraints.
- Parameters
constraints (list[hal_py.SMT.Constraint]) – The (optional) list of constraints.
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- property constraints
The list of constraints.
- Type
- get_constraints(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver) List[hal_py.SMT.Constraint]
Returns the list of constraints.
- Returns
The list of constraints.
- Return type
- static has_local_solver_for(type: hal_py.SMT.SolverType, call: hal::SMT::SolverCall) bool
Checks whether a SMT solver of the given type is available on the local machine.
- Parameters
type (hal_py.SMT.SolverType) – The SMT solver type.
call (hal_py.SMT.SolverCall) – The call to the SMT solver.
- Returns
True if an SMT solver of the requested type is available, False otherwise.
- Return type
- query(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver, config: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig = <hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig object at 0x7f267e131f30>) Optional[hal_py.SMT.SolverResult]
Queries an SMT solver with the specified query configuration.
- Parameters
config (hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) – The SMT solver query configuration.
- Returns
The result on success, a string error message otherwise.
- Return type
hal_py.SMT.Result or str
- query_local(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver, config: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) Optional[hal_py.SMT.SolverResult]
Queries a local SMT solver with the specified query configuration.
- Parameters
config (hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) – The SMT solver query configuration.
- Returns
The result on success, a string error message otherwise.
- Return type
hal_py.SMT.Result or str
- static query_local_with_smt2(config: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig, smt2: str) Optional[hal_py.SMT.SolverResult]
Queries a local SMT solver with the specified query configuration and the smt2 formatted query.
- Parameters
config (hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) – The SMT solver query configuration.
smt2 (string) – A solver query formatted in smt2 style.
- Returns
The result on success, a string error message otherwise.
- Return type
hal_py.SMT.Result or str
- query_remote(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver, config: hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) hal::Result<hal::SMT::SolverResult>
Queries a remote SMT solver with the specified query configuration.
WARNING: This function is not yet implemented.
- Parameters
config (hal_py.SMT.QueryConfig) – The SMT solver query configuration.
- Returns
The result on success, a string error message otherwise.
- Return type
hal_py.SMT.Result or str
- with_constraint(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver, constraint: hal_py.SMT.Constraint) hal_py.SMT.Solver
Adds a constraint to the SMT solver.
- Parameters
constraint (hal_py.SMT.Constraint) – The constraint.
- Returns
The updated SMT solver.
- Return type
- with_constraints(self: hal_py.SMT.Solver, constraints: List[hal_py.SMT.Constraint]) hal_py.SMT.Solver
Adds a list of constraints to the SMT solver.
- Parameters
constraints (list[hal_py.SMT.Constraint]) – The constraints.
- Returns
The updated SMT solver.
- Return type
- class hal_py.SMT.SolverResult
Represents the result of an SMT query.
- static Sat(model: Optional[hal_py.SMT.Model] = None) hal_py.SMT.SolverResult
Creates a satisfiable result with an optional model.
- Parameters
model (hal_py.SMT.Model) – Optional model for satisfiable formula.
- Returns
The result.
- Return type
- static UnSat() hal_py.SMT.SolverResult
Creates an unsatisfiable result.
- Returns
The result.
- Return type
- static Unknown() hal_py.SMT.SolverResult
Creates an unknown result.
- Returns
The result.
- Return type
- __annotations__ = {}
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- is(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResult, type: hal_py.SMT.SolverResultType) bool
Checks whether the result is of a specific type.
- Parameters
type (hal_py.SMT.ResultType) – The type to check.
- Returns
True in case result matches the given type, False otherwise.
- Return type
- is_sat(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResult) bool
Checks whether the result is satisfiable.
- Returns
True in case result is satisfiable, False otherwise.
- Return type
- is_unknown(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResult) bool
Checks whether the result is unknown.
- Returns
True in case result is unknown, False otherwise.
- Return type
- is_unsat(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResult) bool
Checks whether the result is unsatisfiable.
- Returns
True in case result is unsatisfiable, False otherwise.
- Return type
- property model
The (optional) model that is only available if type == SMT.ResultType.Sat and model generation is enabled.
- Type
- property type
Result type of the SMT query.
- Type
- class hal_py.SMT.SolverResultType
Result type of an SMT solver query.
Sat : The list of constraints is satisfiable.
UnSat : The list of constraints is not satisfiable.
Unknown : A result could not be obtained, e.g., due to a time-out.
- Sat = <SolverResultType.Sat: 0>
- UnSat = <SolverResultType.UnSat: 1>
- Unknown = <SolverResultType.Unknown: 2>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __index__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResultType) int
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResultType, value: int) None
- __int__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResultType) int
- __members__ = {'Sat': <SolverResultType.Sat: 0>, 'UnSat': <SolverResultType.UnSat: 1>, 'Unknown': <SolverResultType.Unknown: 2>}
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- __setstate__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverResultType, state: int) None
- __str__()
name(self: handle) -> str
- property name
- property value
- class hal_py.SMT.SolverType
Identifier for the SMT solver type.
Z3 : Z3 SMT solver.
Boolector : Boolector SMT solver.
Unknown : Unknown (unsupported) SMT solver.
- Boolector = <SolverType.Boolector: 1>
- Unknown = <SolverType.Unknown: 3>
- Z3 = <SolverType.Z3: 0>
- __annotations__ = {}
- __index__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverType) int
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverType, value: int) None
- __int__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverType) int
- __members__ = {'Boolector': <SolverType.Boolector: 1>, 'Unknown': <SolverType.Unknown: 3>, 'Z3': <SolverType.Z3: 0>}
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- __setstate__(self: hal_py.SMT.SolverType, state: int) None
- __str__()
name(self: handle) -> str
- property name
- property value
- class hal_py.SMT.SymbolicExecution
Represents the symbolic execution engine that handles the evaluation and simplification of Boolean function abstract syntax trees.
- __annotations__ = {}
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.SymbolicExecution, variables: List[hal_py.BooleanFunction] = []) None
Creates a symbolic execution engine and (optionally) initializes the variables.
- Parameters
variables (list[hal_py.BooleanFunction]) – The (optional) list of variables.
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- evaluate(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
evaluate(self: hal_py.SMT.SymbolicExecution, function: hal_py.BooleanFunction) -> hal::Result<hal::BooleanFunction>
Evaluates a Boolean function within the symbolic state of the symbolic execution.
- param hal_py.BooleanFunction function
The Boolean function to evaluate.
- returns
The evaluated Boolean function on success, a string error message otherwise.
- rtype
hal_py.BooleanFunction or str
evaluate(self: hal_py.SMT.SymbolicExecution, constraint: hal_py.SMT.Constraint) -> hal::Result<std::monostate>
Evaluates an equality constraint and applies it to the symbolic state of the symbolic execution.
- param hal_py.SMT.Constraint constraint
The equality constraint to evaluate.
- returns
None on success, a string error message otherwise.
- rtype
None or str
- property state
The current symbolic state.
- class hal_py.SMT.SymbolicState
Represents the data structure that keeps track of symbolic variable values (e.g., required for symbolic simplification).
- __annotations__ = {}
- __init__(self: hal_py.SMT.SymbolicState, variables: List[hal_py.BooleanFunction] = []) None
Constructs a symbolic state and (optionally) initializes the variables.
- Parameters
variables (list[hal_py.BooleanFunction]) – The (optional) list of variables.
- __module__ = 'hal_py.SMT'
- get(self: hal_py.SMT.SymbolicState, key: hal_py.BooleanFunction) hal_py.BooleanFunction
Looks up the Boolean function equivalent in the symbolic state.
- Parameters
key (hal_py.BooleanFunction) – The Boolean function to look up.
- Returns
The Boolean function equivalent from the symbolic state or the key itself if it is not contained in the symbolic state.
- Return type
- set(self: hal_py.SMT.SymbolicState, key: hal_py.BooleanFunction, value: hal_py.BooleanFunction) None
Sets a Boolean function equivalent in the symbolic state.
- Parameters
key (hal_py.BooleanFunction) – The Boolean function.
value (hal_py.BooleanFunction) – The equivalent Boolean function.