32 #include <QStringList>
45 class ContextDirectory;
47 class ContextTreeModel;
48 class SettingsItemCheckbox;
150 bool moveItem(
u32 itemId,
bool isDirectory,
u32 parentId,
int row = -1);
414 return QString(
"view %1").
arg(mMaxContextId + 1);
Base model for the ContextManagerWidget to manage GraphContexts.
Logical container for modules, gates, and nets.
User interface to manage all GraphContexts.
void contextRenamed(GraphContext *context)
void handleModuleNameChanged(Module *m) const
void renameContextDirectoryAction(ContextDirectory *ctxDir, const QString &newName)
void openGateInView(u32 gateId)
QString nextViewName(const QString &prefix) const
GraphContext * createNewContext(const QString &name, u32 parentId=0)
void handleMarkedGlobalOutput(u32 mNetId)
void renameGraphContextAction(GraphContext *ctx, const QString &newName)
void deleteContextDirectory(ContextDirectory *ctxDir)
void handleNetCreated(Net *n) const
void setContextId(GraphContext *ctx, u32 ctxId)
void handleNetNameChanged(Net *n) const
void handleModuleTypeChanged(Module *m) const
void handleNetRemoved(Net *n) const
GraphContext * getContextById(u32 id) const
bool handleSaveTriggered(const QString &filename)
ContextTreeModel * getContextTreeModel() const
GraphContext * getContextByExclusiveModuleId(u32 module_id) const
void handleMarkedGlobalInput(u32 mNetId)
u32 getParentId(u32 childId, bool isDirectory) const
void handleNetDestinationRemoved(Net *n, const u32 dst_gate_id) const
GraphContext * getCleanContext(const QString &name) const
QString nextDefaultName() const
void handleGateRemoved(Gate *g) const
void handleModuleGateAssigned(Module *m, const u32 inserted_gate) const
bool contextWithNameExists(const QString &name) const
void handleNetSourceRemoved(Net *n, const u32 src_gate_id) const
void handleUnmarkedGlobalOutput(u32 mNetId)
GraphLayouter * getDefaultLayouter(GraphContext *const context) const
void handleUnmarkedGlobalInput(u32 mNetId)
void handleNetDestinationAdded(Net *n, const u32 dst_gate_id) const
void contextCreated(GraphContext *context)
void deleteGraphContext(GraphContext *ctx)
static SettingsItemCheckbox * sSettingPanOnMiddleButton
static SettingsItemCheckbox * sSettingNetGroupingToPins
ContextDirectory * createNewDirectory(const QString &name, u32 parentId=0)
void handleModuleCreated(Module *m) const
void handleModuleSubmoduleAdded(Module *m, const u32 added_module) const
void handleModulePortsChanged(Module *m, PinEvent pev, u32 pgid)
void handleModuleGateRemoved(Module *m, const u32 removed_gate)
bool moveItem(u32 itemId, bool isDirectory, u32 parentId, int row=-1)
void handleModuleColorChanged(Module *m) const
GraphShader * getDefaultShader(GraphContext *const context) const
void directoryRenamed(ContextDirectory *directory)
GraphContext * restoreFromFile(const QString &filename)
void openModuleInView(u32 moduleId, bool unfold)
void handleModuleSubmoduleRemoved(Module *m, const u32 removed_module)
void deletingDirectory(ContextDirectory *directory)
void handleNetSourceAdded(Net *n, const u32 src_gate_id) const
ContextDirectory * getDirectoryById(u32 id) const
void handleGateNameChanged(Gate *g) const
void openNetEndpointsInView(u32 netId)
void handleModuleRemoved(Module *m)
QVector< GraphContext * > getContexts() const
void deletingContext(GraphContext *context)
Base class for all specific layouters.
Base class to store and update visual information about the graph.
A SettingsItem representing a Checkbox.
QString arg(qlonglong a, int fieldWidth, int base, QChar fillChar) const const