Nconfiguration | |
Ncontrol | |
►Nhal | |
Nboolean_influence | |
►NBooleanFunctionParser | |
CToken | Token refers to a token identifier and accompanied data |
►Ncore_strings | |
CCaseInsensitiveCharTraits | |
►Ndataflow | |
►Nevaluation | |
CConfiguration | |
CContext | |
CResult | |
Ngroup_by_control_signals | |
Ngroup_by_input_output_size | |
Ngroup_by_successor_predecessor_known_groups | |
Ngroup_by_successors_predecessors | |
Ngroup_by_successors_predecessors_iteratively | |
Nmerge_states | |
Nmerge_successor_predecessor_groupings | |
Npre_processing | |
►Nprocessing | |
Npass_collection | |
CConfiguration | |
CContext | |
CPassConfiguration | |
CResult | |
Nremove_duplicates | |
Nscoring | |
Nsplit_by_successor_predecessor_known_groups | |
Nsplit_by_successors_predecessors | |
Nutils | |
CConfiguration | Configuration of a dataflow analysis run |
CResult | Result of a dataflow analysis run |
CGrouping | Grouping used during dataflow analysis |
CNetlistAbstraction | The abstraction of the netlist that only contains gates of a specified type, e.g., flip-flops |
CGuiLayoutLocker | |
CProgressPrinter | |
Cmeasure_block_time_t | |
Nevent_log | |
Ngate_library_manager | |
Ngate_library_parser_manager | |
Ngate_library_writer_manager | |
►Ngraph_algorithm | |
CNetlistGraph | A directed graph corresponding to a netlist |
Ngraph_widget_constants | |
NGraphicsFactory | Contains utility factory functions |
►Ngui_utility | |
CNumeratedString | |
►NGuiApiClasses | |
►CView | |
CModuleGateIdPair | |
NJsonConverter | |
Nnetlist_factory | |
Nnetlist_parser_manager | |
Nnetlist_serializer | |
Nnetlist_utils | |
Nnetlist_writer_manager | |
►Nplugin_manager | |
CPluginFeature | |
►Nresult_constructor_type | |
COK | |
CER | |
NShortestPath | |
NSimplification | |
►NSMT | |
NBitwuzla | |
NBoolector | |
NConstantPropagation | |
►NModelParser | |
CParserContext | 'ParserContext' refers to the data structure that stores parser results |
NTranslator | |
NZ3 | |
CSolver | |
CSymbolicExecution | |
CSymbolicState | |
CQueryConfig | |
CConstraint | |
CModel | |
CSolverResult | |
Nsolve_fsm | |
Nstyle | |
►Nutils | |
CRecursiveDirectoryRange | |
CDirectoryRange | |
CColor | |
CPyBasePluginInterface | |
CAction | Provides an interface for triggerable functionality that can be inserted into widgets and also connected to shortcuts |
CBaseTreeItem | (Future) Base class for all tree models related to the details widget |
CRootTreeItem | |
CBaseTreeModel | The BaseTreeModel implements generic standard functions of a tree model |
CChannelEntry | The ChannelEntry struct is used by the ChannelItem class to store a single entry |
CChannelItem | This class represents a channel in the channel model. It primarily holds the channel name and its entries |
CChannelModel | Table model for log channels |
CChannelSelector | A combobox for selecting a logger channel |
CCodeEditor | A plain text edit widget that is intended for editing code |
CCodeEditorMinimap | A minimap that supports an easier navigation in larger files |
CCodeEditorScrollbar | Represents the scrollbar of the CodeEditor |
CLineNumberArea | Shows line numbers next to a CodeEditor |
CMinimapScrollbar | The scrollbar of the CodeEditorMinimap |
CPythonQssAdapter | QSS Adapter to provide the color configurations used by the PythonSyntaxHighlighter |
CPythonSyntaxHighlighter | A syntax highlighter that fits for python code |
CCommentEntry | Encapsulated information related to a comment |
CCommentManager | |
CCommentSpeechBubble | |
CCommentColorPicker | |
CCommentDialog | |
CCommentItem | |
CCommentWidget | |
CContentAnchor | An abstract class that provides the interface for specific anchors (see SplitterAnchor or TabWidget ) |
CContentFrame | Wraps the ContentWidget class |
CContentLayoutArea | Manages the layout of all ContentWidgets |
CContentFactory | |
CExternalContent | |
CExternalContentWidget | |
CContentManager | Manages all ContentWidgets |
CContentWidget | Abstract class for Widgets within HAL's ContentArea |
CContextManagerWidget | Provides the user with an interface to manage GraphContexts |
CContextProxyModel | A proxy model to filter the ContextTableModel by a given string |
CContextDirectory | |
CContextTreeItem | |
CContextTreeModel | Base model for the ContextManagerWidget to manage GraphContexts |
CContentDragRelay | This relay provides the timing information when a DockButton is dragged. It is implemented as a singleton pattern |
CDockBar | Contains and handles DockButtons |
CDockButton | A button of in the DockerBar |
CDockMimeData | QMineData to store and transfer information while dragging a DockButton |
CSplitterAnchor | Adds specific ContentWidgets to HALs main content area |
CTabWidget | Adds specific ContentWidgets to HALs main content area |
CExpandingListButton | One button of the ExpandingListWidget |
CExpandingListItem | Wrapper for ExpandingListButtons |
CExpandingListGroup | A helper class to group related list items (buttons) |
CExpandingListWidget | A selection menu with a hierarchic structure |
CExportProjectDialog | |
CExportRegisteredFormat | Utility class to export (save) different hal files |
CFileSelectWidget | |
CImportProjectDialog | |
CFileManager | Stores information about the currently opened netlist |
CImportNetlistDialog | |
CNewProjectDialog | |
CProjectDirDialogStatus | |
CProjectDirDialog | |
CProjectJson | |
CFileModifiedBar | A dialog in form of a bar to let the user decide how to handle file changes outside of HAL |
CFileStatusManager | Holds information about the state (e.g. saved/unsaved) of all laded files (i.e. .hal/.python files) |
CLabeledFrame | A QFrame with a label |
CGatelibraryContentWidget | |
CGatelibraryComponentFrame | |
CGatelibraryFrameFF | |
CGatelibraryFrameInit | |
CGateLibraryFrameLatch | |
CGatelibraryFrameLut | |
CGateLibraryFrameRAM | |
CGateLibraryFrameRAMPort | |
CGatelibraryFrameState | |
CGatelibraryGraphicsView | |
CGateLibraryLabel | |
CGateLibraryManager | |
CBooleanFunctionEdit | |
CBoolWizardPage | |
CFlipFlopWizardPage | |
►CListPropertyModel | |
CListPropertyEntry | |
CListPropertyProxy | |
CGeneralInfoWizardPage | |
CInitWizardPage | |
CLatchWizardPage | |
CLUTWizardPage | |
CPinsWizardPage | |
►CRAMPortWizardPage | |
CRAMPort | |
CRAMWizardPage | |
CStateWizardPage | |
CGatelibraryProxyModel | Helper model to make filtering available |
CGateLibrarySelectionEntry | |
CGateLibrarySelectionTable | |
CGateLibrarySelection | |
CGatelibraryFrameGeneral | |
CGatelibraryFrameBoolean | |
CGateLibraryTabGeneral | |
CGateLibraryTabInterface | |
CPinTreeView | |
CGateLibraryTabPin | |
CGatelibraryLutInit | |
CGateLibraryTabTruthTable | |
CGatelibraryTableModel | A model to display loaded gatelibraries |
CGatelibraryTableView | |
CGateLibraryWizard | |
CGraphTabWidget | A ContentWidget that holds all GraphWidget objects (GraphView) as tabs of a QTabWidget |
CGraphContext | Logical container for modules, gates, and nets |
CDragController | |
CGraphContextManager | User interface to manage all GraphContexts |
CGraphContextSerializer | |
CGraphGraphicsViewNeighborSelector | |
CGraphGraphicsView | A view to display the rendered graph (needs a GraphicsScene) |
CGraphNavigationTableWidget | A widget used to select destinations when traversing through the graph |
CGraphNavigationTreeWidget | |
CGraphNavigationWidget | |
CGraphWidget | Wraps a GraphContext and a GraphGraphicsView |
CGraphicsQssAdapter | Connects the stylesheet properties with the code |
CGraphicsScene | Container for a GraphGraphicsView containing gates, nets, and modules |
CGraphicsItem | Superclass for all graphic items used ins the GraphicsScene. It contains information about the underlying objects that are represented, i.e. the type and the id |
CArrowSeparatedNet | Used to display all nets which destinations are not in the current view |
CCircleSeparatedNet | Used to display all nets which destinations are not in the current view |
►CGraphicsNet | The basic net class all other nets inherit from |
CVisuals | |
CLabeledSeparatedNet | Nets whose output and input can be labeled (e.g. from GND/VCC) |
CSeparatedGraphicsNet | Abstract base class for separated nets (e.g. ArrowSeparatedNet) |
CStandardArrowNet | A standard net that has parts of a separated net |
►CStandardGraphicsNet | The most basic net to display the standard nets |
CHLine | |
CLines | |
CVLine | |
CGraphicsGate | Abstract base class for gates |
CStandardGraphicsGate | The standard gate to visualize netlist gates |
►CGraphicsNode | Abstract base class for nodes (e.g. gates, modules) |
CVisuals | |
►CGraphicsModule | Abstract base class for modules |
CModulePin | |
CStandardGraphicsModule | The standard module to visualize netlist modules |
CNodeDragShadow | An item that is drawn when a node is dragged through the scene |
CLayoutLockerManager | |
CLayoutLocker | |
CCoordinateFromData | Utility class that extracts (if possible) x and y coordinates contained in the netlist |
CCoordinateFromDataMap | Utility class that stores the nodes that contained existing x and y coordinates |
CGraphLayouter | Base class for all specific layouters |
CDrawNetThread | |
CJunctionThread | |
CLaneIndex | |
CNetLayoutJunctionRange | |
CNetLayoutJunctionWire | |
CNetLayoutJunctionEntries | |
CNetLayoutJunctionMultiPin | |
CNetLayoutJunctionNet | Single net to be routed through the junction |
CNetLayoutJunctionOccupied | |
►CNetLayoutJunctionOccupiedHash | |
CAddOrMerge | |
CNetLayoutJunction | |
CNetLayoutJunctionHash | |
CNetLayoutDirection | |
CNetLayoutPoint | |
CNetLayoutWire | |
CNetLayoutConnection | |
CNetLayoutMetric | |
CNetLayoutConnectionFactory | |
CNetLayoutConnectionMetric | |
CNodeBox | Node placed at a grid position within a hal view |
CNodeBoxes | Owns all NodeBox'es from hal view |
CPhysicalGraphLayouter | A specific implementation of a layouter |
CPositionGenerator | |
CStandardGraphLayouter | The standard layouter used to layout netlists |
CWaitToBeSeatedEntry | |
CWaitToBeSeatedList | |
CAbstractBusyIndicator | |
CProgressBar | |
CBusyAnimation | |
CBusyIndicator | |
►CGraphShader | Base class to store and update visual information about the graph |
CShading | |
CModuleShader | Specifically stores/updates visual information about a module and its items |
CShadowEffect | Creates a shadow effect around QObjects |
CGroupingColorDelegate | Displays a colored box for the GroupingManagerWidget |
CGroupingColorSerializer | |
CGroupingManagerWidget | User interface for Groupings |
CGroupingProxyModel | Helper model to make filtering available |
CGroupingTableEntry | An entry within a GroupingTableModel |
CGroupingTableModel | Table that holds information about all groupings |
CGroupingTableHistory | |
CGroupingTableView | |
CGroupingDialog | |
CGuiApi | Interface to interact with the gui itself |
CNode | Object represents a module or a gate |
CGridPlacement | |
CPlacementHint | Object provides hints for the layouter how new box objects are placed on a view. In standard mode placement is done using the most compact squere-like arrangement. Alternatively new box objects can be placed to the left or right to a node which serves as 'origin' |
CPlacementEntry | Container class to store a PlacementHint togerther with a set of modules and gates |
CCommonSuccessorPredecessorGateQueue | |
CCommonSuccessorPredecessor | |
CSpecialLogContentManager | Logs the python editor and gui screenshots |
CComboboxDialog | |
CInputDialog | Generic input dialog for user input |
CPingroupSelectorDialog | |
CKeybindEdit | A widget to set or configure key shortcuts |
CLabelButton | Adds button functionality to a QLabel |
CLoggerMarshall | Appends log messages to the corresponding LoggerWidget |
CLoggerQssAdapter | Connects the stylesheet properties to the log designs |
CLoggerSettings | |
CLoggerWidget | Displays the logs in the gui |
CAboutDialog | A dialog that displays the Qt version and our open source license |
CColorSelection | |
CFileActions | |
CKeyValueTable | |
CMainWindow | The top level widget |
CPluginParameterFileDialog | |
CPluginParameterNodeDialog | |
CPluginParameterDialog | |
CModuleContextMenu | |
CGateDialog | Opens a popup window for module selection |
CGateSelectEntry | Comprises a single entry of the module selection table |
CGateSelectModel | Source model for module selection |
CGateSelectProxy | Allows sorting and filtering of module tables |
CGateSelectReceiver | |
CGateSelectPicker | Instance gets spawned to pick module from graph |
CGateSelectHistory | Singleton comprises a list of user selected modules |
CGateSelectView | Table widget for module selection |
CAddToModuleReceiver | |
CModuleDialog | Opens a popup window for module selection |
CModuleSelectEntry | Comprises a single entry of the module selection table |
CModuleSelectExclude | Used to determine which modules can't be selected |
CModuleSelectModel | Source model for module selection |
CModuleSelectProxy | Allows sorting and filtering of module tables |
CModuleSelectReceiver | |
CModuleSelectPicker | Instance gets spawned to pick module from graph |
CModuleSelectHistory | Singleton comprises a list of user selected modules |
CModuleSelectView | Table widget for module selection |
CModuleColorManager | |
CModuleColorSerializer | |
CModuleItem | An item in the ModuleModel |
CModuleModel | A model for displaying multiple netlist elements |
CModuleProxyModel | Enables filtering in the ModuleModel |
CModuleTreeView | Wraps the QTreeView used for the ModuleWidget |
CModuleWidget | Shows the modules of the netlist hierarchical in a tree view |
CNetlistRelay | Connects the hal-core events to the gui |
COverlay | The Overlay overlays its parent |
CWidgetOverlay | Container for a QWidget that overlays another one |
CPinDelegate | |
CPinItem | An item in the PinModel |
CPinModel | |
CPinProxyModel | A proxy model to filter the ContextTableModel by a given string |
CGuiPluginEntry | |
CGuiPluginDelegate | |
CSupportedFileFormats | |
CGuiPluginTable | |
CGuiPluginView | |
CGuiPluginManager | |
CPluginRelay | Forwards plugin related events from the core to the gui |
CPyCodeProvider | |
CPythonCodeEditor | Code editor to write python code |
CPythonConsoleAbortThread | |
CPythonConsole | An interactable python console |
CPythonConsoleHistory | Stores the history of python commands |
CPythonConsoleQssAdapter | Connects the stylesheet properties to the console code |
CPythonConsoleWidget | Wraps the PythonConsole |
CPythonGateSelectionReceiver | |
CPythonModuleSelectionReceiver | |
CPythonContextSubscriber | Interface for handling python outputs |
CPythonSerializer | |
CPythonEditor | Main widget that combines all neccessary functionality to develop in python (for hal) |
CPythonEditorCodeCompletionDialog | Dialog for python code completion |
CPythonMutex | |
CPythonThread | |
CSearchProxyModel | |
CSearchableLabel | |
CSearchbar | A QFrame with a QLineEdit that can be used to input a substring to search for |
CSearchColumnDialog | |
CSearchOptions | |
CSearchOptionsDialog | |
►CDataTableModel | A model to display the data of a DataContainer |
CDataEntry | |
CDataTableWidget | A widget to display the data of a DataContainer (Module, Gate or Net) |
CDetailsFrameWidget | |
CDetailsTabWidget | |
CDetailsTableUtilities | Helper class consisting of usefull details-related functions |
CGateDetailsTabWidget | The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Gate details |
CBooleanFunctionTable | A table view that shows BooleanFunctions and clear-preset behaviors |
CBooleanFunctionTableEntry | An entry in the boolean function table model |
CBooleanFunctionEntry | A BooleanFunctionTableEntry that represents a boolean function |
CFFComponentEntry | A entry type that represents properties (functions and behaviors) of an FFCompont |
CLatchComponentEntry | An entry type that represents properties (functions or behaviors) of a LatchComponent |
CCPBehaviorEntry | A BooleanFunctionTableEntry that represents a clear-preset behavior |
CStateComponentEntry | Utility class that represents a state of the StateComponent |
CBooleanFunctionTableModel | A model that holds BooleanFunctions and clear-preset behaviors |
CGateInfoTable | |
CGatePinTree | A widget to display the pins of a given gate |
CLUTTableModel | A model for truth-tables |
CLUTTableWidget | A view for truth-tables (based on the LUTTableModel) |
CPinTreeItem | |
CGatePinsTreeModel | A model to display the pins of a gate |
CGeneralTableWidget | |
CGroupingsOfItemModel | A TableModel to store all Groupings that contain a specified Gate, Net or Module |
CGroupingsOfItemWidget | A TableView to display all groupings that contain a specified Gate, Net or Module |
CModuleDetailsTabWidget | The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Module details |
CFilterElementsProxyModel | Enables filtering of nets or gates in the ModuleModel |
CModuleElementsTree | A widget to display the specific (direct submodules, gates) items of a given module |
CModuleInfoTable | |
CModulePinsTree | A widget to display the ports of a given module |
CPortTreeItem | |
CModulePinsTreeModel | A model to represent the ports of a module |
CNetDetailsTabWidget | The DetailsTabWidget that is responsible for showing Module details |
CEndpointTableModel | A model to display endpoint data |
CModuleTableModel | A model to display module data |
CNetEndpointTable | |
CNetInfoTable | |
CNetModuleTable | |
CSelectionDetailsIconProvider | |
CSelectionDetailsWidget | Container for all specific details widgets |
CSelectionTreeProxyModel | Enables filtering of the SelectionTreeModel |
CSelectionTreeView | Displays the current selection |
CSelectionRelay | Stores and manages the gui's selection state |
CAssignedKeybindMap | A map to keep track of the assigned keybinds |
CMainSettingsList | List that contains all SettingsWidgets |
CMainSettingsWidget | The top-level widget that displays all settings |
CPreviewWidget | Unused |
CSettingsDisplay | Unused |
CSettingsItem | The interface for the logical part of a setting |
CSettingsItemCheckbox | A SettingsItem representing a Checkbox |
CSettingsItemDropdown | A SettingsItem that represents a dropdown menu |
CSettingsItemKeybind | A SettingsItem to modify keybinds |
CSettingsItemSlider | A SettingsItem representing a slider |
CSettingsItemSpinbox | A SettingsItem that represents a spinbox |
CSettingsItemText | A SettingsItem that represents a textfield |
CSettingsManager | Manages and persists the settings on the lowest level |
CSettingsWidget | The base class for all specific SettingsWidgets |
CSettingsWidgetCheckbox | A SettingsWidget representing a checkbox |
CSettingsWidgetDropdown | A SettingsWidget representing a dropdown menu |
CSettingsWidgetKeybind | A setting to configure keybinds |
CSettingsWidgetSlider | A SettingsWidget representing a slider |
CSettingsWidgetSpinbox | A SettingsWidget representing a spinbox |
CSettingsWidgetText | A SettingsWidget representing a textfield |
CSeveritySelector | |
CSpinnerWidget | A loading wheel |
CSplitter | A QSplitter that can be checked if it is unused or not |
CSvgIconEngine | Creates Icons from svg data |
CToolbar | Toolbar for all ContentFrames and ContentWidgets |
CActionAddBooleanFunction | Either adds a new function or changes an exisiting function of a given gate |
CActionAddBooleanFunctionFactory | The ActionAddBooleanFunctionFactory class |
CActionAddItemsToObject | Adds an item to a module or grouping |
CActionAddItemsToObjectFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionAddItemsToObject |
CActionCreateObject | Create a new item |
CActionCreateObjectFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionCreateObject |
CActionDeleteObject | Deletes an object |
CActionDeleteObjectFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionDeleteObject |
CActionFoldModule | Folds a module |
CActionFoldModuleFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionFoldModule |
CActionMoveItem | Moves a node |
CActionMoveItemFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionMoveItem |
CActionMoveNode | Moves a node |
CActionMoveNodeFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionMoveNode |
CActionOpenNetlistFile | Loads a netlist |
CActionOpenNetlistFileFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionOpenNetlistFile |
CPinActionType | |
CActionPingroup | Pingroup user actions |
CActionPingroupFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionPingroup |
CActionRemoveItemsFromObject | Removes an item from a Module or Grouping |
CActionRemoveItemsFromObjectFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionRemoveItemsFromObject |
CActionRenameObject | Renames an item |
CActionRenameObjectFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionRenameObject |
CActionSetObjectColor | Recolors the object |
CActionSetObjectColorFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionSetObjectColor |
CActionSetObjectData | |
CActionSetObjectDataFactory | The ActionSetObjectDataFactory class |
CActionSetObjectType | Assigns a new type to a module |
CActionSetObjectTypeFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionSetObjectType |
CActionSetSelectionFocus | Set the selection and focus |
CActionSetSelectionFocusFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionSetSelectionFocus |
CActionUnfoldModule | Unfolds a module |
CActionUnfoldModuleFactory | UserActionFactory for ActionUnfoldModule |
CUserAction | Abstract base class for user interactions |
CUserActionFactory | The UserActionFactory is the abstract base class for registration |
CUserActionCompound | |
CUserActionCompoundFactory | |
CUserActionManager | Handles and manages user actions related proccesses |
CUserActionObjectType | Type for UserActionObject |
CUserActionObject | Single object used in UserAction |
CEmptyStringValidator | Checks if a given string is not empty |
CHexadecimalValidator | |
CStackedValidator | Combines different validators into one |
CUniqueStringValidator | Checks if a given string is unique compared to other given strings |
CValidator | Base class for any string validator |
CGetInTouchItem | One item in the welcome screen's GetInTouch section |
CGetInTouchWidget | The welcome screen's GetInTouch section |
COpenFileWidget | The welcome screen's OpenFile section |
CRecentFileItem | One item in the welcome screen's RecentFiles section |
CRecentFilesWidget | The welcome screen's RecentFiles section |
CWelcomeScreen | Hal's welcome screen |
CWidget | A QWidget customized for hal |
CBooleanInfluencePlugin | Plugin interface for the Boolean influence plugin |
CCliExtensionDataflow | |
CGuiExtensionDataflow | |
CDataflowPlugin | Plugin interface for the dataflow analysis plugin (DANA) |
CSolveFsmPlugin | Plugin interface for the solve FSM plugin |
CHGLParser | |
CHGLParserExtension | |
CHGLParserPlugin | |
CHGLParserTest | |
CHGLWriter | |
CHGLWriterExtension | |
CHGLWriterPlugin | |
CHGLWriterTest | |
CGraphAlgorithmPlugin | Plugin interface for graph algorithms |
CVerilogParserExtension | |
CVerilogParserPlugin | |
CVerilogParser | |
CVerilogParserTest | |
CVerilogWriterExtension | |
CVerilogWriterPlugin | |
CVerilogWriter | |
CVerilogWriterTest | |
CVHDLParserExtension | |
CVHDLParserPlugin | |
CVHDLParser | |
CVHDLParserTest | |
CLibertyParser | |
CLibertyParserExtension | |
CLibertyParserPlugin | |
CLibertyParserTest | |
►CBooleanFunction | |
CNode | |
CNodeType | |
CDataContainer | |
CBooleanFunctionDecorator | |
CBooleanFunctionNetDecorator | |
CNetlistModificationDecorator | |
CNetlistTraversalDecorator | |
CSubgraphNetlistDecorator | |
CEndpoint | |
CNetlistEvent | |
CGateEvent | |
CNetEvent | |
CModuleEvent | |
CGroupingEvent | |
CEventHandler | |
CGate | |
CPinChangedEvent | |
CPinChangedEventScope | |
CGateLibrary | |
CGateLibraryParser | |
CGateLibraryWriter | |
CGateType | |
CFFComponent | |
CGateTypeComponent | |
CInitComponent | |
CLatchComponent | |
CLUTComponent | |
CMACComponent | |
CRAMComponent | |
CRAMPortComponent | |
CStateComponent | |
CGrouping | |
CModule | |
CNet | |
CNetlist | |
CNetlistInternalManager | |
CNetlistParser | |
CNetlistWriter | |
CGroupingSerializer | |
CBasePin | |
CGatePin | |
CModulePin | |
CPinGroup | |
CProjectManager | |
CProjectSerializer | |
CAbstractExtensionInterface | |
CCliExtensionInterface | |
CAbstractFactoryProvider | |
CFacFactoryProvider | File-Access Factory class |
CFacExtensionInterface | |
CContextMenuContribution | |
CGuiExtensionInterface | |
CBasePluginInterface | |
CUIPluginInterface | |
CPluginParameter | |
CRuntimeLibrary | |
CCallbackHook | |
CCallbackHook< R(ArgTypes...)> | |
CEnumStrings | |
CError | |
CJsonWriteData | |
CJsonWriteComplex | |
CJsonWriteObject | |
CJsonWriteArray | |
CJsonWriteDocument | |
►CLogManager | |
Clog_sink | |
Clog_gui_sink | |
CProgramArguments | |
CProgramOptions | |
CProjectDirectory | |
CResult | |
CToken | |
►CTokenStream | |
CTokenStreamException | |
Nnetlist_factory | |
Nnetlist_serializer | |
NQt | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< hal::core_strings::CaseInsensitiveString > | |
Ntest | |
Ntest_multiple | |
Ntest_plugin | |
Nutils | |