class hal_gui.GuiApi


class GridPlacement

Helper class to determine placement of nodes on gui grid.

gatePosition(self: hal_gui.GuiApi.GridPlacement, gateId: int) Tuple[int, int]

Query position for gate identified by ID.


gateId (int) – Gate ID.


Position of gate or None if gate not found in hash.

Return type

tuple(int,int) or None

modulePosition(self: hal_gui.GuiApi.GridPlacement, moduleId: int) Tuple[int, int]

Query position for module identified by ID.


moduleId (int) – Module ID.


Position of module or None if module not found in hash.

Return type

tuple(int,int) or None

setGatePosition(self: hal_gui.GuiApi.GridPlacement, gateId: int, point: Tuple[int, int], swap: bool = False) None

Set position for gate identified by ID.

  • gateId (int) – Gate ID.

  • pos (tuple(int,int)) – New position.

  • swap (bool) – set the swap of positions of the nodes

setModulePosition(self: hal_gui.GuiApi.GridPlacement, moduleId: int, point: Tuple[int, int], swap: bool = False) None

Set position for module identified by ID.

  • moduleId (int) – Module ID.

  • pos (tuple(int,int)) – New position.

  • swap (bool) – set the swap of positions of the nodes

deselect(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate) -> None

    Deselect the gate in the graph view of the GUI.

    param hal_py.Gate gate

    The gate to be deselected.

  2. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net) -> None

    Deselect the net in the graph view of the GUI.

    param hal_py.Net Net

    The net to be deselected.

  3. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module) -> None

    Deselect the module in the graph view of the GUI.

    param hal_py.module module

    The module to be deselected.

  4. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate]) -> None

    Deselect the gates in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The gates to be deselected.

  5. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net]) -> None

    Deselect the nets in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The nets to be deselected.

  6. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module]) -> None

    Deselect the modules in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The modules to be deselected.

  7. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int], net_ids: List[int], module_ids: List[int]) -> None

    Deselect the gates, nets and modules with the passed ids in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The ids of the gates to be deselected.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The ids of the nets to be deselected.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The ids of the modules to be deselected.

  8. deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], nets: List[hal_py.Net], modules: List[hal_py.Module]) -> None

    Deselect the gates, nets and modules in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The gates to be deselected.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The nets to be deselected.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The modules to be deselected.

deselectAllItems(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) None

Deselect all gates, nets and modules in the graph view of the GUI.

deselectGate(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_id: int) -> None

    Deselect the gate with id ‘gate_id’ in the graph view of the GUI.

    param int gate_id

    The gate id of the gate to be selected.

  2. deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate) -> None

    Deselect the gate in the graph view of the GUI.

    param hal_py.Gate gate

    The gate to be deselected.

  3. deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int]) -> None

    Deselect the gates with the ids in list ‘gate_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[int] gate_ids

    List of gate ids of the gates to be deselected.

  4. deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate]) -> None

    Deselect the gates in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The gates to be deselected.

deselectModule(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_id: int) -> None

    Deselect the module with id ‘module_id’ in the graph view of the GUI.

    param int module_id

    The module id of the module to be selected.

  2. deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module) -> None

    Deselect the module in the graph view of the GUI.

    param hal_py.module module

    The module to be deselected.

  3. deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_ids: List[int]) -> None

    Deselect the modules with the ids in list ‘module_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[int] module_ids

    List of module ids of the modules to be deselected.

  4. deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module]) -> None

    Deselect the modules in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The modules to be deselected.

deselectNet(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, mNetId: int) -> None

    Deselect the net with id ‘mNetId’ in the graph view of the GUI.

    param int mNetId

    The net id of the net to be selected.

  2. deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net) -> None

    Deselect the net in the graph view of the GUI.

    param hal_py.Net Net

    The net to be deselected.

  3. deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net_ids: List[int]) -> None

    Deselect the nets with the ids in list ‘net_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[int] net_ids

    List of net ids of the nets to be deselected.

  4. deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net]) -> None

    Deselect the nets in the graph view of the GUI.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The nets to be deselected.

getSelectedGateIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[int]

Get the gate ids of currently selected gates in the graph view of the GUI.


List of the ids of the currently selected gates.

Return type


getSelectedGates(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[hal_py.Gate]

Get the gates which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.


List of currently selected gates.

Return type


getSelectedItemIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]

Get all item ids of the currently selected items in the graph view of the GUI.


Tuple of lists of the currently selected items.

Return type

tuple(int, int, int)

getSelectedItems(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) Tuple[List[hal_py.Gate], List[hal_py.Net], List[hal_py.Module]]

Get all selected items which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.


Tuple of currently selected items.

Return type

tuple(hal_py.Gate, hal_py.Net, hal_py.module)

getSelectedModuleIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[int]

Get the module ids of currently selected modules in the graph view of the GUI.


List of the ids of the currently selected modules.

Return type


getSelectedModules(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[hal_py.Module]

Get the modules which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.


List of currently selected modules.

Return type


getSelectedNetIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[int]

Get the net ids of currently selected nets in the graph view of the GUI.


List of the ids of the currently selected nets.

Return type


getSelectedNets(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[hal_py.Net]

Get the nets which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.


List of currently selected nets.

Return type


select(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gate in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param hal_py.Gate gate

    The gate to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gate.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  2. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the net in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param hal_py.Net net

    The net to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the net.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  3. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the module in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param hal_py.module module

    The module to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the module.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  4. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gates in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The gates to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gates.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  5. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the nets in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the nets will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The nets to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the nets.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  6. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the modules in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The modules to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  7. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int], net_ids: List[int], module_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gates, nets and modules with the passed ids in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates, nets and modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The ids of the gates to be selected.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The ids of the nets to be selected.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The ids of the modules to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  8. select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], nets: List[hal_py.Net], modules: List[hal_py.Module], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gates, nets and modules in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates, nets and modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The gates to be selected.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The nets to be selected.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The modules to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

selectGate(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_id: int, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gate with id ‘gate_id’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate with the id ‘gate_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param int gate_id

    The gate id of the gate to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gate.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  2. selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gate in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param hal_py.Gate gate

    The gate to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gate.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  3. selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gates with the ids in list ‘gate_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate with the id ‘gate_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[int] gate_ids

    List of gate ids of the gates to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gates.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  4. selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the gates in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.Gate] gates

    The gates to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gates.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

selectModule(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_id: int, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the module with id ‘module_id’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module with the id ‘module_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param int module_id

    The module id of the module to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the module.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  2. selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the module in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param hal_py.module module

    The module to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the module.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  3. selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the modules with the ids in list ‘module_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module with the id ‘module_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[int] module_ids

    List of module ids of the modules to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  4. selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the modules in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.module] modules

    The modules to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

selectNet(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, mNetId: int, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the net with id ‘mNetId’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net with the id ‘mNetId’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param int mNetId

    The net id of the net to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the net.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  2. selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the net in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param hal_py.Net net

    The net to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the net.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  3. selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the nets with the ids in list ‘net_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net with the id ‘mNetId’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[int] net_ids

    List of net ids of the nets to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the nets.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.

  4. selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None

    Select the nets in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the nets will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.

    param list[hal_py.Net] nets

    The nets to be selected.

    param bool clear_current_selection

    Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the nets.

    param bool navigate_to_selection

    Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.