- class hal_gui.GuiApi
- class GridPlacement
Helper class to determine placement of nodes on gui grid.
- gatePosition(self: hal_gui.GuiApi.GridPlacement, gateId: int) Tuple[int, int]
Query position for gate identified by ID.
- modulePosition(self: hal_gui.GuiApi.GridPlacement, moduleId: int) Tuple[int, int]
Query position for module identified by ID.
- deselect(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate) -> None
Deselect the gate in the graph view of the GUI.
- param hal_py.Gate gate
The gate to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net) -> None
Deselect the net in the graph view of the GUI.
- param hal_py.Net Net
The net to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module) -> None
Deselect the module in the graph view of the GUI.
- param hal_py.module module
The module to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate]) -> None
Deselect the gates in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The gates to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net]) -> None
Deselect the nets in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The nets to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module]) -> None
Deselect the modules in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The modules to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int], net_ids: List[int], module_ids: List[int]) -> None
Deselect the gates, nets and modules with the passed ids in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The ids of the gates to be deselected.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The ids of the nets to be deselected.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The ids of the modules to be deselected.
deselect(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], nets: List[hal_py.Net], modules: List[hal_py.Module]) -> None
Deselect the gates, nets and modules in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The gates to be deselected.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The nets to be deselected.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The modules to be deselected.
- deselectAllItems(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) None
Deselect all gates, nets and modules in the graph view of the GUI.
- deselectGate(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_id: int) -> None
Deselect the gate with id ‘gate_id’ in the graph view of the GUI.
- param int gate_id
The gate id of the gate to be selected.
deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate) -> None
Deselect the gate in the graph view of the GUI.
- param hal_py.Gate gate
The gate to be deselected.
deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int]) -> None
Deselect the gates with the ids in list ‘gate_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[int] gate_ids
List of gate ids of the gates to be deselected.
deselectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate]) -> None
Deselect the gates in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The gates to be deselected.
- deselectModule(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_id: int) -> None
Deselect the module with id ‘module_id’ in the graph view of the GUI.
- param int module_id
The module id of the module to be selected.
deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module) -> None
Deselect the module in the graph view of the GUI.
- param hal_py.module module
The module to be deselected.
deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_ids: List[int]) -> None
Deselect the modules with the ids in list ‘module_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[int] module_ids
List of module ids of the modules to be deselected.
deselectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module]) -> None
Deselect the modules in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The modules to be deselected.
- deselectNet(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, mNetId: int) -> None
Deselect the net with id ‘mNetId’ in the graph view of the GUI.
- param int mNetId
The net id of the net to be selected.
deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net) -> None
Deselect the net in the graph view of the GUI.
- param hal_py.Net Net
The net to be deselected.
deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net_ids: List[int]) -> None
Deselect the nets with the ids in list ‘net_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[int] net_ids
List of net ids of the nets to be deselected.
deselectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net]) -> None
Deselect the nets in the graph view of the GUI.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The nets to be deselected.
- getSelectedGateIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[int]
Get the gate ids of currently selected gates in the graph view of the GUI.
- getSelectedGates(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[hal_py.Gate]
Get the gates which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.
- Returns
List of currently selected gates.
- Return type
- getSelectedItemIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) Tuple[List[int], List[int], List[int]]
Get all item ids of the currently selected items in the graph view of the GUI.
- getSelectedItems(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) Tuple[List[hal_py.Gate], List[hal_py.Net], List[hal_py.Module]]
Get all selected items which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.
- Returns
Tuple of currently selected items.
- Return type
tuple(hal_py.Gate, hal_py.Net, hal_py.module)
- getSelectedModuleIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[int]
Get the module ids of currently selected modules in the graph view of the GUI.
- getSelectedModules(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[hal_py.Module]
Get the modules which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.
- Returns
List of currently selected modules.
- Return type
- getSelectedNetIds(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[int]
Get the net ids of currently selected nets in the graph view of the GUI.
- getSelectedNets(self: hal_gui.GuiApi) List[hal_py.Net]
Get the nets which are currently selected in the graph view of the GUI.
- Returns
List of currently selected nets.
- Return type
- select(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gate in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param hal_py.Gate gate
The gate to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gate.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the net in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param hal_py.Net net
The net to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the net.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the module in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param hal_py.module module
The module to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the module.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gates in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The gates to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gates.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the nets in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the nets will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The nets to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the nets.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the modules in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The modules to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int], net_ids: List[int], module_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gates, nets and modules with the passed ids in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates, nets and modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The ids of the gates to be selected.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The ids of the nets to be selected.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The ids of the modules to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
select(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], nets: List[hal_py.Net], modules: List[hal_py.Module], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gates, nets and modules in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates, nets and modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The gates to be selected.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The nets to be selected.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The modules to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
- selectGate(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_id: int, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gate with id ‘gate_id’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate with the id ‘gate_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param int gate_id
The gate id of the gate to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gate.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate: hal_py.Gate, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gate in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param hal_py.Gate gate
The gate to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gate.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gate_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gates with the ids in list ‘gate_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gate with the id ‘gate_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[int] gate_ids
List of gate ids of the gates to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gates.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectGate(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, gates: List[hal_py.Gate], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the gates in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the gates will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.Gate] gates
The gates to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the gates.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
- selectModule(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_id: int, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the module with id ‘module_id’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module with the id ‘module_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param int module_id
The module id of the module to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the module.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module: hal_py.Module, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the module in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param hal_py.module module
The module to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the module.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, module_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the modules with the ids in list ‘module_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the module with the id ‘module_id’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[int] module_ids
List of module ids of the modules to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectModule(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, modules: List[hal_py.Module], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the modules in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the modules will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.module] modules
The modules to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the modules.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
- selectNet(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, mNetId: int, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the net with id ‘mNetId’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net with the id ‘mNetId’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param int mNetId
The net id of the net to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the net.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net: hal_py.Net, clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the net in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param hal_py.Net net
The net to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the net.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, net_ids: List[int], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the nets with the ids in list ‘net_ids’ in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the net with the id ‘mNetId’ will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[int] net_ids
List of net ids of the nets to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the nets.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.
selectNet(self: hal_gui.GuiApi, nets: List[hal_py.Net], clear_current_selection: bool = True, navigate_to_selection: bool = True) -> None
Select the nets in the graph view of the GUI. If ‘clear_current_selection’ is false, the nets will be added to the currently existing selection. If ‘navigate_to_selection’ is false, the graph view will not modify the graph view camera position to fit all selected items.
- param list[hal_py.Net] nets
The nets to be selected.
- param bool clear_current_selection
Determines if the previous selection gets cleared before the selection of the nets.
- param bool navigate_to_selection
Determines if the graph view scrolls and zooms to show all selected items.