4 #include "pybind11/operators.h"
5 #include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
6 #include "pybind11/stl.h"
7 #include "pybind11/stl_bind.h"
9 namespace py = pybind11;
12 #ifdef PYBIND11_MODULE
13 PYBIND11_MODULE(dataflow, m)
15 m.doc() =
"Dataflow analysis tool DANA to recover word-level structures such as registers from gate-level netlists.";
19 py::module m(
"Dataflow analysis tool DANA to recover word-level structures such as registers from gate-level netlists.");
21 py::class_<DataflowPlugin, RawPtrWrapper<DataflowPlugin>,
BasePluginInterface> py_dataflow_plugin(
22 m,
"DataflowPlugin", R
"(This class provides an interface to integrate the DANA tool as a plugin within the HAL framework.)");
25 The name of the plugin.
31 Get the name of the plugin.
33 :returns: The name of the plugin.
38 The short description of the plugin.
44 Get the short description of the plugin.
46 :returns: The short description of the plugin.
51 The version of the plugin.
57 Get the version of the plugin.
59 :returns: The version of the plugin.
63 py::class_<dataflow::Configuration, RawPtrWrapper<dataflow::Configuration>> py_dataflow_configuration(m, "Configuration", R
64 This class holds all information relevant for the configuration of a dataflow analysis run, including the netlist to analyze.
67 py_dataflow_configuration.def(py::init<Netlist*>(), py::arg("nl"), R
68 Construct a new dataflow analysis configuration for the given netlist.
70 :param hal_py.Netlist nl: The netlist.
74 Minimum size of a group. Smaller groups will be penalized during analysis. Defaults to 8.
80 Expected group sizes. Groups of these sizes will be prioritized. Defaults to an empty list.
86 Groups of gates that have already been identified as word-level groups beforehand. All gates of a group must be of one of the target gate types. Defaults to an empty list.
88 :type: list[list[hal_py.Gate]]
92 Groups of nets that have been identified as word-level datapathes beforehand. Defaults to an empty list.
94 :type: list[list[hal_py.Net]]
98 The gate types to be grouped by dataflow analysis. Defaults to an empty set.
100 :type: set[hal_py.GateType]
104 The pin types of the pins to be considered control pins. Defaults to an empty set.
106 :type: set[hal_py.PinType]
110 Enable stage identification as part of dataflow analysis. Defaults to ``False``.
116 Enforce gate type consistency inside of a group. Defaults to ``False``.
122 Set the minimum size of a group. Smaller groups will be penalized during analysis.
124 :param int size: The minimum group size.
125 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
126 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
130 Set the expected group sizes. Groups of these sizes will be prioritized.
132 :param list[int] sizes: The expected group sizes.
133 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
134 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
137 py_dataflow_configuration.def(
139 Add modules to the set of previously identified word-level structures.
140 The gates contained in the modules do not have to be of the target gate types.
141 The input and output pin groups of these modules will be used to guide datapath analysis.
142 Only pin groups larger than ``min_group_size`` will be considered.
144 :param list[hal_py.Module] structures: A list of modules.
145 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing known word-level structures, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
146 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
147 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
150 py_dataflow_configuration.def("with_known_structures",
152 py::arg(
153 py::arg(
"overwrite") =
155 Add modules to the set of previously identified word-level structures.
156 The gates contained in the modules do not have to be of the target gate types.
157 The input and output pin groups of these modules will be used to guide datapath analysis.
158 For each module, the input and output pin groups to be considered for analysis must be specified.
159 An empty pin group vector results in all pin groups of the module being considered.
160 Only pin groups larger than ``min_group_size`` will be considered.
162 :param list[tuple(hal_py.Module,list[hal_py.ModulePinGroup])] structures: A list of modules, each of them with a list of module pin groups.
163 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing known word-level structures, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
164 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
165 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
168 py_dataflow_configuration.def(
170 Add (typically large) gates to the set of previously identified word-level structures.
171 The gates do not have to be of the target gate types.
172 The input and output pin groups of these gates will be used to guide datapath analysis.
173 Only pin groups larger than ``min_group_size`` will be considered.
175 :param list[hal_py.Gate] structures: A list of gates.
176 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing known word-level structures, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
177 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
178 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
181 py_dataflow_configuration.def("with_known_structures",
183 py::arg(
184 py::arg(
"overwrite") =
186 Add (typically large) gates to the set of previously identified word-level structures.
187 The gates do not have to be of the target gate types.
188 The input and output pin groups of these gates will be used to guide datapath analysis.
189 For each gate, the input and output pin groups to be considered for analysis must be specified.
190 An empty pin group vector results in all pin groups of the gate being considered.
191 Only pin groups larger than ``min_group_size`` will be considered.
193 :param list[tuple(hal_py.Gate,list[hal_py.GatePinGroup])] structures: A list of gates, each of them with a list of gate pin groups.
194 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing known word-level structures, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
195 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
196 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
199 py_dataflow_configuration.def("with_known_structures",
201 py::arg(
202 py::arg(
"overwrite") =
204 Add all gates of a (typically large) gate type to the set of previously identified word-level structures.
205 The gate types do not have to be part of the target gate types.
206 The input and output pin groups of the gates of these types will be used to guide datapath analysis.
207 Only pin groups larger than ``min_group_size`` will be considered.
209 :param set[hal_py.GateType] structures: A set of gates.
210 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing known word-level structures, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
211 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
212 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
215 py_dataflow_configuration.def("with_known_structures",
217 py::arg(
218 py::arg(
"overwrite") =
220 Add all gates of a (typically large) gate type to the set of previously identified word-level structures.
221 The gate types do not have to be part of the target gate types.
222 The input and output pin groups of the gates of these types will be used to guide datapath analysis.
223 For each gate type, the input and output pin groups to be considered for analysis must be specified.
224 An empty pin group vector results in all pin groups of the gate type being considered.
225 Only pin groups larger than ``min_group_size`` will be considered.
227 :param dict[hal_py.GateType,list[hal_py.GatePinGroup]] structures: A dict from gates to a vector of a subset of their pin groups.
228 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing known word-level structures, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
229 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
230 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
233 py_dataflow_configuration.def(
235 Add modules to the set of previously identified word-level groups.
236 These groups must only contain gates of the target gate types specified for analysis and will otherwise be ignored.
237 The groups will be used to guide dataflow analysis, but will remain unaltered in the process.
239 :param list[hal_py.Module] groups: A list of modules.
240 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing previously identified word-level groups, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
241 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
242 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
245 py_dataflow_configuration.def("with_known_groups",
248 py::arg(
"overwrite") =
250 Add lists of gates to the set of previously identified word-level groups.
251 These groups must only contain gates of the target gate types specified for analysis and will otherwise be ignored.
252 The groups will be used to guide dataflow analysis, but will remain unaltered in the process.
254 :param list[list[hal_py.Gate]] groups: A list of groups, each of them given as a list of gates.
255 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing previously identified word-level groups, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
256 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
257 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
260 py_dataflow_configuration.def(
262 Add lists of gate IDs to the set of previously identified word-level groups.
263 These groups must only contain gates of the target gate types specified for analysis and will otherwise be ignored.
264 The groups will be used to guide dataflow analysis, but will remain unaltered in the process.
266 :param list[list[int]] groups: A list of groups, each of them given as a list of gate IDs.
267 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing previously identified word-level groups, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
268 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
269 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
272 py_dataflow_configuration.def("with_known_groups",
275 py::arg(
"overwrite") =
277 Add groups from a previous dataflow analysis run to the set of previously identified word-level groups.
278 These groups must only contain gates of the target gate types specified for analysis and will otherwise be ignored.
279 The groups will be used to guide dataflow analysis, but will remain unaltered in the process.
280 The group IDs will be ignored during analysis and the same group may be assigned a new ID.
282 :param dict[int,set[hal_py.Gate]] groups: A dict from group IDs to groups, each of them given as a set of gates.
283 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite the existing previously identified word-level groups, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
284 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
285 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
288 py_dataflow_configuration.def(
290 Add the gate types to the set of gate types to be grouped by dataflow analysis.
291 Overwrite the existing set of gate types by setting the optional ``overwrite`` flag to ``True``.
293 :param set[hal_py.GateType] types: A set of gate types.
294 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite existing set of gate types, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
295 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
296 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
299 py_dataflow_configuration.def(
301 Add the gate types featuring the specified properties to the set of gate types to be grouped by dataflow analysis.
302 Overwrite the existing set of gate types by setting the optional ``overwrite`` flag to ``True``.
304 :param set[hal_py.GateTypeProperty] type_properties: A set of gate type properties.
305 :param bool overwrite: Set ``True`` to overwrite existing set of gate types, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
306 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
307 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
311 Set the pin types of the pins to be considered control pins by dataflow analysis.
312 Overwrite the existing set of pin types by setting the optional ``overwrite`` flag to ``True``.
314 :param set[hal_py.PinType] types: A set of pin types.
315 :param bool enable: Set ``True`` to overwrite existing set of pin types, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``False``.
316 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
317 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
321 Use the default detection configuration for flip-flops.
322 Includes all flip-flop types as target gate types and sets ``clock``, ``enable``, ``set``, and ``reset`` pins as control pins.
323 Overwrites any existing gate type and control pin configuration.
325 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
326 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
330 Enable stage identification as part of dataflow analysis.
332 :param bool enable: Set ``True`` to enable stage identification, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``True``.
333 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
334 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
338 Enable type consistency as part of dataflow analysis when deciding whether two gates are allowed to merge into the same group.
340 :param bool enable: Set ``True`` to enable type consistency inside of a group, ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``True``.
341 :returns: The updated dataflow analysis configuration.
342 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration
355 log_error(
"error encountered while analyzing dataflow:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
361 Analyze the gate-level netlist to identify word-level structures such as registers.
362 Reconstructs word-level structures such as registers based on properties such as the control inputs of their flip-flops and common successors/predecessors.
363 Operates on an abstraction of the netlist that contains only flip-flops and connections between two flip-flops only if they are connected through combinational logic.
365 :param dataflow.Dataflow.Configuration config: The dataflow analysis configuration.
366 :returns: The dataflow analysis result on success, ``None`` otherwise.
367 :rtype: dataflow.Dataflow.Result or None
370 py::class_<dataflow::Result, RawPtrWrapper<dataflow::Result>> py_dataflow_result(m, "Result", R
371 This class holds result of a dataflow analysis run, which contains the identified groups of sequential gates and their interconnections.
372 Each such group is assigned a unique ID by which it can be addressed in many of the member functions of this class.
373 Please note that this ID is not related to any other HAL ID.
377 Get the netlist on which dataflow analysis has been performed.
379 :returns: The netlist.
380 :rtype: hal_py.Netlist
384 Get the groups of sequential gates resulting from dataflow analysis.
386 :returns: A dict from group ID to a set of gates belonging to the respective group.
387 :rtype: dict[int,set[hal_py.Gate]]
391 Get all gates contained in any of the groups groups.
393 :returns: A list of gates.
394 :rtype: list[hal_py.Gate]
397 py_dataflow_result.def(
398 "get_gates_of_group",
399 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const u32 group_id) -> std::optional<std::unordered_set<Gate*>> {
400 auto res =
407 log_error(
"error encountered while getting gates of group:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
413 Get the gates of the specified group of sequential gates.
415 :param int group_id: The ID of the group.
416 :returns: The gates of the group as a set on success, ``None`` otherwise.
417 :rtype: set[hal_py.Gate] or None
420 py_dataflow_result.def(
421 "get_group_id_of_gate",
423 auto res =
430 log_error(
"error encountered while getting group ID of gate:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
436 Get the group ID of the group that contains the given gate.
438 :param hal_py.Gate gate: The gate.
439 :returns: The group ID on success, ``None`` otherwise.
443 py_dataflow_result.def(
444 "get_group_control_nets",
446 auto res =
453 log_error(
"error encountered while getting group control nets:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
460 Get the control nets of the group with the given group ID that are connected to a pin of the specified type.
462 :param int group_id: The group ID.
463 :param hal_py.PinType type: The pin type.
464 :returns: A set of control nets of the group on success, ``None`` otherwise.
465 :rtype: set[hal_py.Net] or None
468 py_dataflow_result.def(
469 "get_gate_control_nets",
471 auto res =
478 log_error(
"error encountered while getting gate control nets:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
485 Get the control nets of the given gate that are connected to a pin of the specified type.
487 :param hal_py.Gate gate: The gate.
488 :param hal_py.PinType type: The pin type.
489 :returns: A set of control nets of the gate on success, ``None`` otherwise.
490 :rtype: set[hal_py.Net] or None
493 py_dataflow_result.def(
494 "get_group_successors",
495 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const u32 group_id) -> std::optional<std::unordered_set<u32>> {
496 auto res =
503 log_error(
"error encountered while getting successor groups:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
509 Get the successor groups of the group with the given ID.
511 :param int group_id: The group ID.
512 :returns: The successors of the group as a set of group IDs on success, ``None`` otherwise.
513 :rtype: set[int] or None
516 py_dataflow_result.def(
517 "get_gate_successors",
518 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const Gate* gate) -> std::optional<std::unordered_set<Gate*>> {
519 auto res =
526 log_error(
"error encountered while getting successor gates:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
532 Get the sequential successor gates of the given sequential gate.
534 :param hal_py.Gate gate: The gate.
535 :returns: The successors of the gate as a set of gates on success, ``None`` otherwise.
536 :rtype: set[hal_py.Gate] or None
539 py_dataflow_result.def(
540 "get_group_predecessors",
541 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const u32 group_id) -> std::optional<std::unordered_set<u32>> {
542 auto res =
549 log_error(
"error encountered while getting predecessor groups:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
555 Get the predecessor groups of the group with the given ID.
557 :param int group_id: The ID of the group.
558 :returns: The predecessors of the group as a set of group IDs on success, ``None`` otherwise.
559 :rtype: set[int] or None
562 py_dataflow_result.def(
563 "get_gate_predecessors",
564 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const Gate* gate) -> std::optional<std::unordered_set<Gate*>> {
565 auto res =
572 log_error(
"error encountered while getting predecessor gates:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
578 Get the sequential predecessor gates of the given sequential gate.
580 :param hal_py.Gate gate: The gate.
581 :returns: The predecessors of the gate as a set of gates on success, ``None`` otherwise.
582 :rtype: set[hal_py.Gate] or None
585 py_dataflow_result.def(
587 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const std::filesystem::path& out_path,
const std::unordered_set<u32>& group_ids = {}) ->
bool {
588 auto res =
self.write_dot(out_path, group_ids);
595 log_error(
"error encountered while writing DOT graph:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
600 py::arg(
"group_ids") = std::unordered_set<u32>(),
602 Write the dataflow graph as a DOT graph to the specified location.
604 :param pathlib.Path out_path: The output path.
605 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs to consider. If no IDs are provided, all groups will be considered. Defaults to an empty set.
606 :returns: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise.
610 py_dataflow_result.def(
612 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const std::filesystem::path& out_path,
const std::unordered_set<u32>& group_ids = {}) ->
bool {
613 auto res =
self.write_txt(out_path, group_ids);
620 log_error(
"error encountered while writing DOT graph:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
625 py::arg(
"group_ids") = std::unordered_set<u32>(),
627 Write the groups resulting from dataflow analysis to a `.txt` file.
629 :param pathlib.Path out_path: The output path.
630 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs to consider. If no IDs are provided, all groups will be considered. Defaults to an empty set.
631 :returns: ``True`` on success, ``False`` otherwise.
635 py_dataflow_result.def(
637 [](
const dataflow::Result&
const std::unordered_set<u32>& group_ids = {}) -> std::optional<std::unordered_map<u32, Module*>> {
638 auto res =
645 log_error(
"error encountered while creating modules:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
649 py::arg(
"group_ids") = std::unordered_set<u32>(),
651 Create modules for the dataflow analysis result.
653 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs to consider. If an empty set is provided, all groups will be considered. Defaults to an empty set.
654 :returns: A map from group IDs to Modules on success, ``None`` otherwise.
655 :rtype: dict[int,hal_py.Module] or None
658 py_dataflow_result.def(
661 const std::map<const GateType*, std::string>& module_suffixes,
662 const std::map<std::pair<PinDirection, std::string>, std::string>& pin_prefixes,
663 const std::unordered_set<u32>& group_ids) -> std::optional<std::unordered_map<u32, Module*>> {
664 auto res =
self.create_modules(module_suffixes, pin_prefixes, group_ids);
671 log_error(
"error encountered while creating modules:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
675 py::arg(
676 py::arg(
677 py::arg(
679 Create modules for the dataflow analysis result.
681 :param dict[hal_py.GateType,str] module_suffixes: The suffixes to use for modules containing only gates of a specific gate type. Defaults to ``"module"`` for mixed and unspecified gate types.
682 :param dict[tuple(hal_py.PinDirection,str),str] pin_prefixes: The prefixes to use for the module pins that (within the module) only connect to gate pins of a specific name.
683 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs to consider. If no IDs are provided, all groups will be considered.
684 :returns: A map from group IDs to Modules on success, ``None`` otherwise.
685 :rtype: dict[int,hal_py.Module] or None
688 py_dataflow_result.def(
691 const std::map<GateTypeProperty, std::string>& module_suffixes,
692 const std::map<std::pair<PinDirection, std::string>, std::string>& pin_prefixes,
693 const std::unordered_set<u32>& group_ids) -> std::optional<std::unordered_map<u32, Module*>> {
694 auto res =
self.create_modules(module_suffixes, pin_prefixes, group_ids);
701 log_error(
"error encountered while creating modules:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
705 py::arg(
706 py::arg(
707 py::arg(
709 Create modules for the dataflow analysis result.
711 :param dict[hal_py.GateTypeProperty,str] module_suffixes: The suffixes to use for modules containing only gates of a specific gate type. All gate types featuring the specified gate type property are considered, but the module must still be pure (i.e., all gates must be of the same type) for the suffix to be used. Defaults to ``"module"`` for mixed and unspecified gate types.
712 :param dict[tuple(hal_py.PinDirection,str),str] pin_prefixes: The prefixes to use for the module pins that (within the module) only connect to gate pins of a specific name.
713 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs to consider. If no IDs are provided, all groups will be considered.
714 :returns: A map from group IDs to Modules on success, ``None`` otherwise.
715 :rtype: dict[int,hal_py.Module] or None
718 py_dataflow_result.def("get_group_list",
720 py::arg(
"group_ids") = std::unordered_set<u32>(),
722 Get the groups of the dataflow analysis result as a list.
724 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs to consider. If no IDs are provided, all groups will be considered. Defaults to an empty set.
725 :returns: A list of groups with each group being a list of gates.
726 :rtype: list[list[hal_py.Gate]]
729 py_dataflow_result.def(
731 [](
const std::vector<u32>& group_ids) -> std::optional<u32> {
732 auto res =
739 log_error(
"error encountered while merging groups:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
743 py::arg(
745 Merge multiple groups specified by ID.
746 All specified groups are merged into the first group of the provided vector and are subsequently deleted.
748 :param set[int] group_ids: The group IDs of the groups to merge.
749 :returns: The ID of the group that all other groups have been merged into on success, ``None`` otherwise.
753 py_dataflow_result.def(
755 [](
u32 group_id,
const std::vector<std::unordered_set<Gate*>>& new_groups) -> std::optional<std::vector<u32>> {
756 auto res =
self.split_group(group_id, new_groups);
763 log_error(
"error encountered while splitting group:\n{}", res.get_error().get());
768 py::arg(
770 Split a group into multiple smaller groups specified by sets of gates.
771 All gates of the group to split must be contained in the sets exactly once and all gates in the sets must be contained in the group to split.
772 The group that is being split is deleted in the process.
774 :param int group_id: The group ID of the group to split.
775 :param list[set[hal_py.Gate]] new_groups: A list of groups specified as unordered sets of gates.
776 :returns: The group IDs of the newly created groups in the order of the provided sets.
780 #ifndef PYBIND11_MODULE
std::string get_name() const override
Get the name of the plugin.
std::string get_version() const override
Get the version of the plugin.
std::string get_description() const override
Get a short description of the plugin.
Result of a dataflow analysis run.
std::vector< std::vector< Gate * > > get_groups_as_list(const std::unordered_set< u32 > &group_ids={}) const
Get the groups of the dataflow analysis result as a list.
const std::unordered_map< u32, std::unordered_set< Gate * > > & get_groups() const
Get the groups of sequential gates resulting from dataflow analysis.
Netlist * get_netlist() const
Get the netlist on which dataflow analysis has been performed.
std::vector< Gate * > get_gates() const
Get all gates contained in any of the groups groups.
#define log_error(channel,...)
const Module * module(const Gate *g, const NodeBoxes &boxes)
hal::Result< dataflow::Result > analyze(const Configuration &config)
Analyze the gate-level netlist to identify word-level structures such as registers.
Configuration of a dataflow analysis run.
Configuration & with_flip_flops()
Use the default detection configuration for flip-flops.
std::vector< std::vector< Net * > > known_net_groups
Groups of nets that have been identified as word-level datapathes beforehand. Defaults to an empty ve...
std::vector< u32 > expected_sizes
Expected group sizes. Groups of these sizes will be prioritized. Defaults to an empty vector.
Configuration & with_type_consistency(bool enable=true)
Enable type consistency as part of dataflow analysis when deciding whether two gates are allowed to m...
std::set< const GateType * > gate_types
The gate types to be grouped by dataflow analysis. Defaults to an empty set.
std::set< PinType > control_pin_types
The pin types of the pins to be considered control pins. Defaults to an empty set.
Configuration & with_gate_types(const std::set< const GateType * > &types, bool overwrite=false)
Add the gate types to the set of gate types to be grouped by dataflow analysis.
Configuration & with_control_pin_types(const std::set< PinType > &types, bool overwrite=false)
Set the pin types of the pins to be considered control pins by dataflow analysis.
Configuration & with_stage_identification(bool enable=true)
Enable stage identification as part of dataflow analysis.
Configuration & with_known_groups(const std::vector< Module * > &groups, bool overwrite=false)
Add modules to the set of previously identified word-level groups.
bool enforce_type_consistency
Enforce gate type consistency inside of a group. Defaults to false.
u32 min_group_size
Minimum size of a group. Smaller groups will be penalized during analysis. Defaults to 8.
Configuration & with_expected_sizes(const std::vector< u32 > &sizes)
Set the expected group sizes. Groups of these sizes will be prioritized.
std::vector< std::vector< Gate * > > known_gate_groups
Groups of gates that have already been identified as word-level groups beforehand....
Configuration & with_min_group_size(u32 size)
Set the minimum size of a group. Smaller groups will be penalized during analysis.
bool enable_stages
Enable stage identification as part of dataflow analysis. Defaults to false.
Configuration & with_known_structures(const std::vector< Module * > &structures, bool overwrite=false)
Add modules to the set of previously identified word-level structures.