Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Chal::AssignedKeybindMapA map to keep track of the assigned keybinds
 Chal::BasePin< T >
 Chal::BasePin< GatePin >
 Chal::BasePin< ModulePin >
 Chal::BaseTreeItem(Future) Base class for all tree models related to the details widget
 Chal::BooleanFunctionTableEntryAn entry in the boolean function table model
 Chal::CallbackHook< class >
 Chal::CallbackHook< R(ArgTypes...)>
 Chal::CallbackHook< void(const spdlog::level::level_enum &, const std::string &, const std::string &)>
 Chal::CallbackHook< void(GateEvent::event, hal::Gate *, u32)>
 Chal::CallbackHook< void(GroupingEvent::event, hal::Grouping *, u32)>
 Chal::CallbackHook< void(ModuleEvent::event, hal::Module *, u32)>
 Chal::CallbackHook< void(NetEvent::event, hal::Net *, u32)>
 Chal::CallbackHook< void(NetlistEvent::event, hal::Netlist *, u32)>
 Chal::ChannelEntryThe ChannelEntry struct is used by the ChannelItem class to store a single entry
 Chal::ChannelItemThis class represents a channel in the channel model. It primarily holds the channel name and its entries
 Chal::CommentEntryEncapsulated information related to a comment
 Chal::dataflow::ConfigurationConfiguration of a dataflow analysis run
 Chal::ContentAnchorAn abstract class that provides the interface for specific anchors (see SplitterAnchor or TabWidget )
 Chal::DetailsTableUtilitiesHelper class consisting of usefull details-related functions
 Chal::EnumStrings< T, typename >
 Chal::ExportRegisteredFormatUtility class to export (save) different hal files
 Chal::GateSelectEntryComprises a single entry of the module selection table
 Chal::GraphShaderBase class to store and update visual information about the graph
 Chal::dataflow::GroupingGrouping used during dataflow analysis
 Chal::GroupingTableEntryAn entry within a GroupingTableModel
 Cstd::hash< hal::core_strings::CaseInsensitiveString >
 Chal::ModuleSelectEntryComprises a single entry of the module selection table
 Chal::ModuleSelectExcludeUsed to determine which modules can't be selected
 Chal::NetLayoutJunctionNetSingle net to be routed through the junction
 Chal::dataflow::NetlistAbstractionThe abstraction of the netlist that only contains gates of a specified type, e.g., flip-flops
 Chal::graph_algorithm::NetlistGraphA directed graph corresponding to a netlist
 Chal::NodeObject represents a module or a gate
 Chal::NodeBoxNode placed at a grid position within a hal view
 Chal::SMT::ModelParser::ParserContext'ParserContext' refers to the data structure that stores parser results
 Chal::PinGroup< T >
 Chal::PlacementEntryContainer class to store a PlacementHint togerther with a set of modules and gates
 Chal::PlacementHintObject provides hints for the layouter how new box objects are placed on a view. In standard mode placement is done using the most compact squere-like arrangement. Alternatively new box objects can be placed to the left or right to a node which serves as 'origin'
 Chal::PythonConsoleHistoryStores the history of python commands
 Chal::PythonContextSubscriberInterface for handling python outputs
 CQGraphicsItem [external]
 CQHash< hal::Node, CoordinateFromData > [external]
 CQHash< LaneIndex, NetLayoutJunctionOccupied > [external]
 CQHash< NetLayoutPoint, NetLayoutJunction * > [external]
 CQHash< Node, QPoint > [external]
 CQIconEngine [external]
 CQList< ContentFactory * > [external]
 CQList< ExpandingListItem * > [external]
 CQList< NetLayoutJunctionRange > [external]
 CQList< NetLayoutWire > [external]
 CQList< SettingsWidget * > [external]
 CQList< u32 > [external]
 CQList< WaitToBeSeatedEntry * > [external]
 CQMap< NetLayoutMetric, NetLayoutConnection * > [external]
 CQMap< QString, QString > [external]
 CQObject [external]
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQPoint [external]
 CQString [external]
 CQVector< NodeBox * > [external]
 Chal::dataflow::ResultResult of a dataflow analysis run
 Chal::Result< T >
 Chal::BooleanFunctionParser::TokenToken refers to a token identifier and accompanied data
 Chal::Token< T >
 Chal::TokenStream< T >
 Chal::TokenStream< ci_string >
 Chal::TokenStream< std::string >
 Chal::TokenStream< T >::TokenStreamException
 Chal::UserActionAbstract base class for user interactions
 Chal::UserActionFactoryThe UserActionFactory is the abstract base class for registration
 Chal::UserActionObjectSingle object used in UserAction
 Chal::ValidatorBase class for any string validator