Gate Type

class hal_py.GateType

A gate type contains information about its internals such as input and output pins as well as its Boolean functions.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

add_boolean_function(self: hal_py.GateType, pin_name: str, function: hal::BooleanFunction) → None

Add a Boolean function with the specified name to the gate type.

add_boolean_functions(self: hal_py.GateType, functions: Dict[str, hal::BooleanFunction]) → None

Add multiple boolean functions to the gate type.

Parameters:functions (dict[str,hal_py.BooleanFunction]) – A dict from names to Boolean functions.
assign_pin_to_group(self: hal_py.GateType, pin_group: hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>, pin: hal::GatePin, delete_empty_groups: bool = True) → bool

Assign a pin to a pin group.

  • pin_group (hal_py.GatePinGroup) – The new pin group.
  • pin (hal_py.GatePin) – The pin to be added.
  • delete_empty_groups (bool) – Set True to delete groups that are empty after the pin has been assigned to the new group, False to keep empty groups. Defaults to True.

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


assign_property(self: hal_py.GateType, property: hal_py.GateTypeProperty) → None

Assign a new property to the gate type.

Parameters:property (hal_py.GateTypeProperty) – The property to assign.

All Boolean functions of the gate type as a dict from names to Boolean functions.


All components of the gate type as a list.

create_pin(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. create_pin(self: hal_py.GateType, id: int, name: str, direction: hal_py.PinDirection, type: hal_py.PinType = <PinType.none: 0>, create_group: bool = True) -> hal::GatePin

    Create a gate pin with the specified name.

    param int id:The ID of the pin.
    param str name:The name of the pin.
    param hal_py.PinDirection direction:
     The direction of the pin.
    param hal_py.PinType type:
     The type of the pin. Defaults to hal_py.PinType.none.
    param bool create_group:
     Set True to automatically assign the pin to a new pin group, False otherwise. Defaults to True.
    returns:The gate pin on success, None otherwise.
    rtype:hal_py.GatePin or None
  2. create_pin(self: hal_py.GateType, name: str, direction: hal_py.PinDirection, type: hal_py.PinType = <PinType.none: 0>, create_group: bool = True) -> hal::GatePin

    Create a gate pin with the specified name. The ID of the pin is set automatically.

    param str name:The name of the pin.
    param hal_py.PinDirection direction:
     The direction of the pin.
    param hal_py.PinType type:
     The type of the pin. Defaults to hal_py.PinType.none.
    param bool create_group:
     Set True to automatically assign the pin to a new pin group, False otherwise. Defaults to True.
    returns:The gate pin on success, None otherwise.
    rtype:hal_py.GatePin or None
create_pin_group(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. create_pin_group(self: hal_py.GateType, id: int, name: str, pins: List[hal::GatePin] = [], direction: hal_py.PinDirection = <PinDirection.none: 0>, type: hal_py.PinType = <PinType.none: 0>, ascending: bool = True, start_index: int = 0, delete_empty_groups: bool = True) -> hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>

    Create a gate pin group with the given name.

    param int id:The ID of the pin group.
    param str name:The name of the pin group.
    param list[hal_py.GatePin] pins:
     The pins to be assigned to the pin group. Defaults to an empty list.
    param hal_py.PinDirection direction:
     The direction of the pin group. Defaults to hal_py.PinDirection.none.
    param hal_py.PinType type:
     The type of the pin group. Defaults to hal_py.PinType.none.
    param bool ascending:
     Set True for ascending pin order (from 0 to n-1), False otherwise (from n-1 to 0). Defaults to True.
    param int start_index:
     The start index of the pin group. Defaults to 0.
    param bool delete_empty_groups:
     Set True to delete groups that are empty after the pins have been assigned to the new group, False to keep empty groups. Defaults to True.
    returns:The pin group on success, None otherwise.
    rtype:hal_py.GatePinGroup or None
  2. create_pin_group(self: hal_py.GateType, name: str, pins: List[hal::GatePin] = [], direction: hal_py.PinDirection = <PinDirection.none: 0>, type: hal_py.PinType = <PinType.none: 0>, ascending: bool = True, start_index: int = 0, delete_empty_groups: bool = True) -> hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>

    Create a gate pin group with the given name. The ID of the pin group is set automatically.

    param str name:The name of the pin group.
    param list[hal_py.GatePin] pins:
     The pins to be assigned to the pin group. Defaults to an empty list.
    param hal_py.PinDirection direction:
     The direction of the pin group. Defaults to hal_py.PinDirection.none.
    param hal_py.PinType type:
     The type of the pin group. Defaults to hal_py.PinType.none.
    param bool ascending:
     Set True for ascending pin order (from 0 to n-1), False otherwise (from n-1 to 0). Defaults to True.
    param int start_index:
     The start index of the pin group. Defaults to 0.
    param bool delete_empty_groups:
     Set True to delete groups that are empty after the pins have been assigned to the new group, False to keep empty groups. Defaults to True.
    returns:The pin group on success, None otherwise.
    rtype:hal_py.GatePinGroup or None
delete_pin_group(self: hal_py.GateType, pin_group: hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>) → bool

Delete the given pin group.

Parameters:pin_group (hal_py.GatePinGroup) – The pin group to be deleted.
Returns:True on success, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

The gate library this gate type is associated with.

get_boolean_function(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_boolean_function(self: hal_py.GateType, name: str) -> hal::BooleanFunction

    Get the Boolean function specified by the given name. This name can for example be an output pin of the gate or any other user-defined function name.

    param str name:The name of the Boolean function.
    returns:The Boolean function on success, an empty Boolean function otherwise.
  2. get_boolean_function(self: hal_py.GateType, pin: hal::GatePin = None) -> hal::BooleanFunction

    Get the Boolean function corresponding to the given output pin. If pin is a None, the Boolean function of the first output pin is returned.

    param hal_py.GatePin pin:
     The pin.
    returns:The Boolean function on success, an empty Boolean function otherwise.
get_boolean_functions(self: hal_py.GateType) → Dict[str, hal::BooleanFunction]

Get all Boolean functions of the gate type.

Returns:A map from names to Boolean functions.
Return type:dict[str,hal_py.BooleanFunction]
get_component(self: hal_py.GateType, filter: Callable[[hal::GateTypeComponent], bool] = None) → hal::GateTypeComponent

Get a single component matching the filter condition (if provided). Returns None if (i) the gate type does not contain any components, (ii) multiple components match the filter condition, or (iii) no component matches the filter condition.

Parameters:filter (lambda) – The filter applied to all candidate components.
Returns:The component or None.
Return type:hal_py.GateTypeComponent or None
get_components(self: hal_py.GateType, filter: Callable[[hal::GateTypeComponent], bool] = None) → List[hal::GateTypeComponent]

Get all components matching the filter condition (if provided) as a list. Returns an empty list if (i) the gate type does not contain any components or (ii) no component matches the filter condition.

Parameters:filter (lambda) – The filter applied to all candidate components, disabled by default.
Returns:The components.
Return type:list[hal_py.GateTypeComponent]
get_gate_library(self: hal_py.GateType) → hal::GateLibrary

Get the gate library this gate type is associated with.

Returns:The gate library.
Return type:hal_py.GateLibrary
get_id(self: hal_py.GateType) → int

Get the unique ID of the gate type.

Returns:The unique ID of the gate type.
Return type:int
get_input_pin_names(self: hal_py.GateType) → List[str]

Get an ordered list of the names of all input pins of the gate type (including inout pins).

Returns:An ordered list of input pin names.
Return type:list[str]
get_input_pins(self: hal_py.GateType) → List[hal::GatePin]

Get an ordered list of all input pins of the gate type (including inout pins).

Returns:An ordered list of input pins.
Return type:list[hal_py.GatePin]
get_name(self: hal_py.GateType) → str

Get the name of the gate type.

Returns:The name of the gate type.
Return type:str
get_output_pin_names(self: hal_py.GateType) → List[str]

Get an ordered list of the names of all output pins of the gate type (including inout pins).

Returns:An ordered list of output pin names.
Return type:list[str]
get_output_pins(self: hal_py.GateType) → List[hal::GatePin]

Get an ordered list of all output pins of the gate type (including inout pins).

Returns:An ordered list of output pins.
Return type:list[hal_py.GatePin]
get_pin_by_id(self: hal_py.GateType, id: int) → hal::GatePin

Get the pin corresponding to the given ID.

Parameters:id (int) – The ID of the pin.
Returns:The pin on success, None otherwise.
Return type:hal_py.GatePin or None
get_pin_by_name(self: hal_py.GateType, name: str) → hal::GatePin

Get the pin corresponding to the given name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the pin.
Returns:The pin on success, None otherwise.
Return type:hal_py.GatePin or None
get_pin_group_by_id(self: hal_py.GateType, id: int) → hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>

Get the pin group corresponding to the given ID.

Parameters:id (int) – The ID of the pin group.
Returns:The pin group on success, None otherwise.
Return type:hal_py.GatePinGroup or None
get_pin_group_by_name(self: hal_py.GateType, name: str) → hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>

Get the pin group corresponding to the given name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the pin group.
Returns:The pin group on success, None otherwise.
Return type:hal_py.GatePinGroup or None
get_pin_groups(self: hal_py.GateType, filter: Callable[[hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>], bool] = None) → List[hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>]

Get an ordered list of all pin groups of the gate type. The optional filter is evaluated on every candidate such that the result only contains those matching the specified condition.

Parameters:filter (lambda) – An optional filter.
Returns:An ordered list of pin groups.
Return type:list[hal_py.GatePinGroup]
get_pin_names(self: hal_py.GateType, filter: Callable[[hal::GatePin], bool] = None) → List[str]

Get an ordered list of the names of all pins of the gate type. The optional filter is evaluated on every candidate such that the result only contains those matching the specified condition.

Returns:A list of input pin names of the gate type.
Parameters:filter (lambda) – An optional filter.
Returns:An ordered list of pins.
Return type:list[str]
get_pins(self: hal_py.GateType, filter: Callable[[hal::GatePin], bool] = None) → List[hal::GatePin]

Get an ordered list of all pins of the gate type. The optional filter is evaluated on every candidate such that the result only contains those matching the specified condition.

Parameters:filter (lambda) – An optional filter.
Returns:An ordered list of pins.
Return type:list[hal_py.GatePin]
get_properties(self: hal_py.GateType) → Set[hal_py.GateTypeProperty]

Get the properties assigned to the gate type.

Returns:The properties of the gate type.
Return type:set[hal_py.GateTypeProperty]
get_property_list(self: hal_py.GateType) → List[hal_py.GateTypeProperty]

Get the properties assigned to the gate type as list where the most significant property stands at first position.

Returns:The properties of the gate type.
Return type:list[hal_py.GateTypeProperty]
has_component_of_type(self: hal_py.GateType, type: hal::GateTypeComponent::ComponentType) → bool

Check if the gate type contains a component of the specified type.

Parameters:type (hal_py.GateTypeComponent.ComponentType) – The component type to check for.
Returns:True if the gate type contains a component of the speciifed type, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
has_property(self: hal_py.GateType, arg0: hal_py.GateTypeProperty) → bool

Check whether the gate type has the specified property.

Parameters:type (hal_py.GateTypeProperty) – The property to check for.
Returns:True if the gate type has the specified property, false otherwise.
Return type:bool
Type:The unique ID of the gate type.

An ordered list of the names of all input pins of the gate type (including inout pins).


An ordered list of all input pins of the gate type (including inout pins).


The name of the gate type.


An ordered list of the names of all output pins of the gate type (including inout pins).


An ordered list of all output pins of the gate type (including inout pins).


An ordered list of the names of all pins of the gate type.


An ordered list of all pins of the gate type.


The properties assigned to the gate type.

set_pin_group_direction(self: hal_py.GateType, pin_group: hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>, new_direction: hal_py.PinDirection) → bool

Set the direction of the given pin group.


True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


set_pin_group_name(self: hal_py.GateType, pin_group: hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>, new_name: str) → bool

Set the name of the given pin group.

  • pin_group (hal_py.GatePinGroup) – The pin group.
  • new_name (str) – The name to be assigned to the pin group.

True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:


set_pin_group_type(self: hal_py.GateType, pin_group: hal::PinGroup<hal::GatePin>, new_type: hal_py.PinType) → bool

Set the type of the given pin group.


True on success, False otherwise.

Return type:
